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An flying unit idea

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Level 6
Apr 14, 2017
I had an idea of creating a flying unit, a heavy bomber that basically acts like an orc burrow, you would have several (aerial) units inside firing at any enemy flying units that come close while it would also have a weapon (independent of the units which occupy it) that is able to target only ground units, I know that only units with a peon classification can enter the burrow but what I like to know is; is it possible to create this type of unit using the editor? I've tried several other (completely different) idea but due to the way wc3 works they either couldn't be implemented or just didn't work out as intended, so is this possible to achieve using the world editor?
Level 7
Mar 10, 2013
To be honest, I'm really not sure of what the World Editor is not capable of. There are several ways to accomplish your idea, you must use your imagination regarding the solution, and a bit JASS sometimes.
Level 6
Apr 14, 2017
I've spend some time trying to make this, but the farthest I've gotten was basically creating a siege tank which only fires when a specific unit is inside it, and whose rate of fire increases as more of that unit type board it. I don't know maybe I just need to mess with the abilities more, but I don't wanna waste my time on something that might be impossible due to editor limitations.

@Mechanical Man Yes, for Tales of Silventria
Level 7
Mar 10, 2013
I've spend some time trying to make this, but the farthest I've gotten was basically creating a siege tank which only fires when a specific unit is inside it, and whose rate of fire increases as more of that unit type board it. I don't know maybe I just need to mess with the abilities more, but I don't wanna waste my time on something that might be impossible due to editor limitations.

@Mechanical Man Yes, for Tales of Silventria
It's hard to believe that you've reached the editor limitations. While you can use JASS, the possibilities are endless. Of course, with GUI it can be a little restrictive, but I kid you not, I'm almost sure any idea you got until now is possible to achieve with the right knowledge.
Level 7
Jan 23, 2011
You can use triggers, forget about burrow.
Create your bomber with both attack disableds

Detect when a unit is loaded into your transporting unit, add an orb ability activating the attack 1, and you can also add firing rate with an attack speed ability like you already do.

Do you want the "second weapon" to be a normal attack??
Level 6
Apr 14, 2017
Thanks, I think I can get this done using this new approach.

The second attack is basically dropping bombs on whatever ground units are below the bomber, this attack should be enabled at all times.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
This would be trivial in StarCraft II as it is nothing more than a mobile bunker...

If the units are loaded automatically on construction you could use triggers to make and load dummy peons and then remove the ability to unload them. You could also try giving it a phoenix fire based ability instead, however this does spell damage instead of some kind of attack damage. In worst case one could use triggers to periodically move dummy units using SetUnitX/Y (might need custom script) to be under the bombers.
Level 7
Mar 10, 2013
This would be trivial in StarCraft II as it is nothing more than a mobile bunker...

If the units are loaded automatically on construction you could use triggers to make and load dummy peons and then remove the ability to unload them. You could also try giving it a phoenix fire based ability instead, however this does spell damage instead of some kind of attack damage. In worst case one could use triggers to periodically move dummy units using SetUnitX/Y (might need custom script) to be under the bombers.
As I said, not impossible at all...
It's hard to think that someone believes they can reach the World Editor limitations.
Level 8
Jan 28, 2016
Not sure if you discovered this yet but flying units cannot load onto transports. Unfortunately, it's a hard-coded limit of the game so you'll probably have to do some triggering to get around this.
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