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Allies and Enemies

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Level 5
Jun 21, 2013
I made a map that has 3 different forces, which start allied, but I want to make player able to "betray" their forces and befriend with somebody from another force. However, Allies (F11) is disabled (I assume because I split the players in Forces, but I'm not completely sure).
How do i make this happen?
Level 5
Jun 21, 2013
In force properties, if you have "Fixed Forces" unticked it may allow you to change forces in game. But this will also mean that the 'host' of the map can change computer players to Human players and change human players to computers from the lobby.

I don't have "Fixed Forces" option inside Force Properties, I Have "Use Custom Forces" ticked and "Fixed Player Properties" unticked.

Is it possible to, somehow, set the game up, so there can exist cross-Force alliances? It would have the same effect.
Level 11
Jun 2, 2013
Yeah, I was talking about the Fixed Player Properties. Having Custom Forces ticked basically dictates how your map will treat the alliances

Your best bet is configuring your game forces through triggers, especially if you plan on having alliances that can vary. It may be more work but you will have more flexibility and a better result.
Level 5
Jun 21, 2013
Yeah, I was talking about the Fixed Player Properties. Having Custom Forces ticked basically dictates how your map will treat the alliances

Your best bet is configuring your game forces through triggers, especially if you plan on having alliances that can vary. It may be more work but you will have more flexibility and a better result.

Ok, then I'll do that. Thx for help.
Level 13
Oct 16, 2010
Just a suggestion... you could have 3 player groups that could hold your forces. You could easily set these at the start of the game and their alliances would already be done.

Then when they betray their team you could remove them from the player group, pick every player in the group and change their alliances towards eachother. Pretty much the same when making an ally, remove them from their current player group and change their alliances to everyone in that group, add them to the new group and change their alliances to everyone in that group.

Could work
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