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Level 7
Apr 12, 2017
@Zepher I played it and had a very hard time getting past the 3 chapters where you fight the furbolg clan, un-nessasary difficult missions...
Level 7
May 14, 2019
You got part of it right, but modifying fortified armor to take no damage from those two attack types would drastically alter the game-play so no. Look at how else you could get the same result, think about it, and then answer.

Ok I think I know; modify "normal" armor into some special type of fortified armor and give it to the palace.

@Zepher I played it and had a very hard time getting past the 3 chapters where you fight the furbolg clan, un-nessasary difficult missions...

Yea, what makes these particularly hard is that although the furbolgs don't have any extremely strong units they have the "elder shaman" or whatever hes called who has a load of hp, spell immunity, load of mana, and can cast slow, healing wave, spell steal, as well as entangling roots. Also they have some really hard to attack positions, and can build their guard towers in shallow water.



Level 7
Apr 12, 2017
its not the elder shaman, i can rid of them real easily by focusing my units attack on them -its that their bases are really difficult to attack, they control all the strategically important locations on the maps plus they are well fortified, and yes the guard towers in shallow water are a major annoyance
Level 7
May 14, 2019
Idk I agree with you, but the shaman definitely tilt the battle in their favor, constantly slow your units and heal theirs. Also one thing that worked for me is using catapults in all 3 missions, have your heroes and tanks rush the furbolgs while your catapults focus fire on their defences
Level 9
Mar 17, 2017
Ok I think I know; modify "normal" armor into some special type of fortified armor and give it to the palace.

Yes, we created "Enchanted armor" a special armor type that takes no damage from magic and piercing, and takes reduced damage from all other attack types besides chaos; but the only unit to have it is the palace, we thought about giving it to the towers as well but decided against it because it would add unnecessary difficulty to an already hard mission.
Level 9
Mar 17, 2017
yes, otherwise the player would attack the palace with air units, and easy victory, even with 5,000hp it would go down if it was constantly attacked
Level 7
May 14, 2019
Why didnt you just disable all air units for the player, that way there's really no way for that to happen
Level 9
Mar 17, 2017
Are you kidding me? It would kill the game-play, additionally this was supposed to be one of the final missions where the player is allowed to go all out, you can't just remove air units, you just have to make sure that the player can't use a cheap strategy where he storms the most important building in the mission with them.
Level 7
May 14, 2019
Ok, you're right, I agree with you but only because of the final missions point

You cant be going "all out" if you can't use your air units



Level 7
Apr 12, 2017
i know this is kinda ot. but is there an easy (or at least a non difficult) strategy to beat the furbolgs in the sacred forest chapter? maybe im just not good at these missions but it took me over 15 tries to win without whosyourdaddy, and winning took me over 2 hours, i am being totally serious too
Level 7
May 14, 2019
Heres what worked for me:

Make sure Adren has the emerald of healing from the previous mission as this allows you to cast healing wave and keep your units fighting longer, also if possible get the granite figurine item (by beating Hydrus the destroyer 3 missions earlier) as it let's you summon a granite golem. When the mission starts get all your forces and rush the northwestern base, while you do this make sure to research all the upgrades, although their hero has reincarnation this shouldnt a problem because he starts at level 5, it might take you a few tries but your starting forces of swordsman, archers, and knights should be able to wipe out that base as long as you command them right and focus fire, it might take you a few tries but with any luck you should level the base and still have your hero and 2 or 3 units remain. At this point you're gonna have a much easier battle; now you have less enemies, thus less attack waves to worry about, you got yourself a 2nd goldmine, also the base has a merchant shop in the back so you can buy some good items. With that being done the mission gets much easier, sure you still got 3 bases to go, but trust me it will take you much less than 2 hours.



Level 7
Apr 12, 2017
Heres what worked for me:

Make sure Adren has the emerald of healing from the previous mission as this allows you to cast healing wave and keep your units fighting longer, also if possible get the granite figurine item (by beating Hydrus the destroyer 3 missions earlier) as it let's you summon a granite golem. When the mission starts get all your forces and rush the northwestern base, while you do this make sure to research all the upgrades, although their hero has reincarnation this shouldnt a problem because he starts at level 5, it might take you a few tries but your starting forces of swordsman, archers, and knights should be able to wipe out that base as long as you command them right and focus fire, it might take you a few tries but with any luck you should level the base and still have your hero and 2 or 3 units remain. At this point you're gonna have a much easier battle; now you have less enemies, thus less attack waves to worry about, you got yourself a 2nd goldmine, also the base has a merchant shop in the back so you can buy some good items. With that being done the mission gets much easier, sure you still got 3 bases to go, but trust me it will take you much less than 2 hours.

Thanks, this made it easier, is there any other tips you can give me to for this mission??
Level 7
May 14, 2019
The only other thing is there is an item the enemies drop at random, I cant recall the name but it allows you to cast charm but only once (it has 1 charge) charming an elder shaman may make things easier for you since they are so useful, also the main base has this furbolg chieftain unit, it has spell immunity, hardened skin and a very useful command aura (+20% to your normal attack I believe) but it lacks resistant skin so ironically you can charm it, but I think there's like 3 of these units on the whole map
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Level 9
Mar 17, 2017
Back to the topic: Like @Zepher suggested have an airship that can only target 1 air unit with a piercing attack and 1 ground unit with a siege attack, but also give it a fan of knives ability that can "bomb" all ground units below it, it wont be abused because it has a cooldown but at the same time this makes it very practical not to mention powerful against ground units.
Level 7
May 14, 2019
That should work, just make sure you test it and everything

Testing is one of the most tedious parts but it's the only way to prevent errors down the line, I've worked on stuff and skipped the testing then it took me hours upon hours to figure out the error
Level 12
Jun 20, 2017
My advice is try looking at destructors from Legend of Arkain, its under hosted projects here in the forum, or if you don't wanna play or use the editor look it up on youtube.

That should work, just make sure you test it and everything

Testing is one of the most tedious parts but it's the only way to prevent errors down the line, I've worked on stuff and skipped the testing then it took me hours upon hours to figure out the error

I completely agree with that, even though it just an airship make sure there are no bugs/glitches associated with it, because those will be harder to detect and fix during later stages

When I was working on Silventria I was tested this one map where you had to destroy several structures (similar to fountains of mana) to win, and it was basically you, one allied computer player against 3 enemy players. The neutral hostile on this map had this Aeromancer unit, just like most spellcasters it had 3 spells, but one of them was bugged. For some reason no body tested for it, and once I began testing this map I noticed that sooner or later it would crash. Let me just tell you it took several tedious days to identify the problem, partially because it looked like the game would crash at random, after lots of work it turned out that your ally or enemy would run into these neutral hostile enemies very early in the game and if the Aeromancer used that spell the game crashed. The whole point to this was that if someone would just test the spell I wouldnt have to waste hours upon hours trying to find the bug.
Level 4
May 13, 2019
I watched a video of this unit on YouTube, just having a unit like that around will automatically tilt the balance if favor of whoever has it, just look at the range on that thing it's over 900, additionally a siege type attack 1000 health and medium armor, this just spells op
Level 7
May 14, 2019
that's a bad example, but if the range was shorter and the armor type was light it would be much better balanced...I think that's what you're aiming for @Raydin
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