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Aeon Legends

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Level 17
Nov 11, 2010
Sounds awesome Raven! The abilities from what is shown look pretty cool.
I shall follow this project :)

P.S If you don't mind me asking, what font is that? Looks very snazzy!
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Level 15
Oct 16, 2010
Playable ALPHA version is up (you can find a download link at the bottom of the main post). Please remember this is only an ALPHA version and much of the game is still unfinished. A.I. support, item recipies, gem socketing, pvp rewards, and many other things have yet to be implemented.

Please tell me what you think and give any comments/criticisms ^-^

thanks for the suggestion, i'll take a look at it


no idea what font it was, i'll check next time I have photoshop up
Level 17
Nov 11, 2010
Ah okay fair enough.

Just regarding the map, when I try open it up I see no slots and it doesn't appear to work. Is this just me? o:
Level 17
Nov 11, 2010
Alright so I've played it with all the heroes, they all look very nice by the way :)
There are a few slight problems though (I know it's in alpha but I feel as though they are worth mentioning) -

  • 'Pantheon' (Warrior) doesn't have a gameplay portrait, it varies out from different body parts.
  • Whenever a creep on my team dies, I gain gold, even if the creep is on the other side of the map.
  • Random creeps appear at the top right, I'm going to presume it's a bug.

With that being said though - the game does look gorgeous. Nice work so far Raven0 :)
Level 15
Oct 16, 2010
'Pantheon' (Warrior) doesn't have a gameplay portrait, it varies out from different body parts.

I requested a portrait in the requests section. Hopefully it will be answered ^-^

Whenever a creep on my team dies, I gain gold, even if the creep is on the other side of the map.

You don't actually gain gold you just see the gold text. This is because I have custom coded my own bounty system so that I can alter the values in-game whenver I need to. I will try and local player the gold floating txt function.

Random creeps appear at the top right, I'm going to presume it's a bug.
It's part of my unit handling system, you'r not supposed to be able to see them. I will try and place them someplace else so you can't.

Thanks for your feedback. I am actively working on adding recipies, the socketing system, and A.I. functionality
Level 20
Jul 6, 2009
This map really looks good,i like the fact that everything is custom.


You should add an effect to Timewarp,also maybe add damage upon arriving to target point.

Regent Lord

Death coil can be casted on enemies.


Add the shocking effect to each hit target so it really looks like the they've been struck by lightning.


Smokescreen should be based on an AoE spell so you can see which units it will affect.
Shadowdance should have less delay per strike,currently doesn't seem really good; you can increase the speed and number of hits but decrease damage per hit. Also maybe an effect on each strike on target unit.


In my opinion,Eclipse should be based on Moonstone item ability so the effect reverts after some time making it artificial night.


Arrow storm could work like - ranger players Stand Victory animation (shoots arrows in the sky) and after a short delay,the arrows fall onto target area.
Also the normal projectile could use an arc.
In ultimate spell,Raven is mentioned while the hero name is Jasmine :p


Typo in ultimate tooltip - "Agaisnt" instead of "Against"


Effect from Juju spell seems to follow target's facing and animations which makes it look bad when the unit changes facing or attacks.


Typo in ultimate - "Leorics" instead of "Leoric's"
Also i'm not sure,but it seems that Cleave spell deals additional damage to attacked target too.

Except that,heroes like Zeus,Ranger and Shaman need sound and effect when their normal projectile hits the target.

Oh and...in several games i've played,i noticed my name on multiboard wasn't always correct. Sometimes instead of WorldEdit it was just World,or one game my name changed to color code prefix
Level 15
Oct 16, 2010
You should add an effect to Timewarp,also maybe add damage upon arriving to target point.

I thought so too. This ability will have additional effects for the release. Don't know about the damage part.

Death coil can be casted on enemies.

Your supposed to be able to. The idea is that if you cast dark gift on an enemy, then death coil will actually damage them.

Add the shocking effect to each hit target so it really looks like the they've been struck by lightning.

will do

Smokescreen should be based on an AoE spell so you can see which units it will affect.

will do

Shadowdance should have less delay per strike,currently doesn't seem really good; you can increase the speed and number of hits but decrease damage per hit. Also maybe an effect on each strike on target unit.

Agreed, i'll make it faster. I am actively trying to find a good blood effect to show on each hit. I've tried a few before but none of them worked out.

In my opinion,Eclipse should be based on Moonstone item ability so the effect reverts after some time making it artificial night.

Could you elaborate? I can easily base it off moonstone, but I don't understand what the effect difference is atm

Arrow storm could work like - ranger players Stand Victory animation (shoots arrows in the sky) and after a short delay,the arrows fall onto target area.

While this would look cool, I don't want players to have to wait that long for an ability to proc (even if it's just a second or two), especially for an ability like arrow storm where the units might move out of the AoE by the time the arrows hit.

Also the normal projectile could use an arc.

I haven't implemented parabola capabilities in my custom missile yet but I am planning on doing it later in the development process.

In ultimate spell,Raven is mentioned while the hero name is Jasmine :p

will fix

Typo in ultimate tooltip - "Agaisnt" instead of "Against"

will fix

Effect from Juju spell seems to follow target's facing and animations which makes it look bad when the unit changes facing or attacks.

ya I noticed this too I just haven't gotten around to fixing it. I'll address this problem tonight.

Typo in ultimate - "Leorics" instead of "Leoric's"

will fix

Also i'm not sure,but it seems that Cleave spell deals additional damage to attacked target too.

I've double-checked the code, it doesn't.

Except that,heroes like Zeus,Ranger and Shaman need sound and effect when their normal projectile hits the target.

Ya I need to iron-out some of the sound problems with the custom missile. I'll get to this eventually.

Oh and...in several games i've played,i noticed my name on multiboard wasn't always correct. Sometimes instead of WorldEdit it was just World,or one game my name changed to color code prefix

Has happened to me as well and I have no idea what causes it. I'll do some searching to see if anybody else has had this problem

Thanks alot for your feedback, it was extremely helpful. Aside from the glitches you guys have reported, I am also working on a character menu that each player will have that will display their hero's custom stats (like magic, mp5, etc.), implementing the socketing system, and adding several test-recipies. I will update the alpha tonight.
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
I played the Shaman, and despite the icons and the effects looking pretty, I didn't really feel that this hero had much... meh, I can't find the words for it. Read why in the following:

  • the Shaman is pretty much based on healing only abilities, which, though useful in battles, kind of brings a whole element of "dependency" in the game. If you're a little puzzled, just imagine in heavy battle sequences - players may demand the need of a Shaman in the beginning of the game, binding players into a "RPG" mindset (needing a healer to do anything).
  • a Shaman can also easily unbalance the game. If one team has a Shaman, and the other is without a healer, players on the team with the Shaman have the benefit of heals. So a Shaman will just lurk around, healing allies in battle situations, allowing that player to overpower his/her enemies in gank situations.
  • this is an extension to the above - focus-firing. Shamans will obviously receive huge punishment for their healing benefits. I feel that having one hero be focus fired while the enemies are picked off one-by-one is also unbalancing for group situations (or gank situations)

The following are perhaps some suggestions to fix this hero, if you decide that it is worth it.

  • Totemic Influence - it increases the effectiveness of his healing - why? Why can't it add debuffs to his abilities, or some DPS mechanics so a Shaman can do something else other than spam heals on himself in his own fights?
  • He has three healing abilities - why? I'd say that keeping either Juju or his ultimate will suffice as his chain heal has not much of a point (random targeting, so if he has to heal his allies, it may only heal one of three and the rest of the healing go to random creeps)

All to report thus far. Also, why the phoenix projectile? It looks rather odd compared to his swampy-green spell effects and blue physique.
Level 20
Oct 21, 2006
Oh god my eyes hurt because of these imports.

I know there are people who go like fap fap when they see high res imports but for me its horrible. Most of them are strecthed and do not fit fine with wc3 tiles. And I played as skeleton something. Named as Leoric. Original? And it got just wc3 normal spells and charge, that was pretty lame looking... And animation points were way too off. I attack or cast something. The damage/spell comes like 1s after anim is finished.

And you even changed player name colors meaning that when you mouse over player7 creeps it shows them as green. I know some people again think its cool but you know. Its confusing and gay. And map is too big that it just removes most of team fights and it will be plain boring to try to roam because of the distances. And these trees. Yeah I can see through them. And they are too mass.

And there are no Blizzard cliffs. Ofcourse not because elitistfags think they suck but then they forget how much they have purpose in game because of an ability to manipulate the line of sight and making juking more possible and improving the metagame.

And you modified too much the UI. You think its cool? Well I dont. Only cool one was multiboard skin but oh wait my race is human so it doesnt fit nvm. Neither I dont like prolonged tooltips. You are listing info that isnt even needed. But then you arent listing dmg?

Terrain is also not balanced meaning that other side will have more advantage than other and minimap looks plain empty because doodads are not shown in map and you are using only 2-3 tiles.

And yes I know its alpha blabla.
Level 20
Jul 6, 2009
Concerning Moonstone item ability - when you cast it,the night is only temporal which means after the ability duration expires the time of day will be back to when you casted the ability. However,if you cast it during the night,it will be night again after the effect finishes.
Currently,as far as i could see,when you cast eclipse it just changes day time to midnight or so.
Level 15
Oct 16, 2010
I played the Shaman, and despite the icons and the effects looking pretty, I didn't really feel that this hero had much... meh, I can't find the words for it. Read why in the following:

the Shaman is pretty much based on healing only abilities, which, though useful in battles, kind of brings a whole element of "dependency" in the game. If you're a little puzzled, just imagine in heavy battle sequences - players may demand the need of a Shaman in the beginning of the game, binding players into a "RPG" mindset (needing a healer to do anything).
a Shaman can also easily unbalance the game. If one team has a Shaman, and the other is without a healer, players on the team with the Shaman have the benefit of heals. So a Shaman will just lurk around, healing allies in battle situations, allowing that player to overpower his/her enemies in gank situations.
this is an extension to the above - focus-firing. Shamans will obviously receive huge punishment for their healing benefits. I feel that having one hero be focus fired while the enemies are picked off one-by-one is also unbalancing for group situations (or gank situations)

While I value all feedback, I personally disagree that the Shaman needs work. The Shaman and Cleric are the two current healing-based heroes. They are supposed to suck by themselves, get targeted first while in groups, and support other heroes well. The idea is that healing-heroes add a new dimension to AoS-gameplay in that teams will need to decide which and how many healing-heroes to have and how to use them to their teams benefit. Other teams SHOULD try and focus fire healers to get them out of the way first in group battle situations while players should inversely try and protect their healers from harm or use the healer as a distraction to take down enemy heroes who are focusing on the healer.

The following are perhaps some suggestions to fix this hero, if you decide that it is worth it.

Totemic Influence - it increases the effectiveness of his healing - why? Why can't it add debuffs to his abilities, or some DPS mechanics so a Shaman can do something else other than spam heals on himself in his own fights?
He has three healing abilities - why? I'd say that keeping either Juju or his ultimate will suffice as his chain heal has not much of a point (random targeting, so if he has to heal his allies, it may only heal one of three and the rest of the healing go to random creeps)
Agreed with the totemic ability, I should modify that somehow. I like chain heal but I do agree with the randomness; I might add-in an addition to the spell in which it looks for heroes or units with low health first and then moves onto other targets.

All to report thus far. Also, why the phoenix projectile? It looks rather odd compared to his swampy-green spell effects and blue physique.

Agreed, i'll fix that.

Thanks for your feedback man, appreciated. I am still watching SoE and can't wait for its release ^-^


Oh god my eyes hurt because of these imports.

I know there are people who go like fap fap when they see high res imports but for me its horrible. Most of them are strecthed and do not fit fine with wc3 tiles.

His tilesets were too large to import (even if I compressed them/reduced their quality) but I personally think the tiles I have do match well. Ofcourse I am not always right, if more people complain about it i'll try and do something different with the terrain.

And I played as skeleton something. Named as Leoric. Original? And it got just wc3 normal spells and charge, that was pretty lame looking... And animation points were way too off. I attack or cast something. The damage/spell comes like 1s after anim is finished.

Currently working on fixing the casting delay (some problem with the channel ability). His abilities may be simple but that doesn't make them bad. They are designed to work together. His strength bonus makes him exceptionally good at melee combat and his charge ability gets him close to his opponents quickly. Throw a war stomp on after charge and you get several free hits on your opponent. Cleave supports his high-damage and allows him to take down groups of enemies quickly even though he is melee.

And you even changed player name colors meaning that when you mouse over player7 creeps it shows them as green. I know some people again think its cool but you know. Its confusing and gay. And map is too big that it just removes most of team fights and it will be plain boring to try to roam because of the distances. And these trees. Yeah I can see through them. And they are too mass.

Personally, I don't think the map is too big. Infact I am barely fitting in the towers as is with only limited roam-space inbetween them. Could you elaborate on the trees? I don't like them as they are either. By "mass" do you mean each tree is too big or there are too many trees?

And there are no Blizzard cliffs. Ofcourse not because elitistfags think they suck but then they forget how much they have purpose in game because of an ability to manipulate the line of sight and making juking more possible and improving the metagame.
Entirely agreed on the lack of LoS mechanics, I am looking to add in LoS blockers later in development.

And you modified too much the UI. You think its cool? Well I dont. Only cool one was multiboard skin but oh wait my race is human so it doesnt fit nvm. Neither I dont like prolonged tooltips. You are listing info that isnt even needed. But then you arent listing dmg?

You mean on the abilities? Damage is always listed in the description at the bottom. Personally I believe you should give the players as much information as possible about an ability. Games such as DotA didn't tell you the mana or AoE which I always found annoying.

Terrain is also not balanced meaning that other side will have more advantage than other and minimap looks plain empty because doodads are not shown in map and you are using only 2-3 tiles.

Which side and how is it imbalanced? Tell me and i'll fix it as soon as I can.

And yes I know its alpha blabla.

Perhaps but feedback like yours is extremely helpful even if the map is just in the alpha phase. Actually it's particularily helpful now because I can easily fix or change things i'm doing wrong before I fully implement them.
Level 15
Oct 16, 2010
New version is up. I've fixed alot of bugs, problems, and grammar errors, implemented 10 recipe items, and completed the socket system. There is now a "-stats" command where you can check your characters cusotm stats.

In future updates you can expect a working AI for bot players, a vendor that sells creep upgrades, pvp rewards with bloody text that shows up on everyones screen (first kill, ec.), additional game modes, new items, and possibly the addition of capturable towers in the middle-areas that give some sort of advantage.

Hey Rave.
Just made an account so we can talk about the project.

Awsome :)
Level 5
Jan 12, 2010
Wow this AoS got me so excited! I'm a big-fan of AoS maps, so reading about this in the opening post was very enjoyable.

I play Warcraft 3 on a mac though, and there is a significant issue with this map. It freezes (desyncs) on the loading screen 1/4 of the way :(
Level 15
Oct 16, 2010
I play Warcraft 3 on a mac though, and there is a significant issue with this map. It freezes (desyncs) on the loading screen 1/4 of the way :(

:( damn. On the one hand I want to make this map playable for mac users, on the other hand I have no clue as to what could cause this. You have the latest version of WC3 right?
Since it's desynces during the loading phase (and I can't imagine you not being able to load certain models or textures b/c of a different OS) then it seems to me it has to be a jass compiling error. Which would mean that for some reason there is a part of my code that isn't loading for mac users. I'll do my best to look into this ^-^


Currently working on:
- a rudimentary A.I. so you can fight agaisn't/ally with bot players
- a "team" system where you can see you'r allies' hero portraits and therefore keep track of their health and mana
- various new recipies
- adding sockets to more items
- replacing certain icons
- improving the effects of some abilities

next update will likely be released this weekend.
Level 5
Jan 12, 2010
:( damn. On the one hand I want to make this map playable for mac users, on the other hand I have no clue as to what could cause this. You have the latest version of WC3 right?
Since it's desynces during the loading phase (and I can't imagine you not being able to load certain models or textures b/c of a different OS) then it seems to me it has to be a jass compiling error. Which would mean that for some reason there is a part of my code that isn't loading for mac users. I'll do my best to look into this ^-^
i have the latest version of warcraft 3. I can start up the game from lobby no problem; it just desyncs during the loading screen.

from my experience in play-testing maps and asking around other map makers who have been through this issue of mac related map problems, it seems that blp compression textures (for icons) don't work for mac. tga works fine though.

anyways, thanks for looking into this. i really would love to play this map someday. good luck on future updates :)
Level 15
Oct 16, 2010
from my experience in play-testing maps and asking around other map makers who have been through this issue of mac related map problems, it seems that blp compression textures (for icons) don't work for mac. tga works fine though.

That would likely be detrimental to file size since I use alot of custom icons, however I can upload an alternative game file for mac users that uses .tga icons instead. I will try this later and post it here so you can try it out and make sure that's the problem.

what happened to the attack and impact sounds? o_O

Working on adding these to the game. They will be in the next update (likely this weekend).

Concerning "team" system - will you be able to cast spells on those portraits to apply spells on allies?

You will be able to see their hero portrait, health, and mana. And if you click on the portrait it will move your camera to wherever they are on the map.
I didn't think about making it so you could cast spells like that, but now that I think about it I don't see why not since all the spells are coded and I can change the target easily. I would have to put in a range check in each spell though, but I don't think that would be a problem.


Currently working on:
- What I wrote in my last post
- Adding a health and mana potion to the vendors
- Adding 'first blood' and 'last man standing' achievements (bloody letters will pop up on everyone screen to signify a player achieving either one)
Level 5
Jan 12, 2010
That would likely be detrimental to file size since I use alot of custom icons, however I can upload an alternative game file for mac users that uses .tga icons instead. I will try this later and post it here so you can try it out and make sure that's the problem.

Hopefully the work effort required for all the reuploading in the alternate file is not excessive for you. Thanks again !
Level 15
Oct 16, 2010
*Adjust the damage point to a lower value. Now the damage is applied a bit too late.
*I'd like to see custom spells, not just standard Bliz spells with slight object editor work.

All spells are coded in Vjass. His spells just happened to be similar to object editor ones. Though you're not the first person to say that about his abilities, I personally think his abilities go well together so I don't see a point in changing them for the sake of making them different from object editor spells.
I am working on the delay when using his ram and pound spells. It's some problem with the channel ability that seems to happen only for his abilities (I dont' know why).

Thanks for your feedback man ^-^


UPDATE 1-04-2011

- Added sound functionality to custom missile system. All ranged heroes will now emit sound when launching a missile and all missiles will emit a sound when they reach their target.
- AI is coming well, universal AI systems have been built and I am working on by-hero intelligence.
- Considering making some spells much more powerful but giving them 1.5-3.0 second casting times. Casting time would be kept track of by a solid blue bar cast-bar above the hero's head. Moving, being stunned, giving an attack command, using an item, or casting another ability would interrupt the cast.
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Level 5
Jul 2, 2009
There needs to be more height variance, and cobblestone tiles don't really fit with the atmosphere. The rock tiles look pretty awkward where they are placed. Maybe used actual rock doodads or place them on sides of hills?

As you probably already know, you need to work on your bridges across the moats. Capitalize your item descriptions when it talks of stats, and maybe color code them for easier identification of usefulness for a class.

Projectile speed for then Ranger is INSANELY slow. Fireballs from mages move faster.

Some of the skills seem... too simple. I know this is an alpha, but I'm just pointing out what I see.

The homing of attacks has too large of a curvature. My arrow literally did a U turn.

Maybe change one of the Legion Forests into a more residential setting, or an army campsite.

And either make the central water lake that separates the two sides a river that flows into the sea or have a waterfall that springs from the rocky cliff in the Mid-Southwest side of the map.

There's a bug whenever the Ranger activates Icehand and Flurry that makes her unable to move.

Left alone. the Legion will decimate the Mok'tal top side and vice versa on the bottom side.

Nerf either the ruby or improve the topaz.
9 strength x 15 hp/point = 135 hp
Makes topaz absolutely useless.

I have to say though, I LOVE the embedding system.
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Level 12
Jul 13, 2008
Well this project is rly cool :D
Gratz and respect man! :ogre_datass::thumbs_up:

Skills are impresive(i played as Cleric) you must be really creative guy :)
Red-Shifts skins are uber <3 (first time saw them in map ^^)
However terrain is nub and boring(i know it's still alpha ver:vw_sad:)
But this brown design and those trees, buildings, tents they are just better for RPG maps than for AoS. I would like to see some ''magic'' terrain, not something based on middle-age times.
You know hmm.. Some cool plants, different tiles, trees, buildings, towers, floating magic runes, animals(some kind of birds?) statues etc. etc.
Also u should add some neutral creeps and mby a Boss(like roshan but u could make him much more difficult to kill (i believe u can ! :)))
and mby 2 or 3 new units for legion/mok'nathal (caster, anti-tower and hmm someone with aura or something ; D)

ohh and pls change team names (legion, mok'nathals)
they are not originall imho =]
Always Red-shift's skins reminds me of ''Vanguards'' (his arthas skin name is vanguard but vanguad is also item from dota :con: so.... well i don't know lol :D)

next time i will post something more about items (haven't changed them yet >: D)
Level 15
Oct 16, 2010
Thanks alot for all your feedback. I am actively working on current known glitches, errors, and problems.

Alot of people seem to be complaining about the terrain, I will try and come up with a different idea for it and upload it (maybe a magic-forest w/ elven ruins for the legion side and a desolate/barrens style area with orc encampments for the mok'tal?). Either way changing the terrain would free up alot of file space that could potentially be used for a custom U.I., future heroes, better texture quality for current skins, and a higher res LS.
Level 15
Oct 16, 2010
Thanks for you'r suggestions, I might change the particle colors of his spells and hue of his icons.

I have implemented the team-portrait system, but unfortunately you cannot cast spells on them due to the limitations of the WC3 engine.
Level 5
Jul 2, 2009
Are all the ally buff skills triggered? If so, you could just detect when a player selects a portrait (if you use a dummy), and the moment they do reselect the hero and set a switch or something to active. When the next buff skill is used, it will target the ally, then reset the switch. Add a time limit to the switch also, maybe about 30 seconds.

I could be dead wrong - I have no idea how to trigger.
Level 15
Oct 16, 2010
Are all the ally buff skills triggered? If so, you could just detect when a player selects a portrait (if you use a dummy), and the moment they do reselect the hero and set a switch or something to active. When the next buff skill is used, it will target the ally, then reset the switch. Add a time limit to the switch also, maybe about 30 seconds.

I could be dead wrong - I have no idea how to trigger.

The problem is the WC3 engine doesn't let you immediately switch to a new selected unit (it takes about half a second to do so). So during that half a second the invisible portrait dummy unit is being selected and it looks really bad to do it that way. And if I use locust to make a unit unselectable then he also becomes invulnerable and can't be targeted. So I lose either way :(
Level 15
Oct 16, 2010
Instead of a dummy, how about making it a hero set off somewhere that has the exact health, mana, and items of the target hero? It wouldn't look that bad then, even though it might be a bit complicated >_>

The problem with that is then if you click on a spell and then click on a portrait you'r hero isn't in range. I can make the range of the abilities infinite and run a ranged check before I run the code for the spells, but the cooldown of the ability will run no matter what.

Hmm, the terrain overall is flat and how come that the grass is yellowish and the trees aren't? :p
Anyway, some of the items aren't original and why does the small stealthy guy have smoke scream, he's like rikimaru!

Good job nevertheless, keep it up. I'll test it again in multiplayer when I have time. :)

Alot of people have been complaining about the terrain so I am actively trying to come up with some new ideas to model it off of. However the main lanes will be flat no matter what b/c it will really detract from gameplay if there are hills on the main paths.

Ya I took the smokescreen idea from rikimaru, it's a good ability. Also you'll notice the thunderlord hero is exactly like the one from DoTa (one of my favorites). I will address my thoughts on 'originality' on the main page next time I update it. People seem to think that anything that's been done before is bad, which is stupid. Good designers take what is good from other games and improve upon what was bad. Well that's my thought anyway ^-^.

Gratz on finishing TC11, yours was the best imo.
Level 20
Jul 6, 2009
The problem with that is then if you click on a spell and then click on a portrait you'r hero isn't in range. I can make the range of the abilities infinite and run a ranged check before I run the code for the spells, but the cooldown of the ability will run no matter what.

You can remove and add ability again if the target is out of range.

Good designers take what is good from other games and improve upon what was bad.

Agreed,people tend just to add new things and sometimes make it even worse.
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