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2P Campaign: Undead 03

Undead Campaign: Path of the Damned
Chapter 3: Into the Realm Eternal

"Meanwhile, at the Dreadlords' citadel, somewhere in the Twisting Nether..."

"Six days later, near the forested borderlands of Quel'Thalas..."

Version: 2.03
Extra Score: Destroy the Elven Farms

Level Description: Arthas and Falric have arrived at Quel'Thalas with the remains. They must now make their way through the elven land and its defenses. Arthas must battle the Ranger General, Sylvanas Windrunner, as she tries to defend her land from the Undead Invaders. Due to Arthas' successful progress Tichondrius suspects the Lich King's motives.

Version 1.0 - First release
Version 1.1 - Changes/fixes on solarbeam spell
Version 1.2 - Removed Gem of True Sight from Merchant. Added merchant's items to save/load system. Death Pact can be used on allies.
Version 1.3 - Mass code update.
Version 1.4 - Spell tooltip typo fixed. Upgraded tooltip typo fixed. Insane Sylv' Ulti bug fixed.
Version 2.0 - Mass update for all maps: [link]
Version 2.1 - Insane/Normal Load Bug Fix.
Version 2.2 - Lumber dummy food fix. Insane mode trees destroyed. (Credits to McQvaBlood)
Version 2.03 - Removed tech requirements for Falric's spells caused by newer patches. Changed version number to match the newer maps.

11.02.2020 - Added a 1.26 compatible version to the bundle.
General Changes:
- Features Undead Captain Falric
- 2 Player Base
- Techtree, Requirement and Research Systems
- Some starting units removed
- Slight ownership changes
- Added interlude

Insane Mode:
- Upgraded Enemies
- Additional Towers
- Upgraded Sylvanas & New Spells
- Improved AI


If you wish to report a bug, reply with feedback, or find out more about the project, please visit the Hosted Forums.

2, player, campaign, undead, scourge, path, damned, arthas

2P Campaign: Undead 03 (Map)

2P Campaign: Undead 03 (Map)

20:32, 3rd Aug 2010 ap0calypse: Approved 14:38, 4th August 2010 Rui: Reviewed. My rating is 3/5 (Acceptable).




20:32, 3rd Aug 2010
ap0calypse: Approved

14:38, 4th August 2010
Rui: Reviewed
. My rating is 3/5 (Acceptable).
Level 3
Sep 30, 2009
Oh man.. >_> .. I really want to play this version.. but I had a major problem on the last one.

While playing on "Insane Mode" with my friend, we finished the level only to find out that our "Save Code" didn't show up on the screen.. and it was entirely black..

What can we do about that? Do we have to play again and try getting a different code? Or...? I'd like the advice of the editor of these scenerios. <_< >_>
Level 18
Jul 3, 2010
I've just played through this map with a friend and I have to say: Wow!
This is by far the best map of your two-player campaigns so far. (Though we loved the others too! :D) It was fun and challenging and completely bug free, or at least I haven't spotted any and you know I would report even the smallest bug.
I especially loved Sylvanas' ultimate. (Tell me it's not a basic skill!) I'm talking about the skill that incinerated the field like C&C Generals' Particle Cannon.
We had to try two times to actually get into Sylvanas' base and we nearly ran out of units the second time.

Thanks for making these maps!

By the way, you should really modify Arthas' Death Pact so it could also sacrifice Falric's units. If I'm not mistaken, you only have to enable 'Allied' and 'Friendly'.
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Level 2
Jul 14, 2010
i love these maps! i've been playing with a friend each map, they're awesome! they are also good for RP :)
can't wait for NE campaigns :D
Level 16
Oct 6, 2008
way too easy.. in hard mode used 2 meat wagons 5 necros and few ghouls and got corpses from graveyard loaded on meat wagons, (my ally did same thing) ofc clearing all the bases with mass skeletons and meat wagons to destroy towers was way too easy.. i think u should make insane mode harder in some way :O (like change number of rised skeletons insted 2 1 and add some units to there bases). btw everything els is great! no bugs everything works fine :D cant wait for next chapter ^^



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
It's nice that you keep making these 2P campaigns, but you might want to improve the AI. Like sagi5533 said above, even in insane mode it's too easy. I used 4 Meat Wagons, my ally made around 8 necromancers or so, and with the heroes, it was enough. I think that, more than putting their damage and armor upgrades to 3/3, along other quick researches, you should attempt to script the AI to play more like an actual player.
You didn't put the High Elves to Reign of Chaos status, either. Their Swordsmen and Archers attack quite fast in RoC. As for Priests, I remember them using Dispel Magic way more often.
Sylvanas's abilities were nice, but the ground texture (UBERSPLAT) you used for her sort of «ward» skill was that of an Undead structure. Wouldn't a Night Elf one fit better?


Hosted Project 2PC
Level 22
Jul 16, 2007
(It didn't update me for the comments on this map for some reason x3)
Thanks for the nice comments/support

I am planning a mapwide update to stop that bug from happening in the next few days
It will make all codes obselete except the ones you're holding from the end of UD6.

I thought I'd start easy-ish, after all its the begining of the elf invasion, if it only took you meat wagons and necros to do it, then good! Because thats all you have.

The Undead Ubersplat actually is part of Falric's ulti, so I think you were mistaken there
Level 3
Nov 11, 2009
just out of curiosity if i wanted to just play it as a singal player how could i do that because if you would allow me to i give you a new version where its a optional 1 or 2 player. also i have the Song "LAMENT OF THE HIGHBORNE" and i found a post forget where on this sight on how to make units create blight where they walk. So if you will humbaly acept my idea of sending you a upgraded verson with it being a optional 1-2 player, adding the Lament of the Highborne song, and finaly makeing it so the Falric and Arthas Creat Blight where they walk so You have a Song from wow and The Dead Scar being made in maps 03, 04, 05??
if you think this is possible and i am not online you have permission to email me at [email protected]
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Level 3
Nov 11, 2009
ok i like the maps for undead but i would like to know please how to make it singal player i want the Lament of the HIghborne song to play on maps 03-05 of the undead please someone help and NO i am not going to replublish it because it is dishonorible to take another persons work to makeit your is in some way and sell it so please do not worry i am family honored bound thank
Level 1
Jun 16, 2022
Hey, is there a way to pick up the Deathwhisper fungus? Just played the mission with friend and we stopped there for like 40 minutes just because of that item and we still didn't get it.