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2 Transformation Skills Problem (notwhatyouthink)

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Level 9
Sep 5, 2015
So I got
chemical rage and
one transforms into bear, the other into wolf.
when i transform it all works great but the original hero model with its normal skills (including the transformation skills) carries over to the wolf/bear form. and when i am in say wolf form, i can then go into bear form and after the timer is up on wolf form, it puts me into bear form and now im a bear and the timer is full and then that summon timer drains out. very strange

basically is there a way to, when you transform into wolf/bear, get rid of the other transformation skill so that this cant happen? would a simple trigger removing the ability work? this is quite annoying because i want both forms lol.
also i gave wolf/bear form their own abilities and again the original heroes abilities mash together with the wolf/bear abilities pushing one another around in the positions-boxes

very messy...
Level 9
Sep 5, 2015
I think you'll have to remove the former abilities (also save their levels) and add the new ones.
Also most probably quite a lot of trial and error.
At least you can save the cooldown in 1.31+
when you say save their levels you just mean all the data for the abilities right?
also which former abilities? chemical rage and metamorphosis? or the passives the animals get?

you saying i should delete them and remake them? (i swear this never happened until i had to delete the metamorphosis and or chemical rage to redo it (i tried crow form, 2 metamorphosis etc and yea- rookie mistakes but here i am with it all working and now i got this clutter mess)
Level 22
Dec 4, 2007
I'd say it's a matter of back and forth synchronization of abilities.
I'd probably start by putting the transformation abilities into a spellbook - due to lack of button space.
Then make cross reference between transformation 1 & 2 possible by adding/removing respective transformation abilities - could end up crashing.

Tried permanent transforms, druid of the claw/talon yet?
What about having ability-void base+transforms, then solely rely on adding wanted abilities?

Lots to try out, not possible without triggers surely.
Level 9
Sep 5, 2015
I'd say it's a matter of back and forth synchronization of abilities.
I'd probably start by putting the transformation abilities into a spellbook - due to lack of button space.
Then make cross reference between transformation 1 & 2 possible by adding/removing respective transformation abilities - could end up crashing.

Tried permanent transforms, druid of the claw/talon yet?
What about having ability-void base+transforms, then solely rely on adding wanted abilities?

Lots to try out, not possible without triggers surely.
well i tried making wolf form (one of the two) with bear form, so yes. i ran into another problem with that though uhhhmm..i forget what it was omfg...this crap gets so confusing it gets old

also what is ability-void? base+transforms?

i got the wolf/bear forms with 2 abilities of their own. and the hero has 3 (2 of them being the transforms)
i figured if i didnt give the wolf/bear models the default abilities other than their respective transform (giving wolf the wolf ability + his other 2) then it would work? but it dont? like what? lmao

i think its cuz of metamorphosis. i bet bear form (druidofclaw thing (not crow (same thing but whatever))) would work BUT i wanted a time limit on the transformations so that the hero can have its 3rd ability be a cooldown reset. where the transformation abilities (wolf/bear) have huge cooldowns but each basic attack resets it by 0.5 seconds or whatever. so the hero would want to constantly be attacking as to keep the cooldowns reset because her wolf/bear forms are much stronger than her default form especially with the abilities they have etc.

idk man ill try this ^^^ see if i can add a timer or something (probably can easily with trigger)
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Level 9
Sep 5, 2015
I think this can work without any triggers if you have it set up in Object Editor correctly. Do you have the ability setting for the morph ability "Data - Normal Form Unit" set to the non-morphed unit?
yes everything works
the problem is if i turn into bear
then after im a bear. i turn into wolf. the bar says "bear form" but im a wolf. then when wolf timer is up, it auto turns me back into bear form with the bar now saying "wolf form" (or it just says bear form permanently but thats besides the point)

i think you're riht though i literally just thought (and then came here just now) if i set up the ability buttons right. when they transform one ability could overlap the other transform ability as to hide it and make it not possible to cast until you back in human form?
Level 19
Mar 16, 2008
oh i didn't really understand. so you are using a morph when you are already morphed???

i think you're riht though i literally just thought (and then came here just now) if i set up the ability buttons right. when they transform one ability could overlap the other transform ability as to hide it and make it not possible to cast until you back in human form?
I think so, do not add morph-wolf to the bear's abilities and do not add morph-bear to the wolf's abilities???
Level 9
Sep 5, 2015
oh i didn't really understand. so you are using a morph when you are already morphed???

I think so, do not add morph-wolf to the bear's abilities and do not add morph-bear to the wolf's abilities???
ive already tried all that. thats my problem
you'd think it wouldnt add it if you didnt add it to the morphed form (bear/wolf) but the abilities carry over! lol

im using =metamorphosis= and =chemical rage= bases btw.

also idk man to sit here and try to get one ability to override another (i tried creating an invisible ability (channel) and give it the same button positions but whatever) is just gonna be too much of a headache.

maybe this would work if i had bear form + crow form. the permanent transformation forms

also how did Twilights Eve RPG do this then? (they did it bear + crow abilities i believe. which i will try but dayum)
Level 9
Sep 5, 2015
what about using two metas?
i basicall yam. with metamorphosis AND chemical rage.
also 2 meta's makes my hero die. as both skills are activated (game doesnt know which one to turn on)
i dont know how to utilize channel but i doubt this will work because the problem occurs when i go from Meta -> chemical rage....or chemical rage -> meta....(i.e. bear into wolf. or wolf right into bear) it still keeps one or the other's other transofmration icons. its just ugly looking i mean it doesnt really affect the game i guess? it just messes up the blue "summon" bars and its honestly really ugly and not okay. also i forget at this point but i think even when you go into human form the bar is still there or something. i dont remember anymore i give up lol
Level 9
Sep 5, 2015
so your goal is to 1) have a unit with two morph abilities 2) it can only use one morph at the same time?
1) when i transform i can then immediately transform into the other animal becoming animal2. but my timer bar says "animal1" when this runs out, i am forced into the first animal i turned into before animal2. and it then runs that timer bar

2) the abilities animal 1 has, and the abilities animal 2 has, show up in the ability box WITH the human abilities when i just want the animal abilities showing until you go back into human form.

3) when i use crow-form, or bear-form its even worse, you can never turn back into a human after going from animal1 immediately into animal2. and with no timer to run out you just flip flop between the animal forms, also the abilities are the same- all stacked together when i want them separate

this seems pretty dumb. you'd think when you turn into animal1 and DONT give animal1 (alternate form) those human abilities, they wouldnt show up. but they do.

im about to just make a video lol
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