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[Trigger] 2 questions trigger/doodad

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Level 13
Mar 24, 2010
Ok i have 2 quick questions,
1 is there an animation trigger action such as attack, or death. to make the item treasure chest modle close when its assigned to a unit? I want to start the game and have that treasure chest modle start closed and then i'll make it open when its attacked.

2. isnt there a tourch modle in wc that isnt on fire? i wanna start with some tourches not lit and then do a doodad replace to with lit tourch.. anyone know off hand?
1. I would suggest making some sort of dummy unit with the item model. Place it where your item is supposed to be, and give it the name of your item. Play its "birth" animation and set its animation speed to 0. Once it is attacked, replace it with the real item. :)

2. The torches are unlit when their "death" animation is played. Thus, you'll have to do something like this:
  • Animation - Play the death animation for all doodads of type Torch within (Playable map area)
If you need to them to be lit:
  • Animation - Play the stand animation for all doodads of type Torch within (Playable map area)
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