• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • Reputation (+1):
    (Post) Solid points. I'm not sure if I agree with your assessment of him, but it's not far from the truth methinks.
    ah there we go, try editing your skin bundle and then press edit on the resource inside the bundle
    unfortunately, 'view in 3D' is not working, perhaps you need to really change the path of the texture, or name of the texture
    works now
    excellent :)

    by the way.. do you plan retexturing some other of my models? :b
    hey, how's it going? could you maybe update your netherdrake skin with proper paths to my models? or at least to Onyx one?
    just to take advantage of the new 'view in 3D' option for skins :)
    i would but i have no idea how
    d'oh..! xD well ask the staff, by reporting your first post in that thread, after the resource post
    GhostThruster said:
    sidenote: most blizzard unit icons are edited screenshots of their models
    Fascinating... Do you have a source for this?
    nope, only my observational senses.

    i thought it pretty obvious tho, judging by how accurate their facial structures were to the model meshes. off the top of my head, icons like the headhunter, naga sea witch, and riflemen, are some prominent examples of what i mean.
    Hm. I've come to see how not all the icons are made equally, but I never thought of them as modified screenshots. I suppose it makes sense, though; the buildings are essentially that.
    Okay! :)

    ...also isn't that example you linked a screenshot icon?...
    Who knows? He's never provided a big picture of his work, claiming that he works on 64x64 size.
    "draw a layer of line art (using your ref pic)"
    Rules: draw by LOOKING at reference images - drawing OVER them IS tracing. :)
    Just a quick question. Will you work on the Smaug skin, or do you fold? I will not be mad or nagry, just need toknow if I should try to find someone else :) Since the Balrog is going nicely, I want to finish my LOTR models in my collection.
    Hopefuly I will finish it soon. You really made just godly texture! Lotr fans will love you for it :D
    ah so you're talking imbalance from a design perspective. i was talking from a gameplay perspective, if that makes sense.
    Well, yes. Like I said, I basically don't play the game, so I can only speak personally from a perspective of design (of which I'm no expert, but I'm no fool either, and I have smart friends :p)

    <span style="font-size: 9px">(I wonder if this was at the heart of a lot of our disagreements in the past (specifically the Techtree Contest Poll thread I threw up those years ago); you were talking from a gameplay perspective, and I was talking from a design perspective...)</span>

    <span style="font-size: 9px">(Although technically I could argue that the kinds of things I was pointing out were gameplay imbalances (casters & towers being too powerful, etc), I suppose for the sake of argument I'll abstain)</span>

    human and orc don't have t1 detection (excluding far sight - which nobody with a brain learns).
    vs. undead and night elf, i agree it isn't a 'game-to-game strat' if only because the blademaster is the predominant hero (and again, while from a design POV this is an imbalance, in the game it has just become part of the meta), but the execution is very much counter-play based.
    Well, while HU & OR don't have the Dust of Appearance, they do have reasonably effective ways to protect their workers (the main casualty to BM harass); Call to Arms & the Burrow defense seem to be pretty alright. But whether or not it's "smart" to pick it, the fact that the Orcs even have it available is my point (from a design perspective). It may not be good in other situations, but it's a great counter; seems like that fits the bill of "meta".

    Why that is the case (only UD & NE got the DoA item), I couldn't say. I've asked many of the same questions: "why did the Orcs not get a true "anti-mage" like all the rest?" "why didn't the UD get a true "anti-turtling" like the others?" "why did the HU & NE get special "protect a unit" staffs but no one else?" "why do the OR & HU get special "build a building" items but none of the others?"

    I have long had to assume that if these patterns exist & that Wc3 is a (reasonably) balanced game, there is a reason; I just don't know it. How I would love to pick the brains of some of the old design staff...

    edit: ah no i get what ur saying. ur not saying that the t0/1 detection itself is a design imbalance, but it's symptomatic of the design imbalance of the blademaster, and i'd agree. but it's really too late to fix him without either destroying the whole meta, or just getting another hero to replace him as a predominant 1st hero.
    Ah! I'm really glad you got what I was going for, since I wasn't sure I could explain it any other way. :p "Symptomatic" is a good word. Gosh, would that our earlier disagreements could be resolved so easily! : )

    I suppose what you say is true, it is pretty entrenched... But (and maybe I'm just crazy) what's wrong with "destroying the meta"? Isn't that just a word for "the dominant strategies & counter strategies", which means if something changes drastically, the meta will just... change? What's the harm/foul in "losing" a given "meta state"?
    Especially if we move from a less diverse "meta state" (i.e. everyone picks BM & everyone else picks to defend against it) to a more diverse "meta state" (i.e. other heroes are picked, other strategies & counters arise)?
    appreciate you backing me up vs. dsg.
    No problem; it just seemed weird that anything was being shot down, since we have literally no idea what they are looking for, willing to do, etc etc. I'm still waiting, in fact, for my post about that to be responded to; I'm all for "ignoring balance talks from us dumb modders" or "leave out the impossible stuff" if that's actually what they want.

    didn't want to derail the patch 1.27 thread, but for discussion's sake i'd like to make a few pointers about the imbalances you see:
    About the imbalances I "pointed out"... I'll be very honest, I was literally speaking out of nothing. I have just about 0% experience playing the actual game (not just recently, like ever; I'm just no good & didn't try more than a few matches a few years ago), and I only know what people tell me & what is talked about. You've mentioned DK+fiends before, I've known about the Warden, and the BM... Well more on that at the bottom.

    the bm is 'op' moreso in the sense that he really outclasses any other orc hero as a starting hero. in terms of overall utility, i could easily argue archmage, death knight and demon hunter are more 'op' than blademaster. i mean i guess the blademaster 'warps' each race to 'require' t0/1 detection, in the same sense that a teching night elf 'warps' the undead to have to ghoul rush, or human casters 'warp' orc to get spirit walker dispel. it's just a natural counter, and not one that's particularly unfair (it's super easy to get detection >> dust of appearance).
    I won't argue "OP"; as aforementioned, you (or almost anyone else) would know better than me. : )

    However, what I was pointing out was more along the lines of "things changed in TFT to fix over-arching balance issues". It's a demonstrable fact that there were some major changes from RoC to TFT, and I believe there are some primary issues that they addressed with the units they added to each faction (as well as the items & what-not). I am running short on time so I can't do the proper research (& linking you to a post where I talked more about this), so in a nutshell: RoC had big problems with turtling (building tons of towers & being impenetrable) & magic units (too strong, were being massed & winning all the games). So in TFT each race (almost precisely) got an Anti-Magic unit (Spell Breaker, Spirit Walker's Disenchant, Destroyer, Faerie Dragon) & an Anti-Turtling unit/upgrade (Dragonhawk Rider, Troll Batrider, (frost wyrms already great), Mountain Giant). They also modified Casters grossly; giving them a newly-created "Magic" attack damage type instead of Piercing, and weakening them.

    In what I feel is a related point, they began to see how incredibly powerful a Blademaster was with even a Lvl1 Wind Walk; invisibly sneak-attacking worker lines could really upset the balance of things. So now each race has some method of early (as in T0/1) detection (Dust of Appearance... and this is where I need to do more research, because I can't remember the rest). Might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure it's a thing. It is what impelled me to do the same for my "5th Race Addition", the Jungle Trolls; they have a solid, 'unique' T0/1 detection method to protect them from BM harass (which issue, "BM Harass", I would consider more than just a game-to-game "strat" issue to counter-play against, for the aforementioned reasons).
    Deleted this post from the patch thread:

    no, they're pure theorycraft. if you can hook me up with a few pros that are willing to test it out, pls do tell.

    the whole fucking thread has been users giving great (and terrible) ideas for the modding side, so excuse me if i take a slightly different approach on patch suggestions.
    and pro players in general are always biased towards the race they play. they tend to ignore any imbalances that favour or are neutral for them, and complain only when they get beaten (i imagine that's why warden nerf is being talked about). plus, they don't know shit about 3v3 or 4v4 balance ("but who cares about those, those aren't in touranments" - many people do, wtii has a whole channel built on 4v4).
    "Dood! I used and edited your LotR UI in my map. I'd like to ask for your permission but you disabled your VM and PM :("

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