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  • hey there, saw ur links, i'm gonna request whether you would feel free to help me in a spell i made sometime ago...

    ***i need help to make it mui***

    thx anyways in advance.
    Yes man, Laser USa General has laser tanks, laser defence turrets, Laser Avengers, particle cannons and such.... Good General... His advantage is because he has Laser Turrets which are better than Missile turrets of course. Lasers does instant damage, instead flying to the target.... Also missiles can be shut down by anti missile lasers.
    Which spam? Man, you do not deserve to use Laser in your name then. You do not remember Taunts from USA Laser General in Zero Hour?
    Lasers charged! Tracking targets now!
    You cannot defeat my lasers, General! Airborne is perfect target for my lasers, General!
    Laserdude, :cgrin:
    As I said, you can't declare a function in custom script. You can only do it in a converted trigger in JASS or in the header. Because all triggers you make in GUI, the actions part is a function and you can't nest functions.
    Nope as you can't declare functions within other functions (Yes the action part of a GUI trigger is a function itself).
    You cannot recycle timers in GUI without a function made in JASS (actually two functions, watch my simple hero revival in JASS). Btw are you refering to vJASS or just JASS? :D
    Of course it is, that's the major difference + some extras like modules, textmacros etc, between JASS and vJASS. JASS is GUI in the rawform, vJASS is outstanding compared to these.
    Usage of structs, scopes, libraries, free global declaration (almost like variable editor). I can add the keyword private and public. There are lots of features with it.
    What I am saying is making a model from scratch,and making tilesets unless you're experienced or genius in it you won't get it right
    I figured pretty much out of the WE before I even got someone to help me,besides,I said modeling,not WE,why did you change the subject,if you think you can model without help starting,you are a genius.This is what I said about my mentor:That is not even a bug,it's a tip and yes I do,he teaches me modeling and a little bit of triggering
    Schooling is an example,I like your self-learning ability but not everything could be done that why,that is why you asks questions,I ask my mentor questions and he answers,he don't really teach like they do in the schools
    Okay,lt's like you never wanted schooling,but your mom made you go to school,it's for your good,ain't it? I just wanted to help you
    That is not even a bug,it's a tip and yes I do,he teaches me modeling and a little bit of triggering
    Wait,bugs?I did not even post anything about bugs,heres 3 things I posted:Bring that question to the forum,don't double post and something that my mentor always tell me when making trigger and that is using the appropriate respond for the event,I have no idea what are you fussing about
    Please take a look at other spell packs that are approved,they updates and puts their trigger in the description,I could lie that I downloaded before you updated it,but I chose not to
    Bugs? Why bother when it won't get approved? I looked at the triggers you posted since after I saw what maker said,I don't want to download this spell ,if I want more posts,I'll just go to the forum,there's a place where you can spam there,even if it's different,you can combine them ,I don't see how you can't
    Then I guess I should talk here then,all my posts are useless?If you double post you get negative rep from mods,I just wanna warn you,is that wrong?What should I want more post?It does nothing good to me,this forum is where people help people out right? read the intro on the main THW news
    Hmm, I was offline when you posted, but let me see... Oh, triggers... I totally forgot about them. I think that picking every unit in a group is picking the specific group.
    Ok, dude, I just can't seem to see you :p Ok, so:
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    you type in first the name of the link (example : The hive workshop) then select it, press the link button, and then paste the link in the box that pops up. Here:
    The hive workshop's best user's profile. Hope you got it :p
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