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  • Sounds like many possibilities, could be the bot, the map's size, something in the scripts. Could even be the terrain or some simple thing such as a player seeing something before another causing a desync due to being a bit faster or slower with packets.
    Normally you need two abilities for something like this, for the autocast icon and the hidden dummy ability however sure I can check to see alternatives. The normal way still is better, easier to get the animations of the hexed model to play while keeping the autocast border.
    Disable what? Saving the map in newgen doesn't mean normal WE can't open it. It doesn't matter which editor saves it. It's the functions/triggers/code you add.
    GUI == JASS meaning both can desync no matter... Yeah GUI has bad functions, but so does jass if you use it wrong.

    The corruption idea actually sounds possible, though hopefully it isn't that.

    Yeah our clans are merging =)
    Don't worry big map sizes are possible, just sometimes people might/will desync. Won't happen 24/7 or well isn't meant too.
    257x257+ maps cause issues with the following;

    messy Pathing of almost everything.
    Random vision on spots of map.
    Causes blight to mess up and even can cause blight strips where a line of black just goes across the map.
    Can mess up orders and locations.
    Causes the vanilla editor to no longer be able to change stuff like map name,author,description, etc. . . for that part.
    Increases the file size of the map by a lot.
    Causes load time to be slowed down in-game and in-editor. Same for save-time.
    Causes random disconnections and/or desync's. Meaning it can cause server splits meaning different game states players are put into.

    I think that's about it, might be missing 1-3 things.

    In exchange though you get a lot more playing space.
    So the problem still occurs? I'd say trigger to fix it then, is the map past 256x256? If so that is another reason.
    By the way shouldn't use 30, only multiples of 32 which is how wc3 pathing works.

    There's 5 known ways that I know to fix this.

    Trigger/code own loading system.
    Increase range.
    Check the terrain and make sure there isn't spots that is blocking the boat.
    Trigger/code a entire boat system.
    Re-order the units every second until the boat picks them up.
    Could I get a reminder about what the boat system is?

    It is where units unload one at a time right?
    Yeah been adding destroy lines to your one-time run triggers, if possible you should remove as many triggers as best you can. The ones that are ran only once in order to free up RAM because ppl fatal at around 1.85GB. Since Blizzard failed hard, not many people know this and the smarter ones would deny this.. However if you don't restart wc3 after a laggy/leaky map you play including lots of unit spawning which creates uncleanable leaks your RAM continually builds up even though it's suppose to go down after a game session but it doesn't. Hope I explained it well enough.
    Basically just use whatever you need/want but be careful for scripting collision.

    GUI doesn't have that issue as bad because it is easy to rename variables since it auto-renames stuff in your triggers however you pay a small speed fee though as I said in the earlier post it isn't noticeable for most stuff. I'd say vanilla gui or jass unless your really bothered by blizzard's syntax then well you'll have to go with blinding variations of jass.
    I like sticking to what was made for the game, the vanilla stuff. It's up to peoples choice to use whatever syntax they want, but it all just converts to JASS no matter what they do so I would prefer to know all my functions rather then be blinded.

    GUI is easy to read and fix and isn't syntax buggy. JASS for what wasn't added to GUI. The speed difference is minimal when it comes to BJ's and native jass. The only exception to this rule is moving units for complex systems.

    Indexing and MUI as well knowledge of locals in GUI really didn't exist years ago and is rather recent which is why the veterans are more vjassers. GUI sucked back then due to nobody knowing anything until now so to obtain MUI you'd have to jass and in most cases people chose to vjass for "easier" syntax as well not making triggers but rather adding to map init so they're loaded at the start of the map basically. There is cjass and whatever else out there as well, just vjass was the first improvement of jass originally and well it was just a lazy fix/improvement so people could script faster. It sucks though if you master jass and/or vjass for later because it is difficult to go from a decade language to a modern one nowadays.

    Basically there weren't many smart people back then and many were young and dumb. JASS was easier and harder at the same time, harder for the majority and easier for the elitists.
    Oh didn't know, sorry. =)

    Also that's scripting not triggering. =P
    I'd say GUI and some JASS to clean up leaks.
    By the way, both waits are bad. Found you in a thread a while ago. =)

    Wait and Wait game time both cause problems with syncing as well both are quite in-accurate. The actual safer one seems to be Wait and not the game time one or well I am pretty sure that's the one that continues to count when players are lagging or games paused.

    Otherwise how goes stuff? =)
    Then there's this way

    Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units owned by Player 1 (Red)) and do (Actions)
    Loop - Actions
    Unit - Change ownership of (Picked unit) to Neutral Hostile and Change color
    I got a question for you. Is it possible to change the ownership of every unit owned by a player to neutral hostile? And if so how? I'm trying to make a trigger where if a certain unit dies then every unit of the player that owns the dying unit becomes neutral hostile. I see how to make one unit become neutral hostile, but not all of them.
    Yeah it's possible.

    You can try this method and make everyone unally neutral victim.

    Game - Give all Player 1 (Red) units to the Neutral Victim player
    Okay, but if you think about it.... Download 6MB of imports once or re-download every new update. Will work on the other stuff though did you read my tutorial? =)
    Yeah my method, you still have to download the imports to visually view the new graphics though that is an easy method and only takes a few minutes depending on file-size and DL speeds. Basically people who don't do this should just not play your game because they're either too dumb or don't know your language and need someone to show them. No offense intended of course.
    Any new triggers should be in a different folder because yeah it'll replace all the buggy/leaker triggers before.

    I can check it out.

    By the way have you checked out the two publicly known methods for bypassing max filesize? Looks like your nearing the limit so that is why I was asking.

    If you use Genin32's/Avoid method your map will no longer be playable on new and official servers. My method however lets your map be played anywhere on any server pretty much because it uses the official method to bypass max file-sizes and how ironic that it was Blizzard that gave us it.
    Trust me there's no rush. So when you clean the leaks, will I need to import the triggers from the WoW Risk map you did it in, replacing the triggers in the WoW Risk map I'm using? Just wondering if I should stop or limit what I do to the triggers until you do that.

    As for advanced features, I've always wanted to improve the way units are loaded into boats. As it is, units often won't load at all or will just stop moving. Not sure if there's anything you could do about this though.
    Any advanced features you wanted that nobody else or you could put in or just didn't feel like it?
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