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  • Hehe, yea - Mostly the first, but sadly in our world we need those blasted things called money..
    Ah.. okay, there was several comments about lawyers in relation to you, hence my confusion. I finished, what I guess you could call something like computer science (although also combined with some more media, like movie and sound editing), 2 years ago now. So I am currently freelance :grin: So less money and more time spent than I would want. But heck.
    oh you're the lawyer arent you, :)

    I'm good. Long time, no mapping though (except personal testing but no real update)
    Wow. Amazing gem you gave. I am happy:goblin_yeah:
    cast inner fire on yourself so that you be like an angel ^^
    Really!why does it have to approved?!! I just downloaded an unapproved map, and it was fine. don't make me change my plans to please the mods instead of pleasing the fans.

    and, would you be my lawyer?
    .... what does that have to do with my question? I meant when you commented on ogre arena, where you included in the group of "moderators or cocky commenters discourage them. They bring their spirit down in a way that crushes their dreams. Thus they never make maps again.. Believe me it is true."? I just hope you did not crush the dream of the uploader. and... sorry if I was intruder :p

    and between, I want to hire you as my lawyer when I upload my map>>> I am too peaceful to ....

    Ouch! you have bad history with mods. I don't mean you are bad, I mean there was a big conflict!!

    what is wrong if a map was rejected? it still can be downloaded right? and fans can still download it, huh?
    so the answer should be: yes I am allowed to; not: Nah
    and.. were you as positive as you said one should be? -.-
    more is coming when I remember, I forgot what else I would say
    you sound like your avatar(like the priest in war3)....
    how is the case goin? Now allowed to express your opinion?
    maybe you were not as positive as you said one should be... maybe.
    now I go:goblin_sleep:
    You never insulted him?

    i didn't realize moderators, like yourself, had fascist tendencies.
    Direct insult.

    Are you a fascist? [...] If you don't think i have a right to speak, then seriously, go kill yourself because we have enough fascists in the world!
    Considering the above insult, the question is obviously rhetorical and you wish death upon -Kobas-.

    This is Fascistic.
    And once again calling -Kobas-' actions acts of fascism.

    And that my friend, was your first reply to -Kobas-' actions, and before that reply he didn't directly insult you. He did warn you about the fact that continued disregard of the rules will result in some form of punishment. And considering you've already received 1 infraction for repeatedly linking a site containing porn and torrents (even after being told not to), you should consider being more careful.
    Reputation (+1):
    (Post) You are sooo positive. You should be the first one to comment on my map:goblin_yeah:. And hey, did you get neg rep for being negative?!
    You really ought to watch your tone. Your behavior is not acceptable in any way and you are in fact directly insulting a member of the staff.

    Invoking Freedom of Speech will not get you anywhere either. While it is a highly appreciated notion, you still need to obey the rules. If you don't, and instead choose to hinder peaceful co-existence, then we simply cannot allow you to be here.
    Listen kid, I can't argue with you. You reported me, fine, at least administration will deal with you now. Just leave me alone.
    I am outraged! This is outrageous! If you don't think i have a right to speak, then seriously, go kill yourself because we have enough fascists in the world!..
    Who said I'm fascist at first place.

    Public warning? what is this? a joke? Warning for what? disagreeing on the rating of a map? This is Fascistic. Think about it. Think about Freedom of speech
    You indirectly insulted staff members, it's not a joke, and you did it again, listen carefully now, watch your words and keep your mouth shut if you don't have anything smart to say.
    I think I have a right to my own opinion here.

    I'm sorry i didn't realize moderators, like yourself, had fascist tendencies.
    Once again you insult staff members indirectly.

    I have a right to express my opinion.
    Yes, it's true, you already stated that above.

    And i did not use any inappropriate words (swear words).
    That's why I say indirectly.

    YOU have disappointed me. YOU have NO RIGHT to delete my comment just because you were disappointed.
    True, I can't, and comment was removed because of bad words.

    Are you a fascist?
    No, are you?
    I was disappointed with your post in Ogre Arena map thread :sad:
    We deleted post and reversed your rating, next time I won't act blind and you will be punished for bad words.

    This is public warning, take care!
    your welcome :p

    about the killing streaks, their not good since its noisy, for my opinion, how about just make a trigger for every time a player kills 50 units, they would gain a tome or attribute so they won't get overpowered.

    and I don't read triggers [not even opening it] because I only look at the output in-game not cracking it up. well that's for now :)
    Hehh, I love debates as well. Not so much religion though (not anymore at least, given up on that. Some of the answers I got were just too... well, religious :p But in a bad way, I have a profound belief that hurting anyone or anything for the sake of religion is ridiculous and even anti-religious, but some people think otherwise - which is why I avoid debates like that).

    I never was convinced that I 'should absolutely not check out your map'. I didn't feel like it, and that feeling hasn't changed.
    I am curious, but my "we'll see" usually ends in a "no". Well, who knows?

    And no, I've rejected maps uploaded by friends. You're completely misjudging me here, and I absolutely disgust that. I've even banned friends (on private servers) for breaking the rules. When it comes to modding, I'm neutral. Not your friend, nor your enemy.
    You know how awful it is to hear something like that? That someone thinks I'd 'approve a map' just because it was uploaded by a friend? I'd never, NEVER do that. Remember that. I won't say it again, and if you say it again I'll see it as "trolling", because that's how I feel right now: trolled.

    I'm sure abuse of powers is rule breaking. Other then that you are right, i have nothing.
    Then I'm quite sure I've done neither.
    As i said, Calling my map Puny, and saying that you don't care and implying that you don't like it. subsequently having not even seen it. IS, my friend, abuse of power. I'm guessing if i was your "real" friend you would have approved it no matter how awful it was. But my map? My map you call puny, and simply neglect it.
    AAAARGH! I did NOT call your map puny! That is not like me at all! I've already explained this.
    Implying I don't like it is abusing powers? It's called 'personal preference'. I've taken a look at the description and decided that, for me, the gameplay didn't look interesting. Are you judging personal preference now or what?
    As i said before, Now, at this moment, you suck! You suck Platypus Shit!!!! My reason was this:

    What? You think you can choose what maps you approve or not?? What are you the admin? I asked politely and you just ignored me. Who do you think you are?? THAT'S abuse of power! FACTS!
    I already said that moderators ARE the ones to decide what's approved and what's not. Admins CAN do that, but it's actually the moderator's job.
    So yeah, I decide what's approved and what's not. Doesn't make me a bad moderator at all.

    Hear this: [your story]
    You could've asked me again, or you could've said "Yo, dude! Why are you ignoring me?" or something like that. No, you decided to call me a bad moderator.
    Some maps have been rotting for a year or so, 'nothing new' I'd say. It's normal for maps to have to wait that long to get approved (or rejected). It's just a bad system that takes too long (which Ralle is going to change on THW 2.0).
    Don't believe you!!! nanananana
    Okay. Well, this IS the internet. Can't expect everyone to believe what I do in real-life I guess.

    How so? Are you kidding me?? You've been bullying me since my first cinematic!!!
    I'm harsh, that's all. It's not bullying if I actually say things that could be helpful (and yes, I did say helpful things - I just rechecked the posts).

    So for all i care you can leave my map pending until the end of time? Flub!!
    This is Abuse! You cannot say that "my map is puny" and you "don't care" and simply ignore my map! Is this a Joke?? Do i amuse you? Do you think this is funny??/ hmmmm?? hmmmm? TALK TO ME!!! AAAARGggggggg!!!
    Well, if I think I may not like the map: yes. I'll just 'let it rot'. There's another map moderator as well, and he approves maps more easily ;) (according to me: TOO easily, but whatever, I'm a perfectionist).
    Also: I've been talking to you this entire time.
    (about me helping other people) Have you proof of this claim?? Have you really helped alot?
    Nta da da dannn *scary music*

    ...I could link many, many more posts like that.

    We were talking about my map. And how i think that your a bad moderator because you didn't even look at my map.
    [...] Please explain this logic of yours. Please!!!
    I wasn't talking about your map specifically. I was saying how it's just one puny map among the lots of 'em.
    I don't say things suck before having checked them out first, that's just how I am.
    I don't say a song, a movie, a map or whatever sucks before I've checked it.
    You said it! :p look:

    [insert my quote here]
    I didn't care about what you said, don't take that quote out of its context :/

    Oh you did? Well you surely abused your power here, because you suck now! If they tested you now, you would never be approved again! muahah :/
    Ever heard of the term "don't judge a book by its cover"?. Well have ya?? Why would you not like my map? hmmm? is it because you don't like me!? :O
    That's not ME abusing my powers, is it? It's the admins being lazy.
    Besides, I also said that I still do a few things in the maps section. So what if I don't take requests, I still approve/reject a few maps, play the ones I like and such. It's really bothersome to find a good moderator, so they tend to stick with the old ones - the people who know the ropes.
    Also, about the ignoring part: many people say that to me. I tent to ignore people, that's nothing personal.
    I only say things if I have anything useful to add or something. I usually apologize for that and explain this to people who don't know me that well, and usually they don't really mind.

    However, you still haven't given the following:
    A valid reason why I'm such a horrible moderator
    Proof of me abusing any powers (you will find none though).
    Proof of me breaking the rules (again: there is no proof, I've never broken the hive rules).

    From the above, we can conclude that you're just spouting random things to make me look bad, but you don't actually have any proof.
    What? You think you can choose what maps you approve or not?? What are you the admin? I asked politely and you just ignored me. Who do you think you are?? THAT'S abuse of power! FACTS!
    Huh? Yes... that's how the hive works :S Moderators choose which maps to approve/reject, admins to do stuff with the site itself (not necessarily specific sections).
    I don't see how that is abusing my powers, really, you're just being silly :p

    Now i have one! And its not funny, its tragic. Tragic that the admin would hire such an arrogant lazy fool...
    "The admin": every time someone is appointed to become a mod, the majority of admins and moderators (and Ralle) have to approve that person.
    So it's not just 1 person, there are a lot of people who thought I'd be fitting for the job.
    And what is that reason then? Since you said "Now I have one!", but never said which reason exactly (I still can't follow your logic).
    Because my old friend we always quarrel about my maps... But you don't remember do u? Since you have rejected all my maps you have the nerve to ask me that???
    "The nerve to ask that"? How so?
    It's a pretty obvious question, I respond to a lot of people that do not insult me. I don't respond because someone insults me. Of course, if the insults are baseless like yours, yeah...

    I can see you never worked in real life... Or your a rich prick...
    Neither. I've worked a lot and I'm not from some rich family or anything.
    Clearly you think you are royalty here, look closely. You call my map puny? So disapprove it so we can get on with our lives. Who's arrogant now? Oh you dont get requests? sorry i thought you were a moderator!!!!
    One map out of the 200 is indeed puny (I wasn't talking about your map by the way, I've never even seen your map).
    You don't need to be royalty to call it that.
    And no, I do not take requests. I had that as my user title, but changed it a while back.
    Being a moderator is not about taking requests, you can't force people to take requests.

    Ok, so I'm a moderator? I'm confused. I'm supposed to do your work? YOUR work??? And yes you are a bad moderator, obviously
    *Sigh* no, you're not a moderator.
    Didn't you understand my point, or are you doing this on purpose?
    Re-read my post, it contains all info you need (I think).
    Racism, im not new but that was purely hatred. So the "new" population is arrogant and foolish? maybe because they dont get taught well hmmm??
    Racism is something else.
    I've noticed that most of the new people on the hive are like that, yes.
    And in case you didn't notice: I help a lot of people around the hive (maybe not as much as Pharaoh, but I do help others).
    So the "not being taught" is something that is completely not my fault, in fact: I teach other people stuff. What can you say in your defense?

    I'm sorry my lord!!! You damn fool... Why are you a moderator again? Did you prove yourself? I doubt it.
    I did prove myself. I've made countless reviews and helped out a lot of people with their maps.
    Not wanting to review maps you may not like isn't 'foolish', by far. I do still review maps which I think I'll like though.
    I don't know, do you really do so many things you don't like in your pastime?
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