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Warcraft : Humans

As the name says, this is a pure remake of what the glorious Warcraft: Orcs & Humans used to be and is. For all of those who would like to play back Wc1 with the style, the graphic and the interface of Wc3.

- Dual Single Player campaign: Play as Orcs or Humans and unveil their respective plots in 12 missions of real old Warcraft atmosphere.
- Old original warcraft music brought back and plaid stage by stage as the original soundtrack order was set.
- Old spells recreated. From the Necrolytes' "Unholy Armor" to the knee-dropping Warlocks' "Cloud of Poison".
- Accurate remake of the old levels' geography. Every single corner of all maps has been pasted to the wc3 engine!
- Artificial Intelligence perfectly re-created comparing the old ones. You'll incredibly feel exactly like playing against the original AI!
- All old units recreated. Raiders, "imba" catapults, Spearmen, summoned units and more!!
- Every units' stats same as how they were in the old game: from the "Crystal-fragility" of the Skeletons to the "Tank-resistance" of the Daemons.
- Intro briefings displayed as in-mission cinematics that will display a brief preview of your forces and some of the enemy.
- New plot explanations. Indoor stages have the addition of a longer intro-briefing displaying interesting(non-canon) chat between characters. Also, hit the "mission objective" button in each mission to read more curiosities about the storyline.

ok ladies and gentlemen, i'm happy to announce, after almost 6 years from the release, the big



- Both campaigns now lighter: 88,7 MB together against the previous ones' 120+ MB
- Fixed the campaign buttons not showing after completing each mission WITHOUT CHEATS! Thanks and sorry to all the (honest)players who reported.
- Fixed a bug that caused Summon Spiders/Scorpions to Summon Daemons/Elementals instead
- Fixed a bug which didn't let the player win and move to the ending after completing the last map in both campaigns.
- Fixed the AI Raise Dead spell, now working.


- Units selection limit(4) restored to normal(12), by popular demand.
- Just like in the original wc1, a voice will inform the player about enemies approaching the base
- Walls now buildable from the Town Hall; system created by Mechanical Man.
- Fixed(by Mechanical Man) a bug which "teleported underground" a worker unit when denied to build too far from the base.
- Revised and changed ALL UNITS' hit-points, armor and damage(original wc1 stats data and game mechanic studied and deeply explained by Clownboss here This game is so old it's not funny. - Warcraft: Orcs & Humans Message Board for PC - Page 2 - GameFAQs)
Now, because wc3 can't really handle the system explained in the link, i had to change stats repeatedly, test and tweak around. You'll see units with incredibly high gap of difference in armor, but still loyal to the old game. Also, because of the fact(as you can read in the link above) that every wc1 unit had a 20% chance of missing their target, i had to give every unit a 20% evasion ability called "Fortitude".


- Swapped the "swampy" maps tileset from Lordaeron Fall to Dalaran Ruins.
- With the exception of buildings, the whole game interface is now entirely customized with Wc1 icons(units, unit commands, spells, etc), created by myself.
- All intro and outro cinematics adjusted and improved.
- All briefing cinematics are now voiced by Bill Roper sounds(as in the CD version of wc1)
- Removed Ferris/Trespus and Zeke/Shivat from briefings and replaced with nameless Grunt/Paladin
- Forced both humans and orcs victory screens to their RoC versions.
- Revised and corrected ALL tooltips and extra dialogues in the game.
- New(and much much lighter) loading screens for every mission, created by me using artworks by Samwise from the wc1 manual, plus few others.
- New loading screens for all intros/endings and for campaigns' main screen.
- New models for:
Archer(kitabatake), Knight(loktar), Catapult(AndrewOverload519), Conjurer(loktar), Cleric(retextured from DoC by loktar), Barracks(retextured from DoC by loktar), Mill(retextured from DoC by loktar), Stable(Mike), Blacksmith(retextured from DoC by loktar), Church(Ket), Wall section(retextured from DoC by Loktar)

Spearman(retextured from DoC by Lightskin), Necrolyte(by kam), Warlock(Loktar), Blacksmith(REDXIII), Temple(retextured from DoC by Lightskin), Barracks(retextured from DoC by Loktar), Wall section(retextured from DoC by Loktar)

Neutrals & Others:
Fire Elemental(Alfredx_sotn), Skeleton(HerrDave), LogBridge(Mephestrial), Bandit Crossbowman(Wandering Soul), plus another model from Deolrin which i'm not telling because.....spoilers. ;)

Now I guess it's time for the most important part, the main event, the new


Every map in the game now has a Dialogue Box system(created by 3ICE) that allows you to choose between NORMAL and HARD mode.
The hard mode drastically modifies the whole game.
All missions have transitions between day and night.
When playing as humans, orcs will strike with more aggressiveness during the night, while the opposite happens when playing as orcs.
Don't relax even when playing the first missions, as the Hard mode will render them more difficult(and interesting) to play!
Completing a map in Hard Mode will unlock the Hard Mode level for the next one.
In addition(finally we're here), the Hard mode will unlock new BONUS OBJECTIVES in each map. Completing a bonus objective will unlock a new ability for a specific unit which will carry-over the rest of the campaign(only in Hard Mode). Completing ALL of the Bonus Objectives will unlock a special objective in the last map(Blackrock Spire/Stormwind Keep), which, if accomplished, will unlock a secret intro which will lead to 2 bonus maps(for each campaign) and a bonus finale at their completion.
The bonus maps are sub-plot missions following the aftermath of the first war for both Lothar and Garona.

Project is now on
PATCH v2.8


- Under permission of @loktar , i'm using his Wc1 models to enrich the remake. Unfortunately not all of the models have been remade yet. The missing ones are the Kennel and the orc Blacksmith.
The renewed models include all human and orc structures, Grunts, Raiders, Spearmen, Crossbowmen, Necrolytes(+attack and Dark Vision effect), Clerics' Holy Lance attacks effect, Conjurers, Scorpions and more.
- To celebrate the 10 years of this project, both Orcs & Humans secret campaigns will be unlocked from the beginning!
- New Hint messages will be displayed during Orc secret map 1 for the player to better understand how to exploit the "allegiance" mechanic, and to quickly acknowledge Garona's new abilities. Same will go for Lothar's secret map 1.
- Conjurer's Comet Strike attack effect has been changed into "howl", so any enemy unit struck will suffer a brief penalty to their attack damage. This ability may work or may not, but as before, who's relying on Conjurer for base defense or attack, anyway?
- Clerics/Necrolytes attack range reduced from 200 to 150, but upgrade from Bonus Objective will now increase their range by +150 instead of +100.
- AI attack waves in most maps were too short in Hard mode and too long in Normal mode. A rebalancement has been made.
- Human secret map 1 will also go through some changes:
First off, autocast function for Cleric Healing spell has been disabled here. Now, as in the previous version of the map, the player is forced to manage his gold on a limited amount of upgrades. In v2.8, this management will carry over to the next map. Furthermore, if you manage to let the Conjurer survive the first map, he will come with you in the second map. Also, if you decided to research the Rain of Fire for him in the previous map, the research will carry over to the next map as well. Any research that has NOT been made in the first map will NOT be available in the second map.
- Fire & Water Elementals, Spiders & Scorpions will now have all Chaos attacks(only get a 1.20 damage ratio over Large Armor type).
- Reworked bonus objective dynamic for human map 9: now losing Catapults or Scorpions to enemy Catapult attacks will not cause the secret objective to fail.
- Fixed some cinematic issues
- Several building sizes and ground textures reworked, in order to accomodate new models.
- Catapults damage has been reworked: now the Catapult will inflict its full damage on direct hit, while 60% of damage will spill in the surrounding area, in a cluster radius of 9 units like warcraft 1 & 2.
In this way only the heaviest units(such as Knights/Raiders, tier 2 summons and other Catapults) will survive the splash damage. This should also prevent Knights/Raiders from getting killed by a quick-lob glitch caused by Catapults firing right at the edge of their minimum attack range.
A mention has to be made towards the damage mitigation system in Warcraft 3, which works on percentage absorption rather than nullifying single numerical units. A Knight/Raider in this remake has a standard defence of 15, which absorbs 47% of damage. This percentage goes up by 4 for each of the two Shields upgrades, so you can guess how it further goes to inflict towards Catapult damage.
- Switched Lothar's Shield Bash ability with Shockwave: deals 50 damage over a straight line at the cost of 50 mana(like "Roar") with 10 seconds cooldown. This should also prove useful in the Human secret map 2, as the Shield Bash was only useful to snipe enemy Catapults, plus with the risk of Lothar getting stuck between obstacles due to a bug from the spell system.
- Added Donations Button down below so if you feel superkind, and think this guy here has well-spent over 10 years in creating and perfecting this remake for you to play for free, any donation would be super appreciated! :) ^^

PATCH v2.6


- Repositioned enemy units in some maps to prevent a very little(yet possible) chance for AI units from getting stuck there while attacking in a big balled-up fashion.
- Timer for Hard mode on map 10 increased from 6 to 10 minutes.
- Starting base and tech in map 12 reduced when Final bonus objective is unlocked to give the adequate difficulty for its completion(was brain-dead easy).
- Rain of fire/cloud of poison: Damage of each wave reduced from 18 to 13, decreased number of waves from 4 to 3, decreased building resistance to the spell from 25% to 0%, increased mana cost from 28 to 30.
- Human Catapult collision side reduced. It should avoid other Catapult hits now.
- Upkeep removed
- Damage of Chaos/Magic attack type decreased from 1.30 to 1.20 on heavy armors.

PATCH v2.4


- Clerics cooldown attack speed increased from 0.30 to 0.35
- Necrolytes cooldown attack speed decreased from 0.30 to 0.25
- Warlocks cooldown attack speed increased from 0.40 to 0.70
- Conjurers cooldown attack speed increased from 0.40 to 0.65
- Fixed a bug that prevented losing a bonus quest in human mission 9
- Conjurers' "Comet Strike" ability should now work normally
- Fixed building refund that was giving +25 wood everytime a Tower was placed beyond limit(both campaigns)

PATCH v2.2


- Archer/Spearman cooldown attack speed decreased from 0.85 to 0.75
- Archer/Spearman projectile's speed increased from 2400 to 3000
- Water Elementals cooldown attack speed decreased from 0.90 to 0.75
- Water Elementals projectile's speed increased from 1400 to 2000
- Daemon cooldown attack speed decreased from 1.10 to 1.00
- Skeleton(both types) cooldown attack speed decreased from 1.10 to 1.00
- All Cavalry and infantry melee units(spellcasters excluded) cooldown attack speed decreased from 0.60 to 0.50
- Scorpion and Spider cooldown attack speed increased from 0.60 to 0.65
- Slime cooldown attack speed decreased from 1.10 to 1.00
- Ogre cooldown attack speed increased from 0.60 to 0.65
- Fire Elemental cooldown attack speed decreased from 0.70 to 0.65
- Adjusted enemy summonings on level medium in advanced/final missions
- Enemy units training in missions 5, 6, 7, 9, 11 and 12 delayed and slowed down in both medium and hard modes
- Forced Catapult periodic training for AI in map 6 and 9 to accomodate Hard Mode Bonus achievement
- Fixed enemy casters waypoints in map 11
- Footmen Deflect ability set back to deflect projectiles(was disabled).
- Conjurers' Comet Strike ability has now "Storm Hammers" effects.
- Fixed Comet Strike ability that appeared as researched in some missions in Normal mode.
- Adjusted Ogres to the left side in the second part of mission 4.
- Corrected Armor Upgrade tooltip.
- Adjusted log-bridges height in swampy maps


- Hard mode and Bonus objectives have been tested. They are working 100% and are accomplishable even without cheats; so thanks in advance to all players who will play this remake as it should be.
- Bonus objectives are easier(most of them are possibile only) if you have achieved bonus goals in previous missions, so that the abilities you carry-over may save the day.
- Please notify me of ANY bugs, and i will fix them straight away.
- DO NOT attempt to sell, distribute or whatever idea comes in your mind about this remake(expecially claiming it your own)!!!!!!
- Enjoy FOR FREE my 8 years-long work!

Remember: this project took me 8 years. My very first goal was to play it myself, then as it started to take shape I also figured I could gladly share it with the Warcraft 3 community to show them all my passion for the classic games! So, if you want to be super generous and kind, please donate. ;)
Very much appreciated! ^^

warcraft orcs humans remake campaign update enhanced

Warcraft : Humans (Campaign)

17:50, 2nd May 2016 StoPCampinGn00b: This set of nostalgic missions are exactly what the description advertises - the remake of WarCraft 1 (Humans) in WarCraft 3. It's great, accurate, and innovative in its changes which won't turn people off...


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
It needs some other stuff like the road between buildings to make it feel like the original but it's nevertheless similar.

-the Archer has the Footman of Warcraft II icon and the Footman has a Bandit's portrait...
-make so that after double clicking for the same unit type, only four would remain selected, not one

-the ALT health bars work here
-the Knight may be powered with breed faster wolves (at least that's what their description says)
-why are the Necrolytes standing there in sight doing nothing?
-if the game is loaded the health bars will show on holding ALT

-does upkeep work like for Warcraft III? At least that's what the description says
-only the intro and chapter 1 have buttons in the campaign menu

(currently at Chapter IV but I got bored due to the long wait of mining and upgrading; maybe I will finish it if I'll get the vibe for it)

Seems quite difficult. Don't think the original was quite so. Did you test it thoroughly (it seems restarting levels might make the AI act differently)? If so then there are patterns to follow in each level. That leaves little to improvisation and makes everything feel like a rush.
There's another shot at Warcraft: Orcs & Humans (orc campaign) on the Hive. It's innovative, it even has heroes. As many said on this thread, this would be better as a project for multiplayer melee maps instead of an actual campaign.
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Level 21
Nov 20, 2005
It needs some other stuff like the road between buildings to make it feel like the original but it's nevertheless similar.

-the Archer has the Footman of Warcraft II icon and the Footman has a Bandit's portrait...
-make so that after double clicking for the same unit type, only four would remain selected, not one

-the ALT health bars work here
-the Knight may be powered with breed faster wolves (at least that's what their description says)
-why are the Necrolytes standing there in sight doing nothing?
-if the game is loaded the health bars will show on holding ALT

-does upkeep work like for Warcraft III? At least that's what the description says
-only the intro and chapter 1 have buttons in the campaign menu

(currently at Chapter IV but I got bored due to the long wait of mining and upgrading; maybe I will finish it if I'll get the vibe for it)

Seems quite difficult. Don't think the original was quite so. Did you test it thoroughly (it seems restarting levels might make the AI act differently)? If so then there are patterns to follow in each level. That leaves little to improvisation and makes everything feel like a rush.
There's another shot at Warcraft: Orcs & Humans (orc campaign) on the Hive. It's innovative, it even has heroes. As many said on this thread, this would be better as a project for multiplayer melee maps instead of an actual campaign.

heyheyheyheyhey! :) Before i even start to read this, be aware that i'm currently (and almost finished) working on a HUUUUUUUGE update, which will fix TONS & TONS of stuff and add even more! :D so dont worry! Stay TUNED!

P.S. I'm glad to see that there is still people that get and try my project after 5 years. You all gave me the motivation to update this. I started to work on it, few months ago but i'm almost done. The update will be, as i said, HUGE and juicy! ;)

-the Archer has the Footman of Warcraft II icon and the Footman has a Bandit's portrait...
The archer's 3d portrait looks more like that icon, with the golden mustaches, and so does the footman with his own. Anyway, both have been changed, so there'll be no need to worry about that.

-make so that after double clicking for the same unit type, only four would remain selected, not one
mmmm not sure what you mean here.

-the ALT health bars work here
..... ?

-the Knight may be powered with breed faster wolves (at least that's what their description says)
LOL that's absurd. How come i never realized that? Anyway i updated all the texts and tooltips in the upcoming version.

-why are the Necrolytes standing there in sight doing nothing?
Because they should wait for people to die and raise them as skeletons but i found out(recently) that AI doesn't use Raise dead if it is customed, so i had to find a way
to get around it(and i did).

-if the game is loaded the health bars will show on holding ALT
I noticed this and i fixed it.

-does upkeep work like for Warcraft III? At least that's what the description says
It does but every unit is 1 food-unit worth so it will likely never come up. I can also remove that since there wasn't any in wc1.

-only the intro and chapter 1 have buttons in the campaign menu
And i salute you for telling me that. 90% of the users that played didn't tell me about this because, as i later found out(while fixing this) that the trigger for unlocking campaign buttons was set only on winning cheats, not on next level prep. So everybody just coded their victories while you didn't, so you're most welcome to have noticed that.

As i said, stay tuned. I had a new job two months ago so i kinda slowed down a bit, but next weekend i'm going to work on the last things! ;)
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Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
The update will be, as i said, HUGE and juicy! ;)
Si, certo. What will it bring? Tell us the most important things. Or are you keeping the thrill until the upload?

mmmm not sure what you mean here.
If more than four units are selected, only one of them is then randomly selected by your trigger(s). Why not trigger to randomly select four units instead?

Anyways, it's a really nice thing you're doing with this. I'm sure Warcraft fans will appreciate it.

Level 1
Feb 18, 2016
I've only played the first few missions of the Human campaign so far and besides the super mario voices (yes I know this won't be fixed), I'm loving it! I can't believe nobody's done a longplay, review or even just a quick gameplay YouTube vid of this.

EDIT: nevermind, I already know how to fix it and already did it. I can upload for everyone if people would like that. I don't want any credits, LordePerenoldeII did an awesome job. All i did was to fix that small sound problem, what didnt take much time at all =)
So... did this guy ever decide to upload his fix for the Italian voices? I know that nobody asked for the upload (which I don't get), but he should have uploaded it anyway for late comers like me. :ogre_frown:
Level 21
Nov 20, 2005
I've only played the first few missions of the Human campaign so far and besides the super mario voices (yes I know this won't be fixed), I'm loving it! I can't believe nobody's done a longplay, review or even just a quick gameplay YouTube vid of this.

So... did this guy ever decide to upload his fix for the Italian voices? I know that nobody asked for the upload (which I don't get), but he should have uploaded it anyway for late comers like me. :ogre_frown:

Hello. Thank you for playing so far.
Do not worry. Since last June(yes, 1 year ago) i started working on a MASSIVE update, which will fix all bugs, including sounds(and that means voices too), and will add many new interesting features that will bring the mood back for this mod to those who were interested in and of course "late comers" like yourself! :) The problem is that last November i got a new job and is taking away lot of time from me, hence going veeeeery slow on the update. Anyway it is basically at 90% and it will be released as soon as it is complete(it will be soon, i promise)!
Please have faith. After all, i'm doing everything by myself. ;)
Also a(huge) patch log will be released altogether.
Level 1
Oct 28, 2012
Well, I didn't mean to upset anyone. Indeed no one asked for me to upload it, so I figured out I should not do it risking to disrespect the mod's author.
Anyway, I'm really psyched that this will have an update and such a huge one!
Level 21
Nov 20, 2005
ok ladies and gentlemen, i'm happy to announce, after almost 6 years from the release, the big



- Both campaigns now lighter: 88,7 MB together against the previous ones' 120+ MB
- Fixed the campaign buttons not showing after completing each mission WITHOUT CHEATS! Thanks and sorry to all the (honest)players who reported.
- Fixed a bug that caused Summon Spiders/Scorpions to Summon Daemons/Elementals instead
- Fixed a bug which didn't let the player win and move to the ending after completing the last map in both campaigns.
- Fixed the AI Raise Dead spell, now working.


- Units selection limit(4) restored to normal(12), by popular demand.
- Just like in the original wc1, a voice will inform the player about enemies approaching the base
- Walls now buildable from the Town Hall; system created by Mechanical Man.
- Fixed(by Mechanical Man) a bug which "teleported underground" a worker unit when denied to build too far from the base.
- Revised and changed ALL UNITS' hit-points, armor and damage(original wc1 stats data and game mechanic studied and deeply explained by Clownboss here http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/565021-warcraft-orcs-and-humans/51863721?page=1)
Now, because wc3 can't really handle the system explained in the link, i had to change stats repeatedly, test and tweak around. You'll see units with incredibly high gap of difference in armor, but still loyal to the old game. Also, because of the fact(as you can read in the link above) that every wc1 unit had a 20% chance of missing their target, i had to give every unit a 20% evasion ability called "Fortitude"(renamed "Thick composed frame" for buildings and catapults).


- Replaced all the sounds in italian with the standard ones, wc1 "Work Completed" and wc2 "town under attack" sounds for humans.
- Swapped the "swampy" maps tileset from Lordaeron Fall to Dalaran Ruins.
- With the exception of buildings, the whole game interface is now entirely customized with Wc1 icons(units, unit commands, spells, etc), created by myself.
- All intro and outro cinematics adjusted and improved.
- All briefing cinematics are now voiced by Bill Roper sounds(as in the CD version of wc1)
- Removed Ferris/Trespus and Zeke/Shivat from briefings and replaced with nameless Grunt/Paladin
- Forced both humans and orcs victory screens to their RoC versions.
- Revised and corrected ALL tooltips and extra dialogues in the game.
- New(and much much lighter) loading screens for every mission, created by me using artworks by Samwise from the wc1 manual, plus few others.
- New loading screens for all intros/endings and for campaigns' main screen.
- New models for:
Archer(kitabatake), Knight(loktar), Catapult(AndrewOverload519), Conjurer(loktar), Cleric(retextured from DoC by loktar), Barracks(retextured from DoC by loktar), Mill(retextured from DoC by loktar), Stable(Mike), Blacksmith(retextured from DoC by loktar), Church(Ket), Wall section(retextured from DoC by Loktar)

Spearman(retextured from DoC by Lightskin), Necrolyte(by kam), Warlock(Loktar), Blacksmith(REDXIII), Temple(retextured from DoC by Lightskin), Barracks(retextured from DoC by Loktar), Wall section(retextured from DoC by Loktar)

Neutrals & Others:
Fire Elemental(Alfredx_sotn), Skeleton(HerrDave), LogBridge(Mephestrial), Bandit Crossbowman(Wandering Soul), plus another model from Deolrin which i'm not telling because.....spoilers. ;)

Now I guess it's time for the most important part, the main event, the new


Every map in the game now has a Dialogue Box system(created by 3ICE) that allows you to choose between NORMAL and HARD mode prior to start.
The hard mode drastically modifies the whole game.
All missions have transitions between day and night.
When playing as humans, orcs will strike with more aggressiveness during the night, while the opposite happens when playing as orcs.
Don't relax even when playing the first missions, as the Hard mode will render them more difficult(and interesting) to play!
Completing a map in Hard Mode will unlock the Hard Mode level for the next one.
In addition(finally we're here), the Hard mode will unlock new BONUS OBJECTIVES in each map. Completing a bonus objective will unlock a new ability for a specific unit which will carry-over the rest of the campaign(only in Hard Mode). Completing ALL of the Bonus Objectives will unlock a special objective in the last map(Blackrock Spire/Stormwind Keep), which, if accomplished, will unlock a secret intro which will lead to 2 bonus maps(for each campaign) and a bonus finale at their completion.
The bonus maps are sub-plot missions following the aftermath of the first war for both Lothar and Garona.

Should be all, i think(lol). Probably i forgot few minor things, probably not.
I'm currently having my final tests, and should release VERY SOON! See you all in a few more days and sorry for the giga-wot!


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Deleted member 247165


Deleted member 247165

Hmm this reminds me of childhood memories. It is a cool idea. I am going to test it, then rate it. ;)
Level 21
Nov 20, 2005
Alright, here we go: Human campaign released.
I'm still performing my final tests on the orcish one, but in the mean time enjoy playing as the humans.


I would like to kindly request a re-review of this, please.


- Hard mode and Bonus objectives have been tested. They are working 100% and are accomplishable even without cheats; so thanks in advance to all players who will play this remake as it should be.
- Bonus objectives are easier(most of them are possibile only) if you have achieved bonus goals in previous missions, so that the abilities you carry-over may save the day.
- Please notify me of ANY bugs, and i will fix them straight away.
- DO NOT attempt to sell, distribute or whatever idea comes in your mind about this remake(expecially claiming it your own)!!!!!!
- Enjoy FOR FREE my 8 years-long work!
Level 1
Apr 15, 2016
You test ALL mission? In ep. 11 and 12 end of mission is imposible, because enemy rush TOO strong army.
Level 14
Aug 30, 2004
First time playing it, and it had a lot of impressive elements.

The game play felt very much like WC1. The units and builds were well done, the voices were fantastic. I didn't notice any bugs at all (except an item appeared when I rescued Lothar from the Deadmines. No one could loot the item so it seemed odd to put it there).

It is annoying looking for gold mines at the beginning, but that's WC1 for you. Very realistic.

The major problem is that the maps are fantastically imbalanced. Levels 11 and 12 are insanely difficult. With 11 I had to rush to mages and summon water elementals repeatedly while my base died around me. I won, but it wasn't pretty.

On level 12 you're massively rushed with units that will one-shot most of your army, AOE your buildings and are temporarily immune from damage at times. It's preposterous. This is on Medium difficulty as well. I had to play the game on slow speed and stagger fire with the catapults, reloading every time one missed, and I still couldn't last that long. Frustrating and unfun.

Once that's fixed I might come back. Was an impressive job overall.
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Necrolytes have a tendency to stay in one spot without attacking, summoning the occasional skeleton, while Clerics told to follow a unit randomly stop moving.
Defend doesn't seem to work, I've never seen it bounce anything back.
* Fourth mission: the narrator's text is chopped off at the bottom.
** Ogres have Player 1 as owner.
** During the second part, sometimes the ogres attack from both sides at once.
* Fifth mission: the narrator's text is chopped off at the bottom.
Level 21
Nov 20, 2005
First time playing it, and it had a lot of impressive elements.

The game play felt very much like WC1. The units and builds were well done, the voices were fantastic. I didn't notice any bugs at all (except an item appeared when I rescued Lothar from the Deadmines. No one could loot the item so it seemed odd to put it there).

It is annoying looking for gold mines at the beginning, but that's WC1 for you. Very realistic.

The major problem is that the maps are fantastically imbalanced. Levels 11 and 12 are insanely difficult. With 11 I had to rush to mages and summon water elementals repeatedly while my base died around me. I won, but it wasn't pretty.

On level 12 you're massively rushed with units that will one-shot most of your army, AOE your buildings and are temporarily immune from damage at times. It's preposterous. This is on Medium difficulty as well. I had to play the game on slow speed and stagger fire with the catapults, reloading every time one missed, and I still couldn't last that long. Frustrating and unfun.

Once that's fixed I might come back. Was an impressive job overall.

What i meant before, yes, rushing to Water Elementals should do th Te trick.
hmmmm. You said them missions were both at medium? I'll check. That's a bit strange.
Level 21
Nov 20, 2005
Necrolytes have a tendency to stay in one spot without attacking, summoning the occasional skeleton, while Clerics told to follow a unit randomly stop moving.
Defend doesn't seem to work, I've never seen it bounce anything back.
* Fourth mission: the narrator's text is chopped off at the bottom.
** Ogres have Player 1 as owner.
** During the second part, sometimes the ogres attack from both sides at once.
* Fifth mission: the narrator's text is chopped off at the bottom.

Defend actually doesn't bounce. I have to get rid of that part of tooltip text.
Ogres had red shoulder pads or whatever in wc1, so i made it like that on purpose.
I don't know what you mean for that second part.
Necros were passive in wc1 too. I don't get what you mean with clerics.
As for the rest, thanks. Will fix soon.
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Defend: You should make it bounce, the damages are so low the reduction doesn't seem that important anyway.

Ogres: As in the player name that appears above them reads "Player 1" instead of Ogres / Dead Mines Denizens / Children of the Underground / whatever name fits.
For the second part, after rescuing Lothar: there's ogres both left and right of the new starting position, but sometimes both sides attack at once and sometimes one side at a time.

Necrolytes: Necrolytes that are part of an attack wave will not join in, remaining far away. So after several attacks there's often half a dozen necrolytes sitting in one place.
Clerics: If you tell a Cleric to follow another unit (right-click), he'll sometimes stop following. It doesn't seem to be caused by casting Heal, since I've often seen them casting and continuing to follow.
Level 21
Nov 20, 2005
Defend: You should make it bounce, the damages are so low the reduction doesn't seem that important anyway.
Damage falls to 1 or 2. It IS important since piercing damage does higher damage to heavy armored units(read armor tooltips). Plus, it is balanced with the bonus that comes to Grunts in the orc campaign.

Ogres: As in the player name that appears above them reads "Player 1" instead of Ogres / Dead Mines Denizens / Children of the Underground / whatever name fits.
For the second part, after rescuing Lothar: there's ogres both left and right of the new starting position, but sometimes both sides attack at once and sometimes one side at a time.
That ogre thing should not be displayed and i don't recon it does, since there is a trigger that takes it off at the start of every mission.

Necrolytes: Necrolytes that are part of an attack wave will not join in, remaining far away. So after several attacks there's often half a dozen necrolytes sitting in one place.
It has to be like this. That was the behavior of necros in wc1: sitting away waiting to raise dead or armor friendly units.
Number of necros trained in each mission is limited right to solve this "over populated region" thing.

Clerics: If you tell a Cleric to follow another unit (right-click), he'll sometimes stop following. It doesn't seem to be caused by casting Heal, since I've often seen them casting and continuing to follow.
No idea about this.
Level 21
Nov 20, 2005
You could always set the ogres to NH and set their teamcolor to red.

I set them on player 1 because i couldn't script orders to neutral-hostile player(it won't let me). Besides, i just checked and as i knew the pre-selection functionalities are disabled from the start by a trigger. Anyway, guys, according to your reports, i will update whenever i have the chance.
Also i'm still busy with the final tests on the orc campaign.
I will investigate these maps 11 and 12. Perhaps both AI scripts medium-hard are colliding. I will see.

EDIT: I tried it and all that gives more trouble is the enemy constantly summoning daemons(they are scripted to do so every time they reach max mana). I can set this for the hard mode only. Besides that, i found out that enemy spellcasters attacking along the left side of the map stop in a region when they're supposed to move forward. I'll fix this too.

I didn't notice any bugs at all (except an item appeared when I rescued Lothar from the Deadmines. No one could loot the item so it seemed odd to put it there).

That is the Tome of Divinity. I even put lore notions in the mission description.
Even if it sounds pointless, read the mission description. ;)
Sometimes they can even provide some advices. On Hard mode they change as well.
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Level 21
Nov 20, 2005
Sixth mission: Narrator text is chopped off at the bottom.
Archers and catapults: you should try to get the catapults sent on different sides or separately, they end up killing each other (so the archers don't get the kill).

I had a look on all the maps you said where the narrator had the chopped text but couldn't find any interruption. I even tested'em and they're fine. Same goes for the red player's ogres.
Archers and catapults: Archers are one of the fastest units in the game; they can easily avoid catapult shots. Have a group targeting one, move them, target again, etc. and i say a group, because killing 1 catapult with 1 archer takes forever.
Level 21
Nov 20, 2005
For me, just about every intro cinematic with lots of text has about two or three empty lines at the start.

maybe is something related to the hacking previously suffered by this site? Just guessing.
I'm having other people checking for that too. Will let you know.
Do you have the latest patch installed?

EDIT: Alright, someone found the problem for me. It is due to resolution settings. I'll fix this by splitting the briefing texts in two parts, or at least i'll try to.
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Level 1
Apr 24, 2016
Hi LordPerenoldeII .
Congrats for your amazing job !
I have played the human hard mode but I'm stucked in the 12th mission ! is there any trick? Should I have to attack right in the begining?
Level 21
Nov 20, 2005
Hi LordPerenoldeII .
Congrats for your amazing job !
I have played the human hard mode but I'm stucked in the 12th mission ! is there any trick? Should I have to attack right in the begining?

Did you collect all the bonuses that led to the special objective in that final mission? Cuz at that point you don't need to destroy Blackrock Spire, just "touch" it. ;)
Anyway hold on, i'm releasing a "patch" right now.
Level 21
Nov 20, 2005
PATCH v2.2


- Archer/Spearman cooldown attack speed decreased from 0.85 to 0.75
- Archer/Spearman projectile's speed increased from 2400 to 3000
- Water Elementals cooldown attack speed decreased from 0.90 to 0.75
- Water Elementals projectile's speed increased from 1400 to 2000
- Daemon cooldown attack speed decreased from 1.10 to 1.00
- Skeleton(both types) cooldown attack speed decreased from 1.10 to 1.00
- All Cavalry and infantry melee units(spellcasters excluded) cooldown attack speed decreased from 0.60 to 0.50
- Scorpion and Spider cooldown attack speed increased from 0.60 to 0.65
- Slime cooldown attack speed decreased from 1.10 to 1.00
- Ogre cooldown attack speed increased from 0.60 to 0.65
- Fire Elemental cooldown attack speed decreased from 0.70 to 0.65
- Adjusted enemy summonings on level medium in advanced/final missions
- Enemy units training in missions 5, 6, 7, 9, 11 and 12 delayed and slowed down in both medium and hard modes
- Forced Catapult periodic training for AI in map 6 and 9 to accomodate Hard Mode Bonus achievement
- Fixed enemy casters waypoints in map 11
- Footmen Deflect ability set back to deflect projectiles(was disabled).
- Conjurers' Comet Strike ability has now "Storm Hammers" effects.
- Fixed Comet Strike ability that appeared as researched in some missions in Normal mode.
- Adjusted Ogres to the left side in the second part of mission 4.
- Corrected Armor Upgrade tooltip.
- Adjusted log-bridges height in swampy maps

Please note: Still nothing done on the "chopped" briefing texts some players may experience in some mission. This is but due to your resolution settings, as this remake was made on 1920x1080 monitor and it may happen if you play on a 1280x1024 monitor, as shown in the pic below(courtesy of Clownboss). I will probably do(or probably do not) something in the near future.


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Level 1
Apr 24, 2016
chapter 12

Hoooo indeed it is way more easier !
thanks for your rapid answer !
I will try the bonus chapter !
Level 21
Nov 20, 2005
Noice! Any plans for Warcraft 2 campaigns?

I said it 6 years ago and i'm strengthening that point now:
Considering how much busy this update got me in the past year and the things i had to sacrifice to do it(indeed i did), i will probably stop projecting for good. I do have some other w.i.p, though not of any wc2 remake.

If there was anything i'd like to remake about wc2 is the expansion's orc campaign: my favourite above all.
Level 21
Nov 20, 2005
Medihv's Tower: there's no reward for either sidequest, and the elementals one is called Optional Quest 2 in the messages.

Rockard and Stonard: Part 1 displays before Part 2.

I was expecting this. There is no reward, but the bonus medivh objective adds to the stack of accomplished bonuses required to activate the final bonus quest at map 12 that allow you access to bonus missions.

Elemental quest, yes, optional quest 2, how do you want to call it? optional quest II?
The quest is titled "Need a light?".
Rockard and stonard: well, before 2 there is 1. One, two......
Level 21
Nov 20, 2005
Yeah, messed it up. Part 2 shows up before Part 1.

The quest messages should read the quest's name instead of the numbers.

What i see is this:
The only thing wrong i see is that i forgot to put the 2 after the second "Optional Quest". Seems ok with the rest, even in the quest log.

"Part 2 shows up before Part 1" not a big deal, c'mon. :S


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Level 21
Nov 20, 2005
First secret level: Cutscenes aren't skippable.
I know, it's just mere few seconds though. Bearable. Plus, i think that's just the intro. afaik the others are skippable.

The units in the northwest are rescuable even with the wall in the way, so the enemy starts shooting at them instead.
I know. Get them out quick and heal them or Fire-rain their attackers.