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Dragonbone Golem (variative)

1. Mighty and dreadful, Dragonbone Golems are summoned to wreak havoc on unruly foes.
Dragonbone Reapers, the avatars and messengers of Death, terrorize lands of the living, sucking helpless souls to feed their crystals.

  • Contains additional animations for instant and channeling spells, stuns, bashes and stomps.
  • Contains reworked particle emmiters to support the character of the model.
  • Contains the appropriate Death animation sounds and extra glow.
  • Added more animated bones and a custom portrait.
  • Attachment points, collision spheres and so on, is optimized to its size.
  • Minimized geosets; animations have been made smoother.
  • The model uses in-game textures and other assets.
  • The format version is 800.
  • The duration of the Death animation is set to 60 seconds due to Warcraft standards. By plot the energy crystal remains underground the entire time, so you can resummon the unit (if you want it to be revivable) since visually the model just pops out from the ground (a good fit for the life cycle). Do not forget to edit your 'Art - Death Time (seconds)' line in the Object Editor.
  • Added a new variation of the model (Dragonbone Reaper), contaiting more paricle emitters and an additional texture (import path: Textures\DragonboneReaper.blp). That was a personal request and I decided to leave it here, might be useful for someone.
Author's notes:

I created this model for my map and am happy to share it with you guys.
During creation, I tried to give the model a lore-friendly look.
Feel free to use/edit the model but give credits.

Bone, Boss, Infernal, Necro, Necromancy, Skeletal, Skeleton, Summon, Undead, Wyrm

DragonboneGolem.mdx (Model)

DragonboneGolem_Portrait.mdx (Model)

DragonboneReaper.mdx (Model)

DragonboneReaper_Portrait.mdx (Model)

Textures\DragonboneReaper.blp (Texture)

General Frank
A very creative and excellently crafted model edit with amazing use of in-game animations. Works in-game and performs well. Great job.
@stein123, @Redbody, @Xelos, @uyarrr, thank you guys! I'm very pleased to hear these words from you :ogre_hurrhurr:

How have we not seen more content from you when you're able to drop something of this quality? Damn, I thought this was an Explobomb upload at first.
Thanks! This is because I decided to make them for my map a few weeks ago when I realized I couldn't rely on requests because nobody here knows me 😀

When you made that orc raider cap, I gave you follow cuz I seen a big potential in you comparable with gen Frank, Tauer, Ujimasa, johnwar, and others. And you didn’t fail. Keep making
I appreciate it 😌 Well, I'm too inexperienced compared to these masters, and modeling is not my passion yet, my goal is to make classic-looking models that best fit with the game graphics and atmosphere in general, but I hope I will surprise you 😛

I agree I thought it was Explobomb who uploaded this. I love the animations hope to see more models from you. :thumbs_up:
Thank you good sir! The sequence editor was annoying me but I tried hard 😄
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Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
Lovely work, all of the new and edited animations are fantastic. I can definitely see this guy serving as a boss in an RPG or a high-tier summon for a dark/undead faction.

I think you could leave most of the creature's remains on the ground for "Death", and have a much slower (60 second long) "Decay" where they slowly sink into the ground. Might look better that way.

You could also maybe try and have the crystal explode after it floats up in the air in "Death".
Level 8
Aug 5, 2014
Finaly good model for bone golem, rest that i saw was just a chaotic pile of bones or wierd bones contruction. Its really awesome. I have no words. It also good mix of shadow and bones.
Lovely work, all of the new and edited animations are fantastic. I can definitely see this guy serving as a boss in an RPG or a high-tier summon for a dark/undead faction.

I think you could leave most of the creature's remains on the ground for "Death", and have a much slower (60 second long) "Decay" where they slowly sink into the ground. Might look better that way.

You could also maybe try and have the crystal explode after it floats up in the air in "Death".
Thank you 🙌 Yeah, I also thought about the decay anim or the crystal's explosion, but maybe later I will add a longer decay anim, so you can revive a unit, the crystal will start emitting lights again and the bones will start gathering around it.
Finaly good model for bone golem, rest that i saw was just a chaotic pile of bones or wierd bones contruction. Its really awesome. I have no words. It also good mix of shadow and bones.
Thank you man!
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
Thank you 🙌 Yeah, I also thought about the decay anim or the crystal's explosion, but maybe later I will add a longer decay anim, so you can revive a unit, the crystal will start emitting lights again and the bones will start gathering around it.

I LOVE that idea. Looking forward to it! Huge boss vibes.

"You thought it was over? 2nd phase, bitches."
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
This is simply remarkable. A real humdinger of a model, and a combination of some of my favorite things (undead, animated constructs, skeletons/bones, giant crystals, cool animations, etc). Very, very cool.

I agree with Deolrin (on most everything), and would definitely love to see Death extended (and/or Birth featuring an 'assembly'-type deal, like one of the original skeletons in fiction). Absolutely in love with the 'imma firin mah (chest) lazor' animation.

Thanks! This is because I decided to make them for my map a few weeks ago when I realized I couldn't rely on requests because nobody here knows me 😀
Oh I feel this. (I mean, not anymore but I definitely did a couple decades ago)

I appreciate it 😌 Well, I'm too inexperienced compared to these masters, and modeling is not my passion yet, my goal is to make classic-looking models that best fit with the game graphics and atmosphere in general, but I hope I will surprise you 😛
You may not think it, but with stuff like this you are well on your way, man.

I'm also very glad to see another classic-focused modeler with a goal to make stuff that best 'fits' the great atmosphere of Warcraft... I'll keep an eye on you. : )
I agree with Deolrin (on most everything), and would definitely love to see Death extended (and/or Birth featuring an 'assembly'-type deal, like one of the original skeletons in fiction). Absolutely in love with the 'imma firin mah (chest) lazor' animation.
Now I almost feel like I have no choice 😀

@Deolrin, @johnwar, I think I messed up the Death animation. It should last 60 seconds due to Warcraft 3 standards or am I wrong?
The corpse / remains usually do not go through the ground or fade away until Decay, though, which is where your animation does not match WC3 conventions 100%.
So, here we have the crystal as the remains and the bones as the body.
I assume the crystal should remain underground as the birth animation requires it, as long as the model has no assembly animation. In addition, this seems quite appropriate, since it nicely loops the life cycle of the unit and also gives an opportunity to revive it 🧐
That will be my artistic choice here until I have the time and energy to make the Birth and Death animations more epic with the above mentioned effects 😌
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
So, here we have the crystal as the remains and the bones as the body.
I assume the crystal should remain underground as the birth animation requires it, as long as the model has no assembly animation. In addition, this seems quite appropriate, since it nicely loops the life cycle of the unit and also gives an opportunity to revive it 🧐
That will be my artistic choice here until I have the time and energy to make the Birth and Death animations more epic with the above mentioned effects 😌
Whatever you wanna do, man. At this point it's icing on the sick, awexome cake.
UPDATED: added a new variation of the model for the darker setting, contaiting more particle emitters and an additional texture. That was a personal request and I decided to leave this beast here, might be useful for someone.

Dragonbone Reaper
Dragonbone Reapers, the avatars and messengers of Death, terrorize lands of the living, sucking helpless souls to feed their crystals.
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Deleted member 304046


Deleted member 304046

Horrific and frightening undead creature! The might of the Scourge and any other Undead force can never be underestimated!:vw_love: