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Xcy's Modern Warfare - Teammembers wanted!

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Level 2
Aug 18, 2009
Xcy's War Command - Teammembers wanted!

Heyho there!

I'm starting to do a new Project called "War Command - Rise or Fall". First of all, let me explain what the project is all about:

The Project contains a bunch of maps that will be created. In general, there will be 2 types of maps, called "arena" and "quest".


These maps will be created as mulitplayer maps only. Up to 8 Players will build up their base, create a lot of tanks, aircrafts and infantry to destroy his (or her) opponents. Also every player could do a lot of research (abouzt 7-9 upgrades, each with 10 levels) to improve HP and damage of his (or her) units and getting the opportunity to build better vehicles.
Beside, there will be a bunch of "ultimate" weapons, such like a nuclear rocket or some EMP bomb. These weapons could only be used once in a while (also the upgrades levels should be high enough).
In order to get more resources, the player should capture mines and tear some crystals (Triberium) down. You may compare it with C&C.

There will be much more things included in MW, but not all ideas are elaborated yet.


These Maps are basicly the same like the "arena" ones. All players (1 to 4 players, so the maps can also be played offline/singleplayer) are fighting for the same team and have to reach different aims. There will be less resources and therefore less units, so the hole thing gets a bit smaller.

Sneak Preview

Additional Information

There are a lot of things i would like to change or add, but it will take some time to do. Yet, i'm working completely for my own, so even small changes take a lot of time (and thats why i'm asking for some help).

All maps will be available in two languages (German and English), so i'm looking for both, German and English speaking teammembers :razz:
Since my English isn't that well, i'm also looking for someone who like to translate the maps, so i don't have to do it :cute:

Currently, i've got two maps ready (beta status, tested about a dozen times but i'm changing a lot of things every day) and some trailer which will be available on YouTube soon.


Yay, if you're interesstest in helping me getting the hole project done, don't be shy an wirte me an pm or stuff. I'm looking for nearly everything (terrain, triggers, models, icons, sounds, spells etc.).

Greets, Xcytress
Last edited:
Level 2
Aug 18, 2009
Project name had been changed!

I've just changed the project name because.. ya.. i just didn't notice there is already a project named "modern warfare"..Sorry for that.. What a shame!

sounds good, just send me some example of your work, i will check it and you're in! :razz:

ps.: I will change the trailer soon, so there will be no more "modern warfare" displayed but "war command" :thumbs_up:

Greets, Xcy
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