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Wyvern Problems

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Level 12
Dec 20, 2005
Has anybody else had any trouble with Blizzard's WyvernRider model? If I export the wyvern and import it into WE without editing it at all, it crashes WE. This is a big problem because the wyvern's animations are unique (if i'm wrong please let me know) and perfect for the unit I want to make. I've spent quite a bit of time making different skins and particle emitters for the wyvern already and I'd hate to not use any of them.

I've been using Magos' Model Editor to export it, could that be corrupting it?

Does anybody else have this problem? If so, how did you fix it?

Thanks for your time,

[Edit]: Whenever I try to open a Wyvern model that has been saved in Magos I get an error that says something like this: 'Unknown Attachment ID in Attachment'.

Also, when I try to save a wyvern model as an mdl using Magos I get this message: 'an unknown error has occurred'.
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Level 23
Mar 29, 2004
If you deleted any goesets, you'll have to remove any goesetanims that are no longer assigned.

But if you say it's crashing without any editing... I'd say the old negative maxes and positive mins, but a quick look in the model put that one out the window (it's only ever been a problem with the Tauren and Marine in my experience).

Team-coloured particle emitters?
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