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World War 3: Modern Warfare

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Level 4
Aug 30, 2008
My first serious map.

Ive played alot of WW2,WW3,Desert storm type maps. Ive put together all my knowledge of how a alternate melee map should be, and created a great combat system. A few bugs im working on but other then that everything's going great.


notice the minimap. its epic in size. units are 50% smaller, so the world/trees seem bigger. I also got the terrain to look awesome and it will make u feel like your really fighting in those areas of the world. The screenshot is what it looks like when you start.

With a unique combat system battles are epic. Here is a taste of what battles look like.

notice bullets flying through the air, adds realism. i slowed down projectiles a little bit and added more arc to artillery units so it looks cool and epic.

You can play as USA,Russia,EU,China,MiddleEast,Africa and South America.

below is a pic of blackhawk transport with a howitzer in it.

Another cool feature is that trees are big and spaced out so infantry can go into forests.
those were all screenshots from BETA3, I will upload BETA4 for everyone to test when i get there. ATM i need to finish Naval units, and fix air units, once thats finished ill release beta4 for you guys. After that i will need to add snipers and special forces infantry, after that Beta will be completed and ill release 1.0..

please comment what u think..

thanks :grin:
Level 6
Jun 1, 2006
From what I can (barely) see from the minimap, the world looks a little odd. For a start Africa looks like it is completely covered in desert, save for Madagascar. Only in the far southwest, the north and Somalia is really that desertlike. Asia looks fairly squashed and from what I can see, Europe is just a clump of land. There also appears to be two Australias, a desert one that is only slightly recognizable due to it's location, and one slightly north of it that is the right shape, but not in the right place.

It would be neat too if you could replicate the air movement in World War 3: Nuclear Sunrise, where air realistically can only stand still by going to the ground (via hold position) and while it is in the air, it moves around in rough sort of circle.

For the terrain you'll also be needing a lot of mountains, bumps and dips. Not only will that add realism, but it will make it a hell of a lot more interesting for the people playing the game.

Thats pretty much all I can suggest/complain about with the information and screenshots you've provided. :cool:
Level 4
Aug 30, 2008
From what I can (barely) see from the minimap, the world looks a little odd. For a start Africa looks like it is completely covered in desert, save for Madagascar. Only in the far southwest, the north and Somalia is really that desertlike. Asia looks fairly squashed and from what I can see, Europe is just a clump of land. There also appears to be two Australias, a desert one that is only slightly recognizable due to it's location, and one slightly north of it that is the right shape, but not in the right place.

It would be neat too if you could replicate the air movement in World War 3: Nuclear Sunrise, where air realistically can only stand still by going to the ground (via hold position) and while it is in the air, it moves around in rough sort of circle.

For the terrain you'll also be needing a lot of mountains, bumps and dips. Not only will that add realism, but it will make it a hell of a lot more interesting for the people playing the game.

Thats pretty much all I can suggest/complain about with the information and screenshots you've provided. :cool:

the Australia on the top is japan. Although I liked Nuclear sunrise and i think the creator of it did a great job, i wanted mine to be a little less complicating for people who have never played it before. I will add mountains around the map and a forests and stuff in africa. thanks for the advice...
Level 18
Sep 27, 2005
It is true Africa looks realy a bit to deserty. There is a big Jungle around Kongo you know. The models kick ass, but the terrain looks realy plain and boring. I would suggest you improve it to make the game more interestin and better looking, else of that I like it.

I will + rep you, hopefuly you will remove your red gem soon, you got from double posting.
Level 4
Aug 30, 2008
It is true Africa looks realy a bit to deserty. There is a big Jungle around Kongo you know. The models kick ass, but the terrain looks realy plain and boring. I would suggest you improve it to make the game more interestin and better looking, else of that I like it.

I will + rep you, hopefuly you will remove your red gem soon, you got from double posting.

i dont know how i got it.. thanks btw. (models not by me though. credits in game)
Level 2
Apr 16, 2008
I think you need to increase those unit's attack range they're just to close to each other in that battle but it does look intense good luck with this.
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