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World Editor crash

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Level 6
Mar 7, 2011
Does/has anyone else experience a world editor crash for the following steps? When trying to copy&paste terrain
  1. Open my map... (It seems like the default 64x64 map does not experience this error, so now I'm wondering how specific to my map this error is)
  2. Switch to terrain palatte
  3. Switch to selection mode
  4. Left click AND start dragging (as if to select an area of terrain)

Expected: To have started to outline a terrain selection
Actual: Editor crashed

I know I'd need to upload my map to reasonably ask for help identifying/addressing it, but I'm not willing to do that for this reason yet. I'm just trying to see how isolated my error is

I've been experiencing this issue since around the start of the vanilla editor updates, but only just realized that the 64x64 default settings map doesn't share the same error (thus the post)
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