Convince Ralle to do the following...
- remove the /forums/board/ part of the URL.
- Do affiliates by JavaScript insert.
- Remove the following keywords; warcraft, forum, maps, scenario, resources, hive, hiveworkshop, tools, icons, maps, models, skins, download, ralle, tutorial, help
- Change description from
"This is a popular warcraft 3 website with an active community and vast resources, models, icons, spells, skins, maps, packs, tutorials and tools."
"Your source for WarCraft III maps, icons, spells, skins, tutorials and more! <3"
- ...and remove the description meta tag on every page except the front.
- Put the paypal donation form on a seperate page.
- add NOINDEX flags to board listings.
- increase posts per page.
- remove the ad on the bottom.
Thats some of the easy stuff.