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[JASS] What can change icon arrangement in the list of selected units (in the in-game ui)?

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Level 23
Apr 3, 2018
I'm experiencing an issue in my map, not sure if I can explain it coherently...

The situation:
  • multiple units are selected, all with items; one of them is focused as the main selected unit (with bigger icon, and portrait of that unit being displayed)
  • I click one of the items, and lots of triggered actions are done, adding items or setting charges, none of them having anything to do with selections
  • NOW THE ISSUE: once this is done, for some reason the focused primary selected unit jumps to the middle or end of the list of selected units, messing up my plans on clicking different units and items in a specific order, because now all the selected units are in a different order in the list than before.
In other words, the icon arrangement on the "selected units" panel changes.

I tried testing with a trigger that would react on "unit is selected" event, it does not proc when this issue happens; the test trigger itself works and detects units being selected otherwise like it should. So this should have nothing to do with selection triggers.

What are some natives I should look out for in my code, that could cause this change of order of selected units? I'm using 1.26, no interface functions or anything like that. There is too much intertwined code to post.
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Level 41
Feb 27, 2007
There is at least one other baffling selection bug as of 1.30, so I would not be surprised if this is just an issue with the engine and it's not something you can avoid or overcome. Probably not related but here's a thread detailing the selection fuckery I found: [Solved] - Build order causing all player builders to open build menu

Interesting that this is on 1.26, though.
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