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WEB - MORPG v.10 (WIP)

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Level 7
Mar 22, 2010
World of Epic Battles
(Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game)

I. Introduction
WEB MORPG is obviously a game which you will be played 3 heroes per player. That doesnt mean 3 heroes at a time. This will be played with two races namely; human and demon. Each race will be a faction and keeps to kill race to race battle, pvp, team pvp and some more events.
Updates soon...

II. Race and Class
Human and Demon include warrior, magician, ranger, gladiator and a shaman. These are hero classes. Each of them has unique type of fighting, items, skills, quest and some more.
Updates soon...

III. Features
Since the map size is not that applicable for large RPGs, i used different maps of this game(which is common). These are some interesting features of the game:

-Team PvP
-Race Wars
-Clan Wars
-Underground Raids
And some more...

And some more updates coming...

-Race Event
-Hide and seek faction Event
-Haunt, Haunted and Death Event
And some more...


Updates soon...

I probably needing help with this project.
I've been making this project a month ago and been focused on Terrain stuffs to make it more interesting either way.
I need:

Modelers...more modelers...
Spell makers( i would like to have jass rather than GUI )

If you are interested you could PM me.
Final Note:
I know im not that "known" or experienced or whatever, but i promise i can make a good map map(if i would not be working on my own).^^

- General Terrainer, Jasser/Triggerer, Spell Maker, Modeler, Icon Maker
eclyptk - dungeon terrainer

Thats all i can give for now...
More updates will come...


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Level 4
Apr 10, 2010
That's a lot of different systems to work on implementing... Maybe it would just be best to stick with the basics first and add more in over time. Or are those just ideas you have that you plan to create as you continue to update the map(s)?

Well the terrain seems decent as it is, especially the indoor area (great job with that!). I suggest adding some sky and fog for the outdoor areas. Some things are out of proportion like the market stands being smaller than bushes and flowers. Trees would be better as custom imports instead of the ugly Blizzard trees.

Well I'm looking forward to hearing more about the classes. They're pretty basic classes as far as RPGs go, but some idea about what their spells or tactics will be would be nice.
Level 7
Mar 22, 2010
Yeah sure, i just forgot to set the skies and the fog. Those what i put in features and some are not just ideas of mine. I already made them and they were successful as i have expected. I will remake them and upgrade to a better version. I cant give any demo for that because my old files were corrupted by my edited models i guess. So that map cant be opened again.
Let me tell you that those i made before was made by myself only thats why i really took time. If i have helpers i could make this faster. If its ok for you i will send you the map after i finished it but just a demo for everything.

For the trees, yes i already had the plan to change it but i guess i will just change them when i'm finish with my terrains.

For the market stand, ok i'll increase its size.
Thanks for the comment though. More updates will come soon..




-Underground Raids
What do you mean by that? Normal, enter cave, enter region type-raids or a double-map feature (like D&D: Dragonshards)
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