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Warcraft: Deception

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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Reactions: Callahan
Ambienced in a Warcraft world in peace, with an RPG gameplay, your main character will complete a main storyline.

Features in this DEMO:

1st Release (2009-1-19):

- Complete tutorial.
- Alchemy (cooking).
- Multi-language (English/Spanish)
- Travelling between maps.
- Cars/Vehicles.
- Jobs (Pizza delivery and Firefighting).
- Camera locked to player with control (arrow keys rotate the camera around target).
- Custom models (respective owners described in Credits).
- Complete triggering.
- Gym (Strenght and Agility Shop).

2nd Release (2009-1-20):

- Pets (following).
- Custom music.
- Complete game cache (allows to keep car-gold-pet-items-level).
- Respawning in Hospital when dead.
- Item-respawning for medkit and adrenaline (in Hospital).
- Two new maps: Azeroth Town North and South.
- First Safe House now purchaseable!!!!!
- Load/Save game.
- School (Intelligence/Knowledge/Experience shop).
- Cars and people moving in the street.

3rd Release (2009-01-21)
- Added in-game save and quit system (ESC key).
- Added Load game system.
- Added first quest (Chapter 1)
- Added first cinematic!!!!! "The Tale of the Prisoner"
- Added speech in the Tutorial (coming up soon in the storyline gameplay).
- As Warcraft: Deception uses Game Cache, when you update the campaign file to a newer version you won't lose all what you've done in the previous one.
- Updated credits.
- Corrected some minor bugs (Chicken in Azeroth North escaped from the store).
- Corrected pet bug (stopped following when dropping off from the vehicle).
- Added some pretty doodads to all the entire gameplay.
- Added a pretty enviroment to the Load Game map.

4rd Release (2009-1-31 - sorry for being late ;D)
- 1st quest completed! Deliver the bag to Mog.
- 2nd quest almost finished (triggers won't work yet)
- New playable character: Kira Nightwolf - Assassin
- New town! Bandit Camp.
- Wildlands! (monsters): The Sand Sea (desert), the Azeroth's Farmlands, and the Cave (quest requirement).
- Added new types of monsters and weapons.
- Added skill shop.
- Added new armor for hero (upgrade to warrior).
- Added boss: The Police Captain.
- Changed max lvl from 100 to 250.

Coming up soon:
- More main quests to continue the storyline.
- The Pier (travelling to Lordaeron).
- The Chamber of Portals (travelling between worlds).
- More jobs (Vet/Paramedic/Beertender).


- To THW for storing my campaign.
- To you, for downloading it.
- To my brother Julián and Santiago for testing it.
- To the owner of the models.
- To Blizzard Entertainment.
- To my father for helping me out in my map making.

RPG, LOAP, Campaign, DEMO, Villager

Warcraft: Deception (Campaign)

20:33, 29th Oct 2009 ap0calypse: Rejected You need to redo basically everything...




20:33, 29th Oct 2009
ap0calypse: Rejected

You need to redo basically everything...
Level 3
Jan 17, 2009
As THW puts a mini map preview of my maps, I have to say that you mustn't pay attention to them as I've made an entire Load System with Game Cache.

If you download this campaign, and start to play it, don't disappoint; as I use Game Cache to restore units, gold and in-game time (as I will do with weather effects), start playing it and you'll be able to recover all what you bought or have done (including level, inventory, pet, car, etc.) as you update the campaign downloading the next releases.

So play it as much as you want, and as I work on it and update it, you'll be able to play more chapters of this story!
Level 1
Dec 7, 2008

I can get the same message time and again by just walking back to the same point.You should consider that the message may come only one time.

I can take my vehcile in the stores as well as to the places where people are walking.Try to improve.

I can move the vehicle even if i am not inside it.Don't you think that it would look weird?

In the tutorial there was no one from whom i bought the vehicle.Don't you think that there should be someone there?

The "Help Wanted" circles in the tutorial are not working.

How do i buy a home ?This thing is not told in your tutorial.Also i was not able to walk to the houses where the message that i can buy houses came.Care to explain?
Level 3
Jan 17, 2009
The Car Seller is located in map 2 of the tutorial, he's a Tinker.
In the 3rd release i have uploaded you'll see i improved it all except the vehicle things (but I'll consider it).

Upgrade it now and you'll not regret: you can load it including if you download a newer version, you won't lose what you already have bought or won.
Level 3
Jan 17, 2009
"Help Wanted" circles in the tutorial aren't supposed to work as you'll lose all the gold not earned in the Game itself. And the thing is that if you missed a Tutorial, you won't miss it forever nor need to replay it.

Now I've put the two first cities where you can either:

- Buy cars (Azeroth Town South, in the North-East corner, from Mark the Salesman).
- Train in Gym or learn experience and attributes from the School.
- A policeman will appear when you come back to the first map after you went to the second; it'll say that you have to be Lvl 3 to get out of the city, but outskirts are not finished, so I recommend you to play it, and do Jobs to win gold, you'll need it when the next version is released.
- To purchase a home (from the Inmobiliary, second building from the entrance to the north in Azeroth Town North).
- To save game (entering maps and savehouses will automatically store your current process.
- To save game from WARCRAFT: DECEPTION GAME MENU (not joking!!!) pressing ESC KEY.

Download now please and you'll have fun!

Note: if you downloaded it in the 1st and 2nd release you MUST download the 3rd release and then you can update it without losing your process.

Thanks and please rate!
Nice ideas.
Warcraft world in the future.
I like the Day/Night music theme.
I see your father and brothers helped you making this campaign =D.
You father must be cool wc3 modding is something you don't usualy do in familiy.

some cons :
-empty town not lively
-Slow paced you waste lots of time traveling the town or waiting shop/tavern opening wich is boring.
-Pavement as some weird pathing I mainly travel on road even if i'm pedestrian.
-Car can move w/o driver

Some suggestion :

-Make able to talk NPC.
-Make more stuff to do in each town so you have some stuff to do while waiting opening.While a shop is closed another one is open for example.
-Make car only able to travel on road.
-Make pedestrian take damage while colliding a car so you're dissuaded to walk on road.

Keep up man.
Level 3
Jan 17, 2009

All what you said is just what i'm working on!!!
You accurated it all!

I don't understand you "empty town not lively" what do you mean?

I'm working now on:
- An ability called "Meditate" which will make time go faster.
- Cars collide with you and hurt you.
- Cars left in middle of the roads with no driver won't move.
- Cars can't drive on streets.
- Pavement does include custom textures and I don't want to add anymore as the game uses lots of custom models (for weapons and shields) and custom icons.
- My father is an icon maker and is making some icons for the pizza and for the sandwich.
- In the Tutorial you can speak to an NPC.
- I will do more jobs (Vet in the Pet Shop, Guitar Player in the Club, cooker in the restaurant).

All you keep up with suggestions, so I can make it better.

PS: Have you tested the Save/Load System?
Level 1
Dec 7, 2008
After your 3rd release i played this campaign's tutorial and found some problems which i have written as follows:

The first message welcoming to the campaign gets for a long time compared to the words contained in the message.You should shorten the time for which the message appears.

I can get the same message time and again by just walking to same spot.At least do something about it at the room where the gold coins are.When i get in i get the message.when i get out i get the message again.

Whenever i cook something the quest menu updates but there is no quest there or any update.

In tutorial no.6 i got an advice to look out for the cars.But when i collided with it nothing happened.I think that this makes that message totally useless.

I can easily walk on whole of the street even when i have no vehicle.i just have a problem that i have to get on to the road from certain places only.

Mind showing the road a bit different to show from where i can get on to the road.

The vehicle can also get on to the road from the same places as that of the pedestrians.
Level 3
Jan 17, 2009

The places to get to the road are the corners of the street (like in real life) and I put some signs to difference the "crossing spots", but maybe I will change the tiles too (I've used pathing blockers).

Respecting to the cars collide... well I've been working the whole morning on it but there's no way to make it as I use variables and WE doesn't support variables in the trigger action "Unit within range" (I don't know why, if anybody has and idea of how to do that, please tell me).

If you want I can disable the messages in the tutorial, but then you'll never be able to read them again when the message log is full (anyway you can play the tutorial again isn't it? well I will turn off the messages OK).

Maybe the welcome message is too long, I'll look on that.


I don't want to add more custom models the filesize of the 4rd release is almost 30 MB!
(Anyway I couldn't find any villager models in the resource forum on THW and I'm not a model maker so...).

I've just finished the 1st chapter and I'm beginning with the second one... (need some more testing and changing some triggering and then tomorrow I'll update).

One more thing: can anybody help me to make a greater inventory? I saw a 100 slot inventory don't know where but as it uses custom scripts and I don't know how to edit that I couldn't use it. If anybody can help me then REPLY HERE.

Thanks for playing and see you tomorrow.
Level 24
Feb 28, 2007
Okay, I just tried your campaign. it was too long time since I played a good campaign. This, however was one hell of a disappointment. First things first, this is a demo, so why is it even uploaded here at all? There is a map development forum for un-finished things, demos included.
Let's divide this review into two categories, pros and cons, positive and negative things about the campaign.

  • Well, I don't find anything good enough in this campaign to be called a "pro", I'm sorry but nothing really fits in here.
  • To begin with, the terrain with frustratingly bad, you had like 3 different tiles and like 10 doodads / map, I mean, come on...
  • This is minor, but I found several spelling and grammar errors in your campaign.
  • An "alternate" continuation from the wc2 storyline? Sounds cool, but please explain where in the warcraft lore it says that Lothar took the car to Lordaeron. Not getting it? Cars don't fit in, at all!
  • You are a human, so why is your uncle a Night Elf, and for the love of good, "Uncle Ben"?
  • Okay, the storyline was lacking overall, it just seemed really bad and there seems that almost no time at all was put into it.
  • There was no fun factor in this campaign at all, walking around in the cities was horrible, the time I spent playing this was just, meh.
  • The cinematography weren't that good either, you need more cameras, music etc.
I don't even think it's necessary to tell you how to improve really, it's not my map, but if it were, I'd follow this simple tutorial on how to improve:

Rightclick .w3n file -> Remove file.
THW -> Tutorials
World Editor -> New map without cars.

Either that, or read my cons carefully, however, fulfilling them all would be like redoing it anyways, I guess.

1/5 and voted for disapproval.
Level 3
Jan 17, 2009
I'll look into that...

However I found some things that I need to make clear:

- This is WC world in future, so cars need to be in there. If you think not, then I open Object Editor, and change the models to another ones (don't tell me that in WC3 there are no vehicles).
- As you play the campaign you'll find why your uncle is a NE, and of course he's not called "Ben" (cinematic tells that the main character did never think he was from that world).
- The main character is the one that, after thousands of years, opened the portals to the other realms again (Draenor, etc).
- Have you ever played "The Sims"? Well cities are supposed to remember you that game.
- The spelling and grammar errors are easy to tell you why; English is NOT my main language (we speak in spanish in my country). If anybody finds grammatical errors please tell me where.
- Never played an RPG? Well they are supposed to be walking around and around.

- And the Most Important Thing: I would never remove the file. I could improve things from inside, but never remove it.

I don't say that in a bad way, just tell you the reasons of everything.

I'll try to improve it.

However, this is not an alternate continuation of the wc2 storyline. I never said Warcraft 2 in any part. This campaign is ambienced in the future (thousand years after Warcraft 3). All the wars and stories seem to be a legend, but the main character will probe (unintentionally) that they're true.

I hope I didn't offend anyone and that I made myself clear.

Thanks anyway for playing it and spending your time!
Level 4
Dec 12, 2008
its really good campaign, but make anti-cheat system, im not cheater but i seened you can cheat gold and buy everything you wanted!i dont know how to do it but it will be goodness(some people are cheaters, so it be good with anti-cheat system)
Level 1
Dec 7, 2008
while i was In the pizza job ,i used the wrap command to go to uncle's house but the quest failed. Why? The wrap command took me directly to uncle ben's house so it must mean that i delivered the pizza as it will of course must go to his house.

you can make these quests more interesting if they deliver pizzas at alternate places.otherwise it looks as if the uncle consumes the whole pizza production of the city.

you must consider placing a bit more housing in the part of the map where uncle ben's house is.otherwise it looks that he is the only resident of that map and all the shops are for him. think how would it look that a city has all the necessary facilities just for one person.i don't mean that you merely place some house item i mean placing a bit space for the houses as you have made for the uncle.

you have written that the town is a farming town then what are the high-tech cars doing there?

Main Problem
the gym you have placed is such that i can easily go there to increase my attributes and go to pharmacy to recover time and again and i will not have to eat anything to survive.i did this 3-4 times and then bought the keg of ale then the hp regeneration rate was increasing my hp instead of decreasing.due to this the whole system of eating food to stay alive failed.

in the fire station's quest the player goes and hits the fire with his hands to put out the fire.isn't it weird?you can replace it.you can place an item in the person's quest when the quest is taken by use of which a snowball or water [the spells] come and they extinguish fire.that will be much more appropriate i think.

before i have bought the safe house in the second map ,the north map,if i use the wrap command i was teleported to the safe house.but as i do not own it i should be teleported to the beginning of the map.

the kitchen present in the house that i can buy is mine even before i buy the house.this is shown in the mini-map as the kitchen has the same color as i have.

adding a little people in the tavern will look more appropriate.also a little chatting among them will help your map.

you may consider placing a system in the game ,if you can find one, by which people go out of the stores before the closing time.otherwise it looks as if the people are locked in the shops during the night.same goes for the schools in the second map.

in the gun's shop in the first map the landmines that you have placed in there along with the walls explode if the people present there walk over them.

there is a women walking on the top place of the first chapter along with her children during night also.you should consider the motion of the people in the city.they should stop sometimes to talk or rest otherwise it looks as if they are machines.

the first chapter says that the city is farming town but i never saw any farmland.did you forget that?only uncle's house had a look of farm place otherwise all other doesn't even gives an idea of being a farm place.

in the second map i can walk on all the roads.there isn't even the restriction of point of entry to the roads.

2 roads from the 1st map lead to the 2nd map.these 2 roads brought me to the same spot in both cases.but the placement of the 2 roads is very far away due which the geography of the city is a little out of order.

there was a place in the 2nd map just at the point of entry.the mini map showed that a lot of people were present in it but i was neither able to know what it was nor able to enter it.why?is it a part of the storyline?

the first quest said that i had to deliver the bag to a person named mog in tavern.the only tavern i found was the one with the pandarean brew master in it.would you tell me where is that tavern?
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Level 3
Jan 17, 2009

Next release is taking more time than I suspected, due to triggering problems (the ones you said).
Farmlands are finished, as well as the Desert, the Bandit Camp, the outside tavern, the cave, the Nexus (portal chamber), Draenor's first map, 3rd quest and 2nd and 3rd playable characters. Only problems I found are the ones to restore those units and to add abilitys (purchaseable in shops after the 1st quest).

I'll expand a bit the southern part of Azeroth to put more houses.

The gym thing, I don't know why but I cannot set life regeneration to 0. Anybody help me!

Only things are those, hope I can solve this problems (they aren't much but triggering is killing me).

Hope I upgrade it Friday's night.

Thanks a lot.

PS: Anti-cheat system is included in the 4rd release.
Level 1
Dec 7, 2008
you did not tell where the person mog is.

"As Warcraft: Deception uses Game Cache, when you update the campaign file to a newer version you won't lose all what you've done in the previous one."does this mean that if i just replaced the campaign file in the campaign folder by the new version i will still be able to load my save file of the save menu of warcraft or something else?please tell i did not fully understand it.

my rating 2/5
Last edited:
Level 3
Jan 17, 2009
It means that you can load your game from the Load Menu of my campaign (Single Player > Custom Campaign > Warcraft: Deception > Continue: Load Game) and your character will appear again with the items, level etc you had in the old version.

So that's why it's important to Save from the Warcraft: Deception in-game menu (ESC key while playing > Save & Quit) when you leave, else you'll only have what you had when you loaded the map.
Level 3
Jan 17, 2009
Mog is outside in the Farmlands (Azeroth South, path leading to the east). But this will appear in the 4rd release that I hope to upload Friday's night or better before, tomorrow night.

Try to earn gold because when you die outside, gold becomes to half.
Level 1
Dec 7, 2008
i can attack the adrenaline in the hospital as well as the medicine present there. then these 2 never re spawn there.

the message regarding the azeroth elementary school occurs inside the school so i can't find out the timings if i want to find. i had to wait till the school opens and when i went in then i found out about the timings. also the gates of the places in the school where the children are never open up. it looks as if they had been imprisoned in there.
Level 4
Dec 12, 2008
i found a really fucking bug.when you buy ability in bandit camp and then enter desert, skills disappear.this is really big bug.and i have guestion:if its future in warcraft, what is here in first town marine armor(you cant buy it i seened)and with swords, shields and medieval armor???and i founded new bug.i created new game, i end in 2 seconds, i get load game, it appeared my character in bandit camp and it appear me place to warp azeroth town(south).so i clicked on it and it doestn load my game, but go into campaign menu.i hope you fixed it, because withiout those bugs its super campaign:)
Level 3
Jan 17, 2009
i found a really fucking bug.when you buy ability in bandit camp and then enter desert, skills disappear.this is really big bug.and i have guestion:if its future in warcraft, what is here in first town marine armor(you cant buy it i seened)and with swords, shields and medieval armor???and i founded new bug.i created new game, i end in 2 seconds, i get load game, it appeared my character in bandit camp and it appear me place to warp azeroth town(south).so i clicked on it and it doestn load my game, but go into campaign menu.i hope you fixed it, because withiout those bugs its super campaign:)

Fixed. Hope to upgrade soon (finishing five new places).