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Warcraft Canon/Fanon Related Grand Alliance Races/Factions List

Pick your Grand Alliance

  • Order and Light

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Chaos

    Votes: 2 50.0%
  • Destruction

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Death

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Void

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • Elementals

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • Neutral

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Evergrowth

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fight-Each-Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wild

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dragons

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Level 7
Jun 28, 2017
  • Grand Alliance of Order and Light
  1. Angelic Imperium (@FeruEnzeruJKun)
  2. Light Forged (Can be canon)
  3. Human Empire and Human Kingdoms
  4. Order of Paladins
  5. Knights of the Silver Hand (Canon Warcraft)
  6. Dwarven Kingdom and Clans (Canon Warcraft)
  7. Gnomes (Canon Warcraft)
  8. Nordic Kingdoms
  9. Sorry No Halflings Because of Tolkien and Gygax Copyright and Trademark Reasons (sad face)
  10. Ancient Elves (@FeruEnzeruJKun)
  11. High Elves (Canon Warcraft)
  12. Kaldorei Night Elves (Canon Warcraft)
  13. Wood Elves (Because i want to add Wood Elves to My Own Warcraft stuff)
  14. Angelic Dragonkin (@FeruEnzeruJKun)
  15. Dragons of the Dragon Queen/High Elven Dragons (@FeruEnzeruJKun. Not Alexstrasza the Dragon Queen)
  16. Dragons of the Dragon King/Nordic Dragons (@FeruEnzeruJKun)
  17. Dragons of the Dragon Druidess/Wood Elven Dragons (@FeruEnzeruJKun)
  18. Dragons of the Dragon Tinker/Gnomish Dragons (@FeruEnzeruJKun)
  19. Draenei/Uncorrupted Eredar (Canon Warcraft)
  20. Naaru (Canon Warcraft)
  21. Arakkoa (Canon Warcraft)
  22. Light Infused Races
  23. Light Infused Demons against Chaos (Can be canon)
  24. Kitkin/Kittenfolk (@FeruEnzeruJKun)
  25. Sylvan Forces
  26. Ancients (Canon Warcraft)
  27. Wizards of the Star Cities (@FeruEnzeruJKun)
  28. Titans (Canon Warcraft)
  29. Halfbreeds of Order
  30. Reptilekin (All kinds of Reptilekin excluding ones from the GA of Neutral and FEO)
  31. Animalkin of Order
  32. Beastkin of Order
  33. More races and factions will be soon before i edit the thread
  • Grand Alliance of Chaos
  1. Demonic Legions (All Demons)
  2. Fourteenth Demon Gods of Hell (@FeruEnzeruJKun)
  3. Shadow Council (Canon Warcraft)
  4. Demonplague (@FeruEnzeruJKun)
  5. Demonvenom (Can be canon)
  6. Hell Forged (Can be canon unless its Fel Reavers and other Demon constructs)
  7. Felfrost (@FeruEnzeruJKun)
  8. Crimson Felbloods @FeruEnzeruJKun)
  9. Ered'ei, aka. Doomed Ones or Lost and the Damned
  10. Demonic Mutants/Possessed
  11. Chaos/Fel Elementals
  12. Chaos Humans (@FeruEnzeruJKun)
  13. Chaos Orcs (Canon Warcraft)
  14. Man'ari Eredar (Canon Warcraft)
  15. Corrupted Ancients (Canon Warcraft)
  16. Fel Raised Dead (Canon Warcraft)
  17. Satyrs (Canon Warcraft)
  18. Chaos Dwarves
  19. Chaos Nords
  20. Fel Corrupted Vrykul (Canon Warcraft)
  21. Chaos Gnomes
  22. Chaos Angels (@FeruEnzeruJKun)
  23. Chaos Elves (Can be canon)
  24. Felblood Elves (Canon Warcraft)
  25. Wretched Elves (Canon Warcraft)
  26. Deviltongue Cabal San'dorei (@FeruEnzeruJKun)
  27. Yhan'asiin/Demonchosen San'dorei (@FeruEnzeruJKun)
  28. Chaos Goblins
  29. Chaos Trolls
  30. Chaos Ogres
  31. Chaos Dragonkin (@FeruEnzeruJKun)
  32. Fel Magnarons (Canon Warcraft)
  33. Fel Arakkoa (Canon Warcraft)
  34. Fel Corrupted Naga
  35. Felborne (Canon Warcraft)
  36. Felsworn (Canon Warcraft)
  37. Sorry No Chaos Halflings Because of Tolkien and Gygax Copyright and Trademark Reasons (sad face)
  38. Sorry No Chaos Gremlins cause of Copyright and Trademark Reasons (sad face)
  39. Fel Corrupted Animalkin
  40. Beastkin of Chaos
  41. More races and factions will be soon before i edit the thread
  • Grand Alliance of Destruction
  1. Orcish Hordes (Canon Warcraft)
  2. Goblins (Canon Warcraft)
  3. Hobgoblins (Canon Warcraft, @FeruEnzeruJKun and other Versions)
  4. Troll Tribes (Canon Warcraft)
  5. Ogre Legions (Canon Warcraft)
  6. Tauren Tribes (Canon Warcraft)
  7. Gronns (Canon Warcraft)
  8. Dragons of the Dragon Khan/Orcish Dragons (@FeruEnzeruJKun)
  9. Dragons of the Dragon Thief/Goblin Dragons (@FeruEnzeruJKun)
  10. Dragons of the Dragon Shaman/Troll Dragons (@FeruEnzeruJKun)
  11. Dragons of the Dragon Mage/Ogre Dragons (@FeruEnzeruJKun)
  12. Dragons of the Dragon Mistress/Dark Elven Dragons (@FeruEnzeruJKun)
  13. Dark Elves (aka. San'dorei. Meaning, children of the dark)
  14. Shal'dorei Night Elves (Canon Warcraft)
  15. Dark Orcs (@FeruEnzeruJKun and other versions)
  16. Fal'dorei (Canon Warcraft)
  17. Cave Elves (@FeruEnzeruJKun)
  18. Sorry no Cave Orcs cause of Copyright and Trademark Reasons (sad face)
  19. Halfbreeds of Destruction
  20. Animalkin of Destruction
  21. Beastkin of Destruction
  22. More races and factions will be soon before i edit the thread
  • Grand Alliance of Death
  1. Undead Scourge (Canon Warcraft)
  2. Forsaken (Canon Warcraft)
  3. Death Knights (Canon Warcraft)
  4. Lich Council (Can be canon)
  5. Darkfallen (Canon Warcraft)
  6. Plague of Undeath (Canon Warcraft)
  7. Undead Spiderkin (Can be canon)
  8. Skeletals (Canon Warcraft)
  9. Incorporeals (Canon Warcraft)
  10. Dragonkin of Undeath (Can be canon)
  11. Vargul (Canon Warcraft)
  12. Val'kyr (Canon Warcraft)
  13. Ymirjar (Canon Warcraft)
  14. Undeath Angels (@FeruEnzeruJKun)
  15. Undead Animalkin
  16. Undead Beastkin
  17. More races and factions will be soon before i edit the thread
  • Grand Alliance of the Void
  1. Rulers of the Void
  2. Void Lords (Canon Warcraft)
  3. Old Gods' Forces (Canon Warcraft)
  4. Forgotten Ones (Canon Warcraft)
  5. N'raqi (Canon Warcraft)
  6. C'Thraxxi (Canon Warcraft)
  7. Qiraji (Canon Warcraft)
  8. Neferset Tribe (Canon Warcraft)
  9. Anubisath (Canon Warcraft)
  10. Canon Warcraft Ethereals (Not the Ancient Elven Ethereals i made up)
  11. Void Beings (Canon Warcraft)
  12. Void Machines (Can be canon)
  13. Void Draenei and Eredar (Canon Warcraft)
  14. Corrupt Dragonkin (Canon Warcraft)
  15. Infinite Dragonkin (Canon Warcraft)
  16. Chromatic Dragonkin (Canon Warcraft)
  17. Twilight Dragonkin (Canon Warcraft)
  18. Void Enslaved Demons
  19. Void Dragons
  20. Aberrant Dragons (@FeruEnzeruJKun)
  21. Void Corrupted Humans
  22. Void Corrupted Nords
  23. Void Corrupted Vrykul
  24. Void Corrupted Elves including High Elves (Can be canon)
  25. Void Corrupted Angels (@FeruEnzeruJKun)
  26. Void Raised Dead
  27. Void Dwarves
  28. Void Gnomes
  29. Sorry No Void Corrupted Halflings Because of Tolkien and Gygax Copyright and Trademark Reasons (sad face)
  30. Sorry No Void Gremlins cause of Copyright and Trademark Reasons (sad face)
  31. Void Orcs
  32. Void Goblins
  33. Void Trolls
  34. Void Ogres
  35. Shadow Elves (@FeruEnzeruJKun)
  36. Voidmoon Cabal San'dorei (@FeruEnzeruJKun)
  37. Void Elementals
  38. Void Mutants
  39. Aberrant Mutants
  40. Void Corrupted Animalkin
  41. Void Corrupted Beastkin
  42. Aberrant Animalkin
  43. Aberrant Beastkin
  44. More races and factions will be soon before i edit the thread
  • Grand Alliance of Elementals
  1. Elemental Lords (Canon Warcraft)
  2. Revenants excluding Undead and Void Revenants (Canon Warcraft)
  3. Elementals of Plane of Air (Can be canon)
  4. Elementals of Plane of Earth (Can be canon)
  5. Elementals of Plane of Fire (Can be canon)
  6. Elementals of Plane of Water (Can be canon)
  7. Elementals of Plane of Arcane (Can be canon)
  8. Elementals of Plane of Magic
  9. Elementalkin
  10. Element-Forged
  11. Phoenixes (Canon Warcraft)
  12. Golems (Canon Warcraft)
  13. Elemental Humans
  14. Elemental Dwarves
  15. Elemental Gnomes
  16. Elemental Elves
  17. Elemental Dragonkin
  18. Draconic Golems
  19. Ogrons (Canon Warcraft)
  20. Magnarons (Canon Warcraft)
  21. Gorens (Canon Warcraft)
  22. Elemental Animalkin
  23. Elemental Beastkin
  24. More races and factions will be soon before i edit the thread
  • Grand Alliance of Neutral
  1. Demon Hunters (Canon Warcraft and Other Versions)
  2. Naga (Canon Warcraft)
  3. Dragons of the Dragon Witch/Naga Dragons (@FeruEnzeruJKun)
  4. The Resistance (@FeruEnzeruJKun. A faction who resides in Hell)
  5. Wyverns
  6. Vrykul Tribes (Canon Warcraft)
  7. Colossals (Canon Warcraft)
  8. Giants (Canon Warcraft)
  9. Ettins (Canon Warcraft)
  10. Blood Elves (Canon Warcraft)
  11. Jungle Elves (@FeruEnzeruJKun)
  12. Quel'layn (Meaning, Highfallen. @FeruEnzeruJKun)
  13. Broken Draenei (Canon Warcraft)
  14. Draenei Lost One (Canon Warcraft)
  15. Pandakin/Pandaren (Canon Warcraft)
  16. Taok'khan Empire (@FeruEnzeruJKun)
  17. Monkeykin (Can be canon)
  18. Fishkin (Can be canon)
  19. Grummies (Canon Warcraft)
  20. Sorry No Gremlins because of Copyright and Trademark Reasons (sad face)
  21. Yaungol (Canon Warcraft)
  22. Halfbreeds of Neutral
  23. Animalkin of Neutral
  24. Beastkin of Neutral
  25. More races and factions will be soon before i edit the thread
  • Grand Alliance of the Evergrowth
  1. The Evergrowth (Canon Warcraft)
  2. Primals (Canon Warcraft)
  3. Evergrowth Infested (Canon Warcraft)
  4. Evergrowth Dragonkin (@FeruEnzeruJKun)
  5. Fungi (Can be canon)
  6. Evergrowth Sylvan
  7. Krakhtul (@FeruEnzeruJKun)
  8. More races and factions will be soon before i edit the thread
  • Grand Alliance of Fight-Each-Other
  1. Nightfallen and Withered (Canon Warcraft)
  2. Drogbar (Canon Warcraft)
  3. Sorry No Bugbears because of Gygax and Arneson Copyright and Trademark Reasons (sad face)
  4. Nerubian Empire (Canon Warcraft)
  5. Sauroks (Canon Warcraft)
  6. Halfbreeds of Fight-Each-Other
  7. Animalkin of Fight-Each-Other
  8. Beastkin of Fight-Each-Other
  9. More races and factions will be soon before i edit the thread
  • Grand Alliance of the Wild
  1. Beastmasters (Canon Warcraft)
  2. Wild Human Tribes
  3. Wild Elves (@FeruEnzeruJKun)
  4. Wild Dwarves
  5. Wild Gnomes
  6. Sorry No Wild Halflings Because of Tolkien and Gygax Copyright and Trademark Reasons (sad face)
  7. Wild Orcs
  8. Wild Goblins
  9. Wild Trolls
  10. Wild Ogres
  11. Sorry No Wild Gremlins because of Copyright and Trademark Reasons (sad face)
  12. Sorry No Wild Bugbears because of Gygax and Arneson Copyright and Trademark Reasons (sad face)
  13. Wild Dragonkin
  14. Plant Life excluding Anceints, Syvlan and Evergrowth Forces (Can be canon)
  15. Quilboar Tribes (Canon Warcraft)
  16. Centaur Tribes (Canon Warcraft)
  17. Wildkin (Canon Warcraft)
  18. Halfbreeds of the Wild
  19. Animalkin of the Wild
  20. Beastkin of the Wild
  21. More races and factions will be soon before i edit the thread
  • Grand Alliance of Dragons
  1. Dragons of the Dragon Father/Regular Dragons
  2. Netherwing Dragonflight (Canon Warcraft)
  3. Sorry no Metallic Dragons/Dragonflight excluding Bronze because of Gygax and Arneson Copyright and Trademark Reasons (sad face)
  4. Crystal Dragonflight (@FeruEnzeruJKun and other versions)
  5. Dragonkin of the Stars (@FeruEnzeruJKun and other versions)
  6. Dragonkin of the Stars
  7. Drakonids (Canon Warcraft)
  8. Dragonspawn (Canon Warcraft)
  9. Dragon Cults
  10. Draconic Knights
  11. Dragonbloods
  12. Drakesworn (@FeruEnzeruJKun and other versions)
  13. Draconic Animalkin
  14. Draconic Beastkin
  15. Dragonblood Animalkin
  16. Dragonblood Beastkin
  17. More races and factions will be soon before i edit the thread
Feel free to reply here to ask me about what GA you like.

Enjoy this forum thread! :)

There's also the polls to vote for GAs
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Level 7
Jun 28, 2017
I do not appreciate that something I created is added to something else - especially when this
"something else" is related to Age of Sigmar.
I know, Shar. I'd never played Age of Sigmar (I want the look at the books) since i was a fan of Warhammer Fantasy and 40k.

I liked Warcraft Chaos, Warhammer Chaos, Diablo Chaos and Might and Magic Chaos.

I think maybed Human Empire and Human Kingdoms can be considered "Canon Warcraft" i presumed.
I see. :\
Level 7
Jun 28, 2017
"Taste the swords of the Yhan'asiin!" - Brother Draeeron Helltooth of the Deviltongue San'dorei Yhak'asiin

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