• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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This is my second skin, based off of me :p
This is most likely useless to most maps, but meh, I was bored.
My first skin got rejected because it didn't have enough freehand (Which I knew it didn't) but people said it has no freehand at all, and that's a lie! I will know point out what peices are freehand

-Chin and Under Lip
and a little bit around the small peices

Now, I know that in some peices it's just... blurr... but I tried hard to keep peices from just being blurr. (I also realise that the back is darker then the front, I played around with it forever but I couldn't get it to be the same shade). This is roughly 75% freehand, peices that I did not do anything too are

-Small Peice of the arm not covered by the Shirt or Glove
-Most of face (Excluding under lip and chin)

Peace Out :p

Version 2.0

Ok, even though I thought it was kidna funny and kewl, people didn't like the green hair :(
(sad face)
So I changed the hair to green, and added a little facial hair to his chin :3 (It was freehand, ofc)
And some people mistook the hair under his nose as a booger, so I removed it (I got most of it, anyway)
In adition, I added a little detail to the shirt and put a Peice Sign on it. I think that was cool :D
Again, peace out. :p

Hippy, Evillizard, Zephon, Green, Peace, Blurr, Stuff

Evillizard (Texture)

10:11, 29th Dec 2009 CloudWolf: This skin definately needs some work before it can be approved. The shirt and trousers need far more shading around the edges and under the armpits. Right now it looks like hes got solid green skin :D I'd suggest...




10:11, 29th Dec 2009
CloudWolf: This skin definately needs some work before it can be approved. The shirt and trousers need far more shading around the edges and under the armpits. Right now it looks like hes got solid green skin :D I'd suggest attempting to make some folds in the clothing like a real Tshirt has if you can :) Same for the trousers.

I'd also suggest making some sort of belt between the tshirt and the trousers, because they seem to merge into one another as it is :S

Finally, you will need to do some more freehand work on the skin. Skins must be 75% freehand. Right now, its probably less than 50%. Perhaps you could make your own hair for the skin? :)

Overall, you just need to make the colour less "solid". Its a good start though and I'll give you the chance to improve it :)
Level 15
Aug 13, 2004
First off, take a new screenshot without all the crap in it. We want to see how the texture looks on the model not a bunch of peace signs. Set it to daylight too.

What program did you use, cause if you're using any sort of program with an eyedropper, there should be no problem with getting the front and back to be the same color.
Right now it's boring and dull. If you want it to be approved, you're going to need to add a lot of details.

Overall its pretty bad. Start a new skin with a better theme, use some tutorials and references.
Level 11
Aug 25, 2009
1; Tutorials fail for me. I dunno, I just don't follow them, they lost me at "TUTORIAL"
2; I tried doing this with priest, there was tons of things on the model that ruined it. I wanted to do a model without a beard, and even though I don't like this model, it was the only one that I could do
3; I know it's blurry, I'm always trying to stop that in my skins.
4; I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do with the face. I might kinda redo it or leave it how it is.
5; I will get a better screen shot. After I looked at the post I noticed the screen shot was hard to see.
Level 5
Nov 8, 2009
I think this wouldn't be so bad if you added a slightly better texture to the clothing.
Used colors that arn't so...bold.
The blue on the pants is way too concentrated, use some colors that are a little more muted.
Lmao @ "Dan van Ohllus"
He's got booger under his nose.

I saw that too... Were you trying to add a green Hitler mustache? hehe
What program did you use to make the skin in?
Cause you might want to change programs, try gimp, or try photoshop or painshop pro.
I think it was mostly the color selection and lack of editing...
If you are using paint, I understand why that's the issue...
All I'm saying is, I've been at this stage once, you might want to try again.
Level 11
Aug 25, 2009
Btw, Cloudwolf said that the hair was recolor or something, but it is freehand.

I am looking for 4-5 things to go with before i make another update. Right now I just got "Sharpen it" and other people are saying "needs more shading and stuff" but I need solid suggestions where to put things and whatnot.