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UI Fix/Request

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Level 37
Aug 14, 2006

I once made a request here about UI and the task was completed. Back then I was satisfied but people who have tested the project I'm making have told me to fix it or make a better one. If the testers are not satisfied, I won't be as well. As long as The Chosen Ones campaign is in beta stage I'll try everything I can to make the project to be as high quality as possible.

I've come here once again asking help. I believe UI is one of the most important things in a game. It adds to the feeling and theme for a game. That is why I want the UI to be perfect.

Now that I've actually gotten some attention, and people are interested in what I'm making, the quality has grown a lot. I believe The Chosen Ones could be something... Something that will be remembered for a long time after it's finally completed.

I'm here asking from you to either fix the following problems from the current UI or make a new UI altogether. Either way, you'll be rewarded handsomely through your name being added to "special credits". Special credits are shown in the official website of The Chosen Ones, as well as in the beginning and ending of campaign. Of course, what I'll write there depends of your the UI's quality.

Here is the fix list:

  • Remove bricks
  • Fix inventory block
  • Darken light color
  • And improve it otherwise(check the old request)

Here are some pictures of the current UI:




Here is the old request link if you want to make a totally new one.

Hello there!

I've been creating a campaign called The Chosen Ones for years. It's been great doing it and I'm finally starting to have a feeling that I can actually finish it. Now that I have this feeling, I think I'm now ready enough to request such a big favor from you because I think it won't go in vain.

This request is one of the biggest requests for the campaign. I'm requesting from you to do a UI. Here is some information:
  • Theme should be something like: Medieval, fantasy, human, weapons(sword & hammer)dragon and magic. You can combine them, it's up to you.
  • It has to look good. I want "top-class" quality. Remember that the campaign takes dozens of hours to finish so the player should not be bored looking at this awesome UI(it is indeed that long).
  • Myself and many others have worked very hard on the campaign so we would like a UI that is of high enough quality to reflect this work.
  • The UI should have a cool mystique to it that looks pleasing to the eyes and for those playing through the campaign.
  • Don't rush the UI, make it look nice and give it enough time to make it look appealing and artful.
  • Copy & paste is allowed.
  • Playing the campaign will perhaps give you ideas for the UI.
  • A cursor would be nice to have and it should also fit the interface.
  • Probably the best way to do this is to have close conversations time to time with me. In that way we both know where we are going with the UI. There are many choices to do this, for example replying in this thread, sending each other private messages or we can chat with MSN messenger([email protected]).
Always remember to ask for more information.

If you can do this, your name will be written to the campaign's special credits and I'll write something nice about you as well(to that credit section). Also I'll give some rep in here. I think UI is one of the most unique and biggest things that can be done for the campaign so I'm really counting on you.

I don't expect you to do this in one night, take your time just remember to inform me regular of your progress. Thank you.


  • Help_Aeroblyctos.rar
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