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Troll Golem

"A formidable construct, powered by voodoo and controlled by a jungle troll mystic."

I created this for my Troll Campaign. The model is based on a modified Battle Golem skeleton. Uses in-game textures only. An alternate Stand animation and a Morph animation allow the golem to transform from a stationary altar/building/doodad (see previews). I recommend an in-game scaling value of 1.20-1.30.

Note: This is my first venture into modeling for Warcraft III. I'll be happy to address any potential issues.

Feel free to edit to your liking.

- Minor tweaks and optimizations

- Added an alternate morph animation. The golem can now morph both ways.
- Added a separate portrait animation for when the golem is in its idle form.

Troll Golem (Model)

Awesome model, creative and well-animated. Incredible for a first model. Changes made, approved!
This is quite awesome, especially for a first model. Could cause quite a surprise for an unsuspecting player :D

There are just a few issues you should fix:
-Number of sequence extents does not match number of sequences (fix this in Magos: Edit > Calculate Extents)
-There are a number of duplicate geoset animations (multiple geoset animations referencing the same geoset)
-Many unused animation tracks
-It looks like the model is supposed to disappear on death, but decay animations would be nice nonetheless
-Please add a collision shape
-This isn't very important, but there are a few unused bones/helpers. Removing them could shave off a few kb.

See Sanity Test | HIVE for more details on some of these issues.
Thanks for the update, but there are still a few issues you overlooked:
- Still a geoset referenced by two geoset animations
- Bone MaskBot translation has two frames that aren't in its global sequence
- Portrait background is visible in every animation
- I would still like to see Decay animations, but I'll leave that up to you.


Media Manager
Level 52
May 25, 2007
- Recalculated sequence extents
- Removed unnecessary geoset animations
- Collision shapes added
- The model now properly disappears at the end of its death animation

The model is now ~20kb smaller.

I've attached a testmap with the latest version imported.

EDIT: You beat me to it

- Still a geoset referenced by two geoset animations
- Bone MaskBot translation has two frames that aren't in its global sequence
On it
-Portrait background is visible in every animation
I could have sworn I fixed that, let's see where it all went wrong
Thanks for the test map. See my previous post, already moderated the update. The portrait background issue doesn't seem to appear ingame, but it does show in hive model viewer and MdlVis (haven't tested in other editors).
Edit: my guess is that the duplicate geoset animations are referencing the portrait background geoset, and this is causing a conflict, although I haven't checked this specifically.


Media Manager
Level 52
May 25, 2007
So I removed the duplicate geoset animation. It was the portrait background, like you said.
Peculiar thing, however. Now the morph animation is all kinds of screwed up when tested in-game.
To say that I am confused is an understatement. I'll look into it and get back to you.