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Texturing Contest #24 Theme Discussion

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So, based on the current suggestions, I propose these themes for the poll(most of the suggested ones have been put together in the appropriate category):

Steampunk - is a subgenre of science fiction and sometimes fantasy that incorporates technology and aesthetic designs inspired by 19th-century industrial steam-powered machinery.

Pirates(or Hive mods if you prefer that) - a pirate is a person who commits warlike acts at sea without the authorization of any nation. Yarrr m8!

Re-texture preset HQ model - texturing models like Kwaliti's Deathwing or Tauer's Durotan. As long as it's creative enough it goes like a glove.

Dragons - texturing any models(in-game or site ones) into a dragon themed skin.

Bandits and outcasts - self explained persons hell bent on causing misery and stealing goods/whatnot form folks.

Environmentally adapted units - essentially, one would retexture a unit to fit into a specific environment (e.g. arctic, desert, forest etc) while still retaining defining aspects such as race and role. For example, fur-clad grunt (arctic), elephant-magnataur (savannah or whatevs), camouflaged footman (forest), you name it.

Warcraft Lore Characters - pretty self-explanatory. Retexturing a unit/hero to represent a character from the Warcraft franchise.

Diablo themed - everything from the franchise goes. Even an Azmodan or Deckard Cain.

Gods - fit a skin to create one of the gods from the Warcraft universe or any other universe found in games.

Alien/Sci-Fi - could be anything from the deepest oozes of space to the lightest canopy creatures just as long as it looks otherworldly.

Elemental - creatures of nature/space/universe that have the sole purpose of keeping the original chaotic nature of things.

Dark Elves/Drow - related to the night and much more elven like spider theme robes(you name it we make it).

Summoned units - not just like editing elementals, but also changing units' texture like Footmen into something that looks like it was summoned.

Mechanical Contraptions - anything goes just as long as it's a stitched up construction or unit that has the word metal/robotic in it.

Burning Legion themed - the Legion needs more races. So, anything from an Eredar to the lowliest imp/jailer-like race goes. Even mechs that resemble infernals are allowed.

Eldritch/Underwater - weird/eerie creatures coped up with underwater inhabitants. Just think of Cthulhu Mythos mostly. Old Gods(wc universe) go as well into this category.

Dual-race Creatures - contestants would be required to re-texture a ladder model so that it represents a combination of two races. Such unit, for an example, could be a half orc and half human - like Rexxar.

@Apheraz, what exactly would this fit into(a brief definition will do)? - "Two-racial Creatures" [solved]

@morbent, yes, the poll will be a multiple choice one.

@everyone, a week or two for the poll duration?
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Level 30
Jan 31, 2010
10 days is usually enough for theme poll.

And morbent, they're excluded if people don't want them. If a theme has been suggested and it's brought down for several reasons, then it's usually discarded. I wouldn't join a destructible contest as it'd be rather slow paced and not inspiring really, and that's the hunch Hein had too I guess.
Level 30
Jan 31, 2010
We don't take every suggestion into account. The suggestion thread is there for just what the name suggests: it's not called "Definitive Poll Thread Options". The host of the contest usually decides (with or without corresponding mod of the category) what's really not a creative or executive idea.

You can even see on the poll that people just don't like some ideas, as much as I as an artist see a whole lot more than just the name. Contest host's job during this preparation times is to sense and feel what themes will be automatically discarded by the community, and replace those with some that might have a chance.
Besides, most polls end up with 10 options max. This one got over 20.

But, if you feel that much injustice going about, feel free to open a thread in Staff Contact and we'll be happy to see what we can do about it.
Level 28
Aug 7, 2011
Sounds like hocus-pocus. Sense? We must have a jedi at our hands :cgrin:

Really, I'm just commenting, not complaining. Of course I won't put a thread about it wow, it's not that I liked the themes, it's that I don't like the system that we've been cycling forever. And it's always caused problems.. when there are better systems out there... ah but these contests are just for fun. I shouldn't bother you guys with this. I'll just drop it.
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
So why are some themes excluded now? (Like doodads and destructibles)

I don't get it, just put them all and people will vote. What's the problem with many themes?
Eh, but excluding them before even giving people the chance to downvote them is wrong. I mean I get it but some participants might like them.. you can't kick out themes before the poll is up! This isn't democratic. Whatever...
morbent said:
Sounds like hocus-pocus. Sense? We must have a jedi at our hands

Really, I'm just commenting, not complaining. Of course I won't put a thread about it wow, it's not that I liked the themes, it's that I don't like the system that we've been cycling forever. And it's always caused problems.. when there are better systems out there...
Morbent is absolutely right, and I'm surprised there's even equivocation on this matter. It is absolutely ridiculous ("hocus-pocus", even) to incorporate a system like this.

And morbent, they're excluded if people don't want them. If a theme has been suggested and it's brought down for several reasons, then it's usually discarded. I wouldn't join a destructible contest as it'd be rather slow paced and not inspiring really, and that's the hunch Hein had too I guess.
Here's the funny thing; you say "people" don't want them, but you can really only talk about yourself; 1 person. Heinvers can talk about himself; 1 more. Alright, so you got two; then the two of you wouldn't vote for them. It's very simple.

We don't take every suggestion into account. The suggestion thread is there for just what the name suggests: it's not called "Definitive Poll Thread Options". The host of the contest usually decides (with or without corresponding mod of the category) what's really not a creative or executive idea.

You can even see on the poll that people just don't like some ideas, as much as I as an artist see a whole lot more than just the name. Contest host's job during this preparation times is to sense and feel what themes will be automatically discarded by the community, and replace those with some that might have a chance.
Besides, most polls end up with 10 options max. This one got over 20.

But, if you feel that much injustice going about, feel free to open a thread in Staff Contact and we'll be happy to see what we can do about it.

If you have a suggestion, then Site Discussion is for you.

There's not enough time for me to sit & respond quote-by-quote, so I'll just say this: It's not really an issue that we feel has be "mandated from on High" via admins & Staff Contact; it's more like "hey, isn't this just obviously fair", as in "the way it's supposed to be"? I don't want there to be some Rule: "all poll submissions must take all suggestions", but it just seems patently obvious that, if we're talking about "letting the people" decide, we should, well, let the people decide. Not the person (Host or otherwise), but the person.

Thing is, we know it's not technically a "democracy", but we strive for democratic ideals (within the framework of the tyrannical dictator Administrator :D). Else why would we even hav Polls & Staff Contact threads & Reputation & privileges & such?

Removing suggestions from the Poll on the grounds that "no one would want them anyway" is taking extra-judicial powers into your own hands. Now sure; if someone suggests "Penises", then go ahead & knock that down out-right; it breaks site rules. But otherwise, let natural selection & the democratic process do their job; if an idea is so incredibly "boredooming" or "terribad", then people will say as much through their votes. It is inane to "pre-prune" the Poll; 10 options or 20, on a Multi-vote poll, is no problem whatsoever.

Apheraz Lucent said:
I personally prefer 10 very skilled artists picking out 10 themes for the poll, where everyone can vote then.
But as you see, every person has a different approach :)
That's an interesting idea, and worthy of merit: You think the contestants (artists, in this case) should be the ones suggesting (10) Themes via a thread, which are then collated & set up in a Poll to be voted upon by everyone? Neat. Cool. I can think of some arguments for/against it, but if that's the way you feel, why not fight for it? You have some valid points & your suggestion has merit. Perhaps it is the way we should do things around here.
Level 30
Jan 31, 2010
Not sure did you understand. If it was for me, from the 26 themes we'd got for this contest, I'd ask 10 of respected people in the appropriate category to vote for 10 of those. Ten themes with most votes would make it into the poll. So everyone gets a chance to suggest a theme, but only ten themes get to make it to the, public again, poll. So the "voters" for 10 base themes actually just clean up the troublesome themes, and pick out the fun/interesting/challenging themes.

I ain't keen on fighting for something I know won't happen. You get used to things not changing, you know? For ages now here, the only I thing I fight for now - is myself.


Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006
Discussing this is fine and it probably needs to be straightened out.

But seeing as the poll is up now it would be better to take this in Site Discussion so I can archive this.

If you want to start a thread there, feel free. Or if you want me to split this into a SD topic, contact me.

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