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[Role Playing Game] TEoP Cenarius Return

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Level 10
May 21, 2006
TEoP Cenarius Return (new video)

TEoP: Cenarius Return

Here I want to present you a short preview to my upcoming campaign. Please give me feedback on this and if you would actually like to play a campaign like this.

I am also the creator of http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/maps-564/teop-sechiron-rises-259591/ and with this new Campaign The Emeral of Power Cenarius Return I want to tell the prequel story which leads to the events of my previous campaign.

This Campaign is inspirated by RPGs like Knights of the Old Republic, Dragon Age and Mass Effect. Throughout the Game you will gather different companions around you which you will be able to interact with through a unique and new Conversation/Dialogue System I created.

The Story
The Story takes place before the events of my last campaign Sechiron Rises. It tells the story of the young druid adept Zunariel who discovered the conspirancy with the Burning Legion against the Nightelves and the other peoples of Azeroth.

In the following Youtube Clip you can see some early Footage from the first finished Mission (note that it is really early footage and sorry for the bad quality. I will upload a new clip as soon as possible).

I always loved the Warcraft UNIVERSE and I played WoW until 2005. So the story of my campaign is about my own interpretation of the events after Warcraft 3 TFT.


World System:Open Through different entrances in each maps and an implemented Fasttravel system you are able to switch between the maps.

Dialogue System: As you can see in the Youtube Clip my campaign has a classical dialogue system which is a nice experience with wc3. The system I created is really surprisingly simple and comes along with only 3 small triggers or something like that and so I am thinking about publishing some of my systems in the spells section. There will be Vendors and Sie Quest Givers, too and the dialogue system will again represent a key element like in Sechiron Rises.

The Global menu is one of the most important parts of the game. With the global system you can navigate through your character, inventory, equipment, items, profession, options, etc. menues. You control it via the Arrow Keys.

Character: Check the stats and attributes of your character and his progress. You will add up to 4 characters to your party during the progress of the game. You always control only one hero at a time, during that time your other companions are completely AI controlled. Like in Games like Kotor or Dragon Age you will later gather companions which you can also equip, advance and control. The companion in the Youtube Clip is not a "hero companion", you can control or modify yourself, but you can interact with him at any time and he protects you as good as possible.

Equipment: I always spend a lot of time really think through my systems to make them as flexible as possible so I save way more time after finishing them, so for example I just need 1 minute to create a new Equipment part or Item and not 5-10 minutes. You have a big variety of Equipment slots which you can fill to arm up your heroes. Weapons are even displayed in a graphic in the hands of your hero, he even fits his animation style to the type of weapon, also switches between melee and range weapons are possible.

Inventory: You have two inventories, one for equipment one for items with 25 slots each. Items and Equipment parts can be looted out of treasure boxes or killed enemies similar to other RPGs.

Spells: The Spells system is pretty unique and inspired by Diablo 3. Each Hero has 5 Spells/Skills Slots and each slot can be filled with 1 of max 3 spells which can be changed everytime you are out of combat. The different heroes I've designed got huge contrasts in that matter and therefore you can create some really interesting mixes when filling your spell slots.

Talents: Another really interesting aspect of this campaign is the Talent Tree System. All Heroes of your party will have 2 Talent Trees and on each tree you can spend over 40 points. You will gather your first points from Level 5 probably, then you will get 1 Talentpoint per Level Up.

Save: Again I have additionally used a custom saving system. It wouldnt be possible to make the traveling between the maps possible and therefore I also implemented the possibility for you to save your game in the Global Menu, BUT of course you can just save your game the usual way, too.

Party: Here you can manage the positions of your party members, the position one, two and three are your characters in battle.

The Combat System: The Combat System is completely reworked and is based on Bribes DDS, but with a lot of modifications. You can simply check it in the Youtube Clip.

NPCs: A cool and smooth AI system makes the fighting against opponents on higher levels really interesting. It will be vital to take advantage of the strengths of your characters, especially because of the implemented Aggro System.

Terrain: I have tried out that kind of WoW (model) terrain. I know the Hive hate against WoW models and I can totally understand it. The Terrain in the Video Clip isn't final and I am thinking about reworking it. I will definately work with custom models and classic wc3 models when it comes to designing cities and villages only with landscapes like in the clip I kinda like the WoW/Wc3 mix look.

NPCs: Traders and other important NPCs are colored red or yellow, use the ESC button to speak with them. It is really important to always buy enough food and water to regenerate your Health and Mana out of the battles.

Crafting and Profession System: Again you will be able to Craft a variety of items and equipment parts of any kind, but this time you will just get Profession Points per Level up which you can spend on the different professions.

All bigger important towns and bases got a craftmen's area where you will find all the different crafters for the different professions which provide the different recipes. You can train all professions at the same time or specialise on single professions, it is up to you.

Housing: In the progress of the game you will get a main base where you for example will be able to speak with your companions, craft items, take a rest, etc. But currently you will just find a bank with 5 x 25 slots to store items and equipment. On several maps you will find your bank in the crafters area.

Dungeons: Like in Sechiron Rises there will be Optional Dungeons with stronger enemies and a powerful Bosses where you can find nice and shiny loot. The Dungeons can be repeated as often as you want.

Cinematics: I love to design cinematics and this time it is again really interesting because all the dialogue of your main character is actually determined by your choices.

Morality: This time there is also a morality system which will have a role in the game.

(First Hero Example Coming Soon :D)
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Level 14
Nov 17, 2010
Looking forward to this one even more than TEoP Sechiron Rises. The combat system in that one wasn't my favorite. This one looks a lot more exciting. Nice work.

Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

So amazing ! :cgrin: good luck with this !
Level 10
May 21, 2006
Looking forward to this one even more than TEoP Sechiron Rises. The combat system in that one wasn't my favorite. This one looks a lot more exciting. Nice work.

Exactly what I've thought when thinking of the players and also I just hugely improved my WE skills when creating the Sechiron Rises that's why I wanted to create a new campaign with a new system.
Level 10
May 21, 2006
Great solution for the talent tree and I also like the music changing very much in the video!

Looks really good to me. I would maybe turn off hero notifications upon orders though...

I have to check the music because especially when you enter the combat this is what causes this short but still annoying lagg. I will try to find a solution for that.

What do you mean exactly with Hero notifications? the "your hero gets attacked" message or what?
Level 14
Jul 1, 2008
I have to check the music because especially when you enter the combat this is what causes this short but still annoying lagg. I will try to find a solution for that.

What do you mean exactly with Hero notifications? the "your hero gets attacked" message or what?

Well, I wouldnt say, this lagg is so annoying. To me, the "Wow" effect of chaning music outweighs the lagg. If you

I meant the spoken stuff that the hero is responding, when you send him to somewhere. Technically spoken: the unit sound set. Just my personal opinion.
Level 10
May 21, 2006
Well, I wouldnt say, this lagg is so annoying. To me, the "Wow" effect of chaning music outweighs the lagg.

I meant the spoken stuff that the hero is responding, when you send him to somewhere. Technically spoken: the unit sound set. Just my personal opinion.

Yeah I got that note from some more guys from Hive. You are probably right I will turn that off.

Deleted member 238226


Deleted member 238226

please, for the love of the god, don't mix wow stuff with wc3 stuff :3
please? :cute:

and what i learn from using wow stuff in warcraft 3 engine, they look far more better if the model doesn't react to warcraft 3 lightning/shading. take a look from andreariona map for example. quilnez did this with a system and andreariona did it by disabling model lightning one by one with magos.

i can't wait for this release. i more interested on this then the sechiron. probably because of the combat system is different :3
i think i can help you with something that related to 2d stuff. i can manipulate texture to make it into a tiles/model skin aswell if you need some.
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Level 10
May 21, 2006
please, for the love of the god, don't mix wow stuff with wc3 stuff :3
please? :cute:

and what i learn from using wow stuff in warcraft 3 engine, they look far more better if the model doesn't react to warcraft 3 lightning/shading. take a look from andreariona map for example. quilnez did this with a system and andreariona did it by disabling model lightning one by one with magos.

i can't wait for this release. i more interested on this then the sechiron. probably because of the combat system is different :3
i think i can help you with something that related to 2d stuff. i can manipulate texture to make it into a tiles/model skin aswell if you need some.

All NPC models (also the enemies in the first video) are now wow models, on the other hand there are only some doodads left which are from wc3, but about most of them I am thinking about replacing them, too, so dont worry.

I could need someone who creates (wow) tiles for me (they don't have to be wow, they just have to look good :D), so if you want to help me, then PM me :D

I think I have finished the first act (for release) of this project in 2-3 months.
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