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Temporarily Hide Move/Attack/Patrol/Stop

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Level 3
Aug 17, 2008
Hello! I want to be able to temporarily hide, disable, or remove (doesn't matter which as long as it isn't visible) the Move, Attack, Patrol, Stop, and Hold Ground abilities from a unit. I don't want to pause the unit or something like that because I want other spells the unit has to still be usable.

If you have a solution, or if this is in the wrong forum, please post.

Thank-you in advanced, Orchard.
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Level 3
Aug 17, 2008
That's what happens when a unit has the "ward" classification. I'm not sure if you can add it though...

Thanks for the idea Smiddle! (+rep if I can) I had experimented with the building classification on that idea before, but I guess since NE buildings move that didn't work (After experimenting with more types not, adding and removing the stunned and hero types also does nothing). [EDIT: Just to clarify, I did make sure to force reselection of the unit in order to update its information panel. No changes occurred]

Unfortunately though, it seems like you can't add/remove the Ward type in GUI, and I don't know how to do the same command in JASS, but if someone does please post that.

Okay, so I was fiddling around with JASS on that, and I got the error "Expected a name".
I used custom script:
call UnitAddTypeBJ( UNIT_TYPE_WARD, GetTriggerUnit() )
call UnitRemoveTypeBJ( UNIT_TYPE_WARD, GetTriggerUnit() )

If anyone has any other ideas or solutions please post.
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Level 2
Apr 28, 2009
The GUI command: countdown add timer to unit(or whatever it is), allows you to add a timer with a ward-type to it. Maybe it's possible that this will get your desired effect? I wouldn't bet money on it, but, worth a try maybe?
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