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Stormwind Vanguard

give credits if used

The Vanguard Legions of Stormwind were a renowned fighting force, known for their courage and skill. Though not as famous as the legendary Brotherhood of the Horse, these front-line shock troopers where just as much a valuable asset. They where characterized for their large and durable armor. It could withstand large amounts of damage before even cracking. With this armor, and in combination with their lion-marked shields, the Stormwind Vanguards proved to be excellent front-line defenders.

1.1 - reduced filesize and changed helmet. also made an icon

stormwind, footmen, second war, first war, lordaeron, warcraft, kingdom, human

Stormwind Vanguard (Model)

Stormwind Vanguard (Model)

17:53, 29th Mar 2013 Deolrin: Currently, it is too simple to be approved. No major changes were made to the footman beyond a custom skin. The chest wrap is warped horribly during the animations. The skin is very simple, and somewhat unnecessary...




17:53, 29th Mar 2013
Deolrin: Currently, it is too simple to be approved. No major changes were made to the footman beyond a custom skin. The chest wrap is warped horribly during the animations. The skin is very simple, and somewhat unnecessary.

Changes seem to be made. Will take a better look at this later and review it accordingly.

Misha: it works ingame nicely and looks cool. you can give it a rating later Deo :)
Level 13
Jul 2, 2008
Level 31
Jul 7, 2008
I know that the Wc1 concept art was with horns, but i think it might look strange. Its worth a try though.

EDIT: is it possible to add a better quality sword or do you want to use ingame textures only? Maybe this one i think its made with ingame textures too http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...prev=search=sword&r=20&d=list&status=g&page=3

i prefer to use all in game textures for my models unless theres something i can't replicate with any other textures

where's the horned helmet?

i didnt really base it off the warcraft 1 design. this was more of a mix of the modern wow stormwind footman and my own inspiration regarding the kingdom's culture, which each footman will reflect when i make the other ones
Level 7
Feb 20, 2009
Can you post an image of both versions? Its hard to tell which one ist better. But as far as i remember the old lion was better.

You're right...
The lion head on the shield is a little bit weird...
I see, it may be the problem that I made it this skin for the original footman unit, and on this model a little bit different.
I download it and i'll see what I can do.
Level 9
Jan 12, 2010
He looks very cool, I love the grated visor, very reminiscent of some gladiator helmets. I'd say its unique enough to be approve now, at least in my honest opinion it is... :grin:

5/5 good work. :thumbs_up: