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Level 7
Jul 1, 2008
Elderscrolls: Skyrim Recruitment Thread

I'm in the very early stages of developing a Map based of Bethesda's Hugely successful Elderscrolls: Skyrim and I'm looking to assemble a team to bring elements of this game to WC3.

Nothing is finalised but it might be a great idea to create a strategy map where players take on various factions of Skyrim, like the Dragons, Stormcloaks, etc and battle it out in risk style epic combat. I decided against making it a RPing game as I didnt want to just try and copy Skyrim's play style into WC3, I want to do something new with it.

Terrain work has already begun, the 2 screenshots attached are there to give you an idea of the atmosphere I'm trying to capture from the game. When we have a team and more information I'll creat a Map Development thread.

Positions available:

Terrain: Marshmalo
Object editing: Available
Triggerer: Available
Modeler: Would be great if we could find one! Mainly just for model edits.

You must have MSN, yahoo messenger or some way of communication. Previous examples of maps you've worked on are a bonus but not essential.


  • Skyrim Screenshot 01.jpg
    Skyrim Screenshot 01.jpg
    314.6 KB · Views: 1,377
  • Skyrim Screenshot 02.jpg
    Skyrim Screenshot 02.jpg
    353 KB · Views: 621
Level 4
Jul 15, 2009
Even when it isn't original idea, it looks nice. Keep it up! I'm busy with my own projects so can't help you, so sorry.

But i will talk about it in my forums and see what happen. :D I've few people addict to Skyrim. ^^
Level 3
Nov 10, 2011
i can do the triggers and i know good information about the object editing. my MSN and yahoo in my information profile and i use yahoo more. if you saw my signature i am working on 3 projects but none has finished yet.
Level 7
Jul 1, 2008
Even when it isn't original idea, it looks nice. Keep it up! I'm busy with my own projects so can't help you, so sorry.

But i will talk about it in my forums and see what happen. :D I've few people addict to Skyrim. ^^

I think I'm addicted to Skyrim too lol, I know Risk style strategy maps arnt very original but I am hoping that by using the Skyrim theme and afew other interesting game feature I can make this map realy stand out.

Errr.... Skyrim?
You sure uhh... Good luck with that.

Why so pessimistic?

i can do the triggers and i know good information about the object editing. my MSN and yahoo in my information profile and i use yahoo more. if you saw my signature i am working on 3 projects but none has finished yet.

TRhanks for you interest, the map is quite abit away from the stage were we would be putting in triggers but I'll keep you in mind. I think the best way of developing the map would be for me to terrain an area, then add unit/object date relevant to that area then add in triggers, so:

Area Terrained by Marshmalo (EX: Winterhold)
Map passed to object editor to design units/spells (EX: Winterhold Guard)
Map passed to trigger editor
Map passed back to terrainer

I have hit anit of a wall with this at the moment though, I realy need some more building and doodad models, most of WC3s stock models just look out of play or incompatable with the world of Skyrim. I was hoping anyone who has the PC version would be able to help with exporting and converting some Skyrim models into WC3?

It would make the map so much better if we can get some of these!
Level 3
Nov 10, 2011
TRhanks for you interest, the map is quite abit away from the stage were we would be putting in triggers but I'll keep you in mind. I think the best way of developing the map would be for me to terrain an area, then add unit/object date relevant to that area then add in triggers, so:

Area Terrained by Marshmalo (EX: Winterhold)
Map passed to object editor to design units/spells (EX: Winterhold Guard)
Map passed to trigger editor
Map passed back to terrainer

I have hit anit of a wall with this at the moment though, I realy need some more building and doodad models, most of WC3s stock models just look out of play or incompatable with the world of Skyrim. I was hoping anyone who has the PC version would be able to help with exporting and converting some Skyrim models into WC3?

It would make the map so much better if we can get some of these!

yea nice idea, i will be waiting and tracking the thread. send me PM here first and not on yahoo. i always log to hive .
Level 4
Jan 8, 2012
Ahhh, I knew eventually someone would come up with this idea, a few years back I was working on an Oblivion RTS in WC3 but totally lost interest...but this seems interesting enough.
Level 4
May 1, 2008
Oh I'm pretty sure the name is copyrighted so you should get permission from skyrim if you are going to use that name in your project.

You are speaking about something and you don't have the slightest idea about this.

Where he wrote, that he will get benefited property for his map?
He may name his map however he wants to.

As to the topic. I don't know how other people, but I wish to play real Skyrim, than fan map for WC3, that will always be worse than the original, even if it is to be enriched with other options.
Level 7
Jul 1, 2008
Lol so I guess this project is dead :eek:

Well, its not dead but suspended until I can get some Skyrim models imported into WC3, I don't need a massive amount but there are some doodad models that are crucial if I am to make this look as visualy impressive as the original game.
For example I need the Dragon temple Ruins doodads and afew of the buildings, then I can reduce the texture file size so its playable on Bnet.

I wish to play real Skyrim, than fan map for WC3, that will always be worse than the original, even if it is to be enriched with other options.

As I said in my original post I am NOT trying to copy Skyrim, this isnt an RPG, its an RTS set in the Skyrim world for fans of the Elderscrolls backstory, the playstyle won't be anything like Skyrim. But if you'd rather play Skyrim than WC3 then thats fine, this game is 10 years old afterall.

Oh I'm pretty sure the name is copyrighted so you should get permission from skyrim if you are going to use that name in your project.

OMG I'll get the phone to Bethesda right away!!!
Level 7
Jul 1, 2008
oh yay are we talking about ripping models out of other games?

not that it's against the rules or anything

Yep thats what I'm talking about and if it's against the rules then how come The Hive featured this map which completely rips off wow models.


10 Years later.
Alright guys my Skyrim map is do---....where the hell is everyone?
Yeah Warcraft is dead.

I'm starting to think that too, there are still maps getting played but its no where near what it was like 5 years ago, alot of new maps simply dont get a look in these days, not enough players about.

I'm still making wc3 maps but only till I can save up enough to get a new comp for SC2, I might then try taking this project to SC2.
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