• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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Skeleton Lord

An agile undead hero armed with swords that cut through reality.
Uses in-game textures, has portrait camera and animations.

Do not edit without my permission and give me credits if you use it.

Suggested art stats:
Blend Time - 0.25
Cast Point - 0.8
Run Speed - 440
Walk Speed - 200
Death Time - 4.4

Projectile Impact Z - 60
Projectile Launch X - 0
Projectile Launch Y - 150
Projectile Launch Z - 62

Damage Point - 0.4
08.03.2013 - Fixed issue with names of weapon attachments, made attachments rotated towards the weapon's tip, made particles in spell SFX rotate, some other changes that I forgot.

Skeleton, Lord.

Skeleton Lord (Model)

15:17, 8th Apr 2013 Misha: That's a rather unique model :)




15:17, 8th Apr 2013
Misha: That's a rather unique model :)
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
Dang. Will have to check this out.

Also, keep in touch; I still have to respond to that Frost Revenant (remember him?) guy. xD


Wow, really snazzy stuff. I usually avoid what seem to be "generic Skelly heroes", but this has an element of uniqueness that I enjoyed. Thoughts:

  • The whole "void blade" concept that was present in all the attacks & spells was quite interesting. While I see "Void" stuff more as a function of 'planeswalkers' or 'demons' or 'voidwalkers' or something, I have to admit it made things interesting.
  • The second blade almost looks like a gun.
  • The detailed rib-cage and TC floating heart (ala Frost Wyrm) is a long-standing tradition among true Skelly heroes (*cough* Deadeye *cough*). Even better is the impressive 'floating heart' Dissipate; nice.
  • Of the Spell anims, one of my favorites was just "Spell"; so many people overlook the elegance & 'sense-making' of a simple mental command.
  • Solid animations all around; the samurai-esque "Walk Fast" was cool, the included-Portraits handy, and the way he wielded the void/truncheon/sword/thing was dexterous, to say the least.
  • While I loved the excellent use of little-used textures, I have to say that they were so uniform he almost sorta... Blended. I'm not sure what could be done (to his back/shoulders? loincloth?), but he could use... Something.
    The gauntlets are a good example. Excellent texture, and all in a concise location that is beautiful & functional.
    Ok, maybe not the best example. But I like the gauntlets. :p

Keep it up. And let me know if you need ideas. :p

//EDIT2 - 999 posts, eh?
Level 19
May 6, 2007
A interesting model as I said, I think the animations are awesome and the composition itself is epic. The only problen wold be the number of polies, but its a hero, so I think will never have a horde of then on the map anyway.

I liked the void stuff on the blade, and the right hand gauglet, the type of detail I love (has a thing for assimetric armor)

Level 14
May 22, 2010
The only problen wold be the number of polies, but its a hero, so I think will never have a horde of then on the map anyway.
The ribs, spine and pelvis soaked up a bunch of pollies, I could have made them simpler but than they wouldn't have looked this good.

btw,why Sheleton?
Is she a girl Skeleton?
That was a mistype.
Level 3
May 16, 2010
wow, it looks bloody awesome, i would use it for my map.. but it just looks way to good, wouldent fit in with all the wc3 models.

+ rep
Level 3
Jul 28, 2010
your models have some of the best swinging animations i've ever seen
it would be amazing if you could release models purely made of sweeping trails like this