• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!

Silver Hand General

This bundle is marked as pending. It has not been reviewed by a staff member yet.
Hello Hivers,

This was initially my first project, however, I was able to finally make it work haha, Eye patched garithos headed Paladin. For Icons, I used Garithos, until I properly learn how to make an icon.

2nd Unit for a Silver Hand series Hero.

I wished to add like a defend animation however still learning, to master the basics before I jump into animations. I know this may be simple but it is the beginning and hope you all will enjoy the models and find them useful.

I would love to do a scarlet crusade, argent crusade themed units too but I think I need to learn how to gimp it up first :)


Corrected the faults with Portrait

Silver Hand General (Model)

Silver Hand General_Portrait (Model)

Level 2
Apr 24, 2018
This model is really really great. It looks incredible and was really easy to use. If your looking for ideas on what to make. Literally this and the silver hand footman mounted would be really good editions. Looking forward to seeing what else you have!
Level 7
Jan 8, 2021
The model is great, the only bad thing is that it has no sound when walking, by the way, could you make the original Garithos model but without a mount? I would be a good model
Level 7
Jan 8, 2021
After some time away from hive due to life, I will definitely revise these models and fix them up :) thank you for pointing this
I just saw that they already uploaded the mode
well guy's, wait is finaly over. ive made an icon for this, Injoy!
