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Setting EXP required

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Level 7
Dec 17, 2005
I've made a custom experience system inside my game and it requires heroes to gain levels at every 100 experience interval (ex: 100 for level 2, 200 for level 3, 300 for level 4, etc...)

In the gameplay constants there are 4 modifiable fields for this but after playing around in them and experimenting, I can't get how those formulas work for required experience.

Fields are:
Constant Factor: (Set at 0)
Level Factor: (Set at 100)
Previous Value Factor: (Set at 1)
Table: (Set at 200)

I know that in ladder, experience required goes from 200 to 500 (not sure for after this).

I also know I could probably make 30 entries in the table for the experience (30 levels) but is there a formula I could use?

Table should be 100 as base instead of 200 for what I want.

Thanks in advance for any help!
Table aa : It's the base value if you set it to aa all level will require aa exp that mean you don't need more exp the level up.
lv 1= aa
lv 2= aa
lv 3= aa
Constant factor xx: It will add xx to next level (doesn't effect lv1)
lv 1= aa
lv 2= aa + xx
lv 3= aa + xx + xx
level Factor yy : It will add to the previous value yy*lv.Doesn't effect on level 1.
lv 1= aa
lv 2= aa + xx + yy*2
lv 3= aa + xx + xx + yy*2 + yy*3
Previous value factor z : It will add the previous factor value multiplied by z factor or the current value by z^(lv-1) since it doesn't effect the lv 1.
lv 1= aa
lv 2= (aa*z) + (aa + xx + yy*2)
lv 3= ((aa*z) + (aa + xx + yy*2))*z+(aa + xx + xx + yy*2 + yy*3)
lv 4= (((aa*z) + (aa + xx + yy*2))*z+(aa + xx + xx + yy*2 + yy*3)*z)+(aa + xx + xx + xx + yy*2 + yy*3 + yy*4)
Or more simple
lv 1= aa
lv 2= (aa + xx + yy*2)*z
lv 3= (aa + xx + xx + yy*2 + yy*3)*z^2
lv 4= (aa + xx + xx + xx + yy*2 + yy*3 + yy*4)*z^3
In your case just set
Table : 100
Constant factor : 100
Previous factor value : 1
Level factor : 0

Yoiu can simulate the level exp bar by making a dummy ability with 30 level and then Auto fills level Stat-Cast range (because it can reach hightest value)
Note that this simultation only display the needed epx.The exp bar display the Current exp/Current exp + EXP needed to reach next level.
lv 1 = 0/100
lv 2 = 100/200
lv 3 = 200/300
I'm not good in mathematics so correct me if i'm wrong.
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