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[Trigger] Required Level of Hero Trigger

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Level 1
Jun 21, 2009
Hey guys, at the moment, i'm needing a trigger where it requires lets say level 20 or higher for the blademaster to enter the Circle of Power that will teleport him somewhere else, if the blademaster isnt level 20 or higher then the circle of power will do nothing, also, i'm needing the teleportion for the blademaster hero only, no other hero can get teleported even at level 20/higher.

Please and thanks guys!!!

Level 18
Jan 21, 2006
There is an integer comparison for comparing the level of a hero to another integer. This can be used to compare the level of the specified hero to 20, and determine whether it passes the filter or not.

  • Conditions
    • (Hero level of Paladin 0000 <gen>) Greater than or equal to 20
I just used a preplaced Paladin as an example, but you should get the picture from this.
Level 1
Jun 21, 2009
There is an integer comparison for comparing the level of a hero to another integer. This can be used to compare the level of the specified hero to 20, and determine whether it passes the filter or not.

  • Conditions
    • (Hero level of Paladin 0000 <gen>) Greater than or equal to 20
I just used a preplaced Paladin as an example, but you should get the picture from this.

I did not see that lmao

Thank you =D :grin:
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