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Quitting Game developing

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I want to quit. Simply just gonna put this Can't? here and leave it like that.

I will add that yes I will play games (Just 3DS games and Marathon) but I will NOT make my own because it doesn't work. No I will make slideshows instead. But I would probably just break that promise. But if I did then I would work on Marathon scenarios.

EDIT: This is just something personal and I want advice about what to do about my life.
Level 4
Dec 24, 2010
Well if you don't enjoy it, I say don't waste your time and quit now. It just won't work.

But if you're someone who actually have fun making games, then don't give up too easily.
Let me just say that you have the wrong approach. I noticed that you constantly seek attention, and easily discouraged when people make a slight disagreement. That's no good.
If you really want to make a game, don't expect any help or support from others right of the bat. You have to work on it yourself and make actual progress because no one's gonna do it for you. And don't report every little changes you make, it's a waste of time. Put that time in making progress instead.
Once your game is playable enough, let the people test it, that's when you get support and encouragement. And eventually someone interested will come and help if you ask them nicely.

Advice. My advice is to keep making games until you find it as a really fun hobby. Other than that I'm useless. Ignore me.
Level 22
Sep 24, 2005
Maybe you're just burned out at the moment, maybe take a rest and watch the dancing guy on the Quando, Quando, Quando music video, might improve your mood.
Level 15
Nov 30, 2007
Developers, especially game developers seem to suffer from perfectionism and too big a scope for their ability, time and motivation. Some of this can be attributed to the lack of deadlines or any other project constraints. If you want to quit, quit. However I would first ask myself if your failings come from trying to do things beyond your reach.

Secondly you provided so little information about your life, so it's hard to give advice based on what you said. How old are you and what *did* you want to acomplish in game development?

When you say that it doesn't work: In what manner? Financially or difficulty?
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Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

Remember to Shift+Delete the project folder so you don't need to see that garbage ever again.




Now I think.. Maybe I should support my country instead? Europe is in bad shape and needs help from someone competent. I know that if something is wrong it's wrong and that not everyone is a gamer. I think I need to work on something for my country to learn it. I can do slideshows but not program games. I haven't even started making even 2% of Uno Prospero.

Maybe my call isn't gaming. Maybe it's to support the old and the free.

I do believe I've gotten mental problems.




Okay. Maybe I should work on the games first and then work on other things when I'm done.

I do need the influence to work harder too.


Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006
Level 20
Feb 23, 2014
Real men format the hard drive (with zeroing out ofc).
Nope. Real men do this:


But in all seriousness, if you don't like it, don't do it.
I wouldn't recommend deleting anything, though. Perhaps after taking a little time off from your project you will get in a mood to go back to it :)

Of course, this doesn't apply if being a game developer is your job - in that case you might want to continue for a bit - until you find another career option that would make you happier :)



Level 32
Mar 21, 2016
pfft what a pussy

Real men format the hard drive (with zeroing out ofc).
Real manly men use debug to low-level format their HDD (if its hardware controller allows it). Such a feature may also be available in the BIOS of they legacy PC (Socket 3 / Socket 7 era hardware at the very best).

Nope. Real men do this:


... Yup. But only after they have scrubbed the surface of the HDD with a magnet.
Level 19
Jul 2, 2011
Is Europe in danger?
Is Europe in danger?
well today I went shopping and people were shouting about some disease in non cooked foods, so I didn't buy any cold meats or fruits

I got home and googled the diseases name and it is a false scar, because it is only in African countries

lol Europe is in trouble alright, people panic about the wrong things

on topic. I am also a programmer and today I published an open-source project I've been working on for a long time. I kinda expected a reply from fans instantly but now I'm disappointed. when I was releasing beta versions I got so much support but with the project done all I have now is silence.

I guess they don't need me anymore :(

programming isn't a very rewarding effort. people only encourage you when they want something. unlike other talents like art, music and sports, no one praises you after your work is done.... only when they want more changes
Level 22
Sep 24, 2005
Oh, I thought some European countries were also testing nuclear devices like what North Korea is doing.
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