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Quite Good Spell Creator's help needed!

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Level 30
Jan 31, 2010
I need help to create an ability on map I am currently working. It's cast with no targets, instant cast such as thunder claps. The effects are explained in pictures.

Part of map where spell should be implemented has cubic terrain, surrounded with trees and boundary. Spell should not go further that that area. Let's say, about 2000 range, AND that I can change range of it if it needs to be expanded. Next, I wanna explain you spell. It starts from random point around caster, and it's like impale, instantly (!!!) creating explosions from that point to the end of cubic part of map. Then, it goes RANDOMLY on one way or another, creating same explosions next to each other, following the pattern. The way will not change during one cast. It goes for 180 degrees, making it follow total of half of that area during one cast. It deals damage only one per one blast of explosions, so the following of the wave will result in more damage. Possibility where spell will start is also random. Down is an image that can explain what my words can't. Can someone help me?

+2 rep from me, and my brother.
+special thanks in quests.
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