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pulse buff.. give me credits if you use it in your map..!

---------- UPDATE ----------

·Raised model

pulse, medic, medical, buff, war, stim, pack, stimulant, adrenaline, epsilon

PulseBuff_ByEpsilon (Model)

02:06, 24th Oct 2010 DonDustin: simply awesome.
Level 6
Aug 25, 2007
This is really, really awesome, especially for the filesize.

Is there any way you could please raise the height of the effect, or have an alternate version that's higher? When using this buff on a Marine model with the attachment point "overhead", it's halfway inside the marine's head. Or if there's a workaround for making it more compatible with marine models, I'm open to that.
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
I think the pulse is always green nm if the guy is nearly dead /i,e too low pulse or too high pulse'. But the idea of making it faster and slower sounds is nice. I like this effect, something different to scatter the boredom in the section. Like you some said one can make use of them for a modern+ map.
I think the pulse is always green nm if the guy is nearly dead /i,e too low pulse or too high pulse'. But the idea of making it faster and slower sounds is nice. I like this effect, something different to scatter the boredom in the section. Like you some said one can make use of them for a modern+ map.

the multicolored one would be great for Resident Evil maps... ^^