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[Picture] what do you think the best spell fit for this map?

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Level 6
Dec 24, 2012
what do you think the best spell fit for this map?


  • 65036.jpg
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Level 8
Sep 20, 2011
for the hero or the map???
if heroes then it would be rabid form :D makes them have rabies then be enlarged by the effect of the spell that makes units big and have red stuff on their hands.
and while having rabies, they will have stronger and have "poisonuos" (dps) per attack (dps on the enemy will stack for every 5 hits. it increases their maximum health and mana, health will not regenerate. after rabies effect, they will be a bit weaker for X seconds
Level 8
Sep 20, 2011
wow! i have more projects so i can't :| i would help if i could but i will still try :D

Claw Pounce
Pounces to the enemy and stun for X seconds if the "dog" exactly hit the "other dog" when it hits the ground, after the stun, "other dog" will be slowed for 1 sec

Moon Pack:
Can Only Be used at night when full moon comes
"dog" will summon 4 wolves (bash)/2 greater wolves(bash & slow)/2 rabid wolves that is fully controllable (no item slot) will have all effects of "rabid form" if the "dog" is using it

Dig Hole:
Dog will dig down to the ground, bury himself and wait for prey to come,
if "dog" comes out of the ground and "other dog" is in an area around, "other dog" will be stunned and will get X Damage (found this skill funny but as i type it it becomes more serious)

Dog Sense
Unable to use with "Track"
Will allow "dog" to locate the nearby injured enemy unit (when at red health)

Unable to use with "Dog Sense"
Tracks "other dog" for X seconds and increase "dog" 's movement of speed by 1-10 (to balance)

Unable to use with "Rabid form"
Increases attack, attack speed, and armor of "dog for" a short time and increases health regeneration while in combat

Eye of the white wolf:
Enables "Dog" to see further at night

Sensitive ears:
Dog detects all sprinting "other dogs" lasts X seconds

Unable to use with "Cover in Nature"
Dog will move slowly (walk) and "dog" will be unable to be detected by "sensitive ears" (toggleable)

Cover in Nature:
Unable to use with "Sneak"
makes "dog" roll in the dirt so "dog" 's smell cannot be detected, makes dog invulnerable for "Track" and "Dog sense" for X Seconds

I can't thing of anything more :D Put them all!? XDD but those effects are required and and these spells are balanced because there are somewhat maybe just some skills would replace older ones?
there are counters for some skill, but this one is the Best of them all:

Leader of the Pack:
Dispels at the third O at the clock
Can only be used if "Moon pack" is active
Allows "dog" to track all nearby injured enemies and ignores "cover nature"
and "dog" has an increased X movement of speed, X attack if "wolves" are nearby", will be unable to use other skills but these:

Master of tracking:
will track all nearby enemies on an area around "dog"
Rabid Rampage:
Almost as same as "Rabid form" and "rampage" but has a reduced
effect from both.

Slows "other dog" and makes them run for X seconds at the front of "dog"

This post was really long! :D I think i helped you! :D made this for about 30 mins- 1 hour XDD and i made it creative as possible
Level 5
Dec 8, 2012
Make a custom spell, choose breath of fire
animation names - attack
missile art - n/a
damage - 0
damage per second - 0
distance - 0
final area - 0
max damage - 0
area of effect - 0
buffs - n/a
cast range - 9999999(maximum)
cooldown - 15.00 (you choose yourself :))
duration - hero - 0
duration - normal - 0
hero ability(its your choice)
levels(also its yours)
mana cost(like i said its yours)
race - human
target allowed - none
done! now lets move to triggers!
i cant do it here :( but i can insert it to your map give me dl, so i can change it.
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