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[Picture] "Traitor Templar" The night of the day which news of Valorfist's death had reached almo

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Level 10
Aug 10, 2008
"Traitor Templar"

The night of the day which news of Valorfist's death had reached almost all corners of Falmir there was an activity within a small camp across the Falmir coast. Several Templars were present followed by peasants and a man with dark armor who appeared to be reading a letter that had just reached him.

Lord Valias: Well this is an interesting report. What is the current situation of the Highlord's land?
Templar: It is currently without control. Either the Templar Order will take it or Lady Valorfist.
Lord Valias: I would hope for the second choice. We may have to tread lightly if the Order takes it.
Templar: The Lieutenant will also be on his way, he currently has matters regarding Falmir's situation to attend to.
Lord Valias: I don't believe that's a necessary thing to do, Falmir changes "situation" very often.
Templar: He said that there may be useful information, there is the possibility that neither of the targets will take over the land.
Lord Valias: We will have the land one way or another.


  • 70901.png
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Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
Its the architecture that house and walls use style used by colonists. Though guess was used also in rural Russia and well up north countries in general but those buildings don't show that often in media like colonialism. Also that is extremely small camp.

Model is to small and really sticks out from game engine that is why it is preferable to avoid rips, Andorias was at least bright enough to fit somewhat.

Renegades don't deserve to keep the title "templar" and will most likely be excommunicated by the order. Unless lady Valorfist finds them first and we can all agree woman that married Andorias must be scary.
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