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[Trigger] % of Strength gain

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Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
To get a %value of strength as bonus you have to convert the strength to real:

  • Set YourHero = Your hero //self explaning :)
  • Set YourPercentValue = 25.00 // For a bonus of 25%
  • Hero - Modify Strength of YourHero: Add (Integer((((Real((Kraft of YourHero (Exclude bonuses)))) / 100.00) x YourPercentValue))) //Adds 25% of the basestrength of yourhero
Level 9
Aug 21, 2008
i also would add the difference beetwen the old and the new value cause its only a spell which shouldnt last forever.
If you dont have values like 100k str you may make a abilty with 100 lvl which gives 1 str for every lvl and at the right one when the spell is casted. Remove it later.
Level 11
Mar 31, 2009
i also would add the difference beetwen the old and the new value cause its only a spell which shouldnt last forever.
If you dont have values like 100k str you may make a abilty with 100 lvl which gives 1 str for every lvl and at the right one when the spell is casted. Remove it later.

If he wants it like battle shout, then its going to be an aoe buff (roar), so the value will be different for every unit affected.



Level 19
Aug 27, 2007
Yes u can......... First make ...

Set Integer1 = Strenght of the hero ... example = 20

Okay now we have .... Set Integer1 = 20

Then Set Integer1 = (20/100) x (the percent u want) ...

If u want it 10% ..... then ... Set Integer1 = (20/100) x (10) = 2 strenght ...

Then add it to the hero when he level up ... simple :)
Level 18
Aug 23, 2008
Can we please stop posting here already? The percentage question has already been answered trice, while I don't think that's really his question because it's too simple and he's an experienced mapper. I think his real question was how to get numbers rounded to the nearest full number, which I already explained.

So please stop posting more posts here, because his question is solved unless he encounters problems, doesn't understand it or has more questions.
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
@RMX and Ciebron

If i have 48 strength, then 1.20 (20%) would = 57.6, therefore, warcraft will not input this number and the trigger will be innactive.

only whole number integers are counted when dealing with attribute modifications.

Try converting the strength to a real variable, then set the strength to "Convert Real to Integer" and set your variable (which represents the strength) there.
It will round the real down, so the 57.6 will become 57
Level 29
Jul 29, 2007
The easiest way actually would be to use a simple local and a wait (seeing as it's probably more then one second, who cares about the accuracy), as this shows, assuming you want the triggering unit.
I didn't put the actual Jass actions because you might want to use the GUI-Local bug.

  • Custom script: local unit u = GetTriggerUnit()
  • Add attribute to u
  • Sleep
  • Remove attribute from u
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