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New to World Editor

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Level 1
May 30, 2015
Hello everyone. My name is Kotodama and I have come here to the HiveWorkshop for some assistance in the World Editor.

Now I have done very little in terms of world editing but desperately want to create some very cool things, much like the content I see here.

Now to begin with something very simple. Custom Heroes.

I took a regular Melee Map and copied a nightelf Hero. I customized them (changed the unit frames, descriptions, model, even made some basic custom moves based on preexisting moves) but I have 1 problem.

When I test the map for some reason It is letting me train multiples of this specific Hero. It doesn't restrict from training other Heroes like it normally would.

(You know when you train a hero, all other heroes are locked until you tech.) For some reason it lets me train the hero as many times as I want. As if it was a regular Unit.

It shouldn't be doing this because I copy/pasted from a preexisting nightelf hero so all the tech requirement are fine. I even reduced the Stock to 1 but this still happens.

Is there anyway to fix this?
Level 15
Nov 30, 2007

This is the standard trigger created for every melee map.
  • Melee Initialization
    • Events
      • Map initialization
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Melee Game - Use melee time of day (for all players)
      • Melee Game - Limit Heroes to 1 per Hero-type (for all players)
      • Melee Game - Give trained Heroes a Scroll of Town Portal (for all players)
      • Melee Game - Set starting resources (for all players)
      • Melee Game - Remove creeps and critters from used start locations (for all players)
      • Melee Game - Create starting units (for all players)
      • Melee Game - Run melee AI scripts (for computer players)
      • Melee Game - Enforce victory/defeat conditions (for all players)
This line limits the standard melee heroes:
  • Melee Game - Limit Heroes to 1 per Hero-type (for all players)
Sadly it doesn't work for other heroes. So you would have to make your own limit. Like this:
  • Player Group - Pick every player in (All players) and do (Actions)
    • Loop - Actions
      • Player - Limit training of Sylvanas Windrunner to 1 for (Picked player)
Level 1
May 30, 2015
Thank you very much for the response. That is another question I was meaning to ask.


I dont really understand them much. Also there aren't many simple videos on World Editor so It often confuses me when I am trying to learn it for myself.

Do I just copy paste triggers into the trigger interface? Because when I attempted to add a custom spell that had triggers they suggested that I simply copy it from 1 map and add it to the other. However it didnt work and i got multiple errors.
Level 15
Nov 30, 2007
You can copy folders, and triggers. Make sure to to check "automatically create unknown variables while pasting trigger data" found in: file -> preferences. Yes you paste them there.

Note that some spells require that you copy abilities, spells and other systems in order to work as well as configure certain variables.
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
Because when I attempted to add a custom spell that had triggers they suggested that I simply copy it from 1 map and add it to the other. However it didnt work and i got multiple errors.
Remember to check 'Automatically create unknown variables while pasting trigger data'
in File>Preferences.

Edit:Sorry,didn't see Pinzu posted
Level 1
May 30, 2015
So i am testing the copy paste method and I am receiving the error " Trigger ____ has been stopped due to errors" and then it shows me a ton of error messages. How do I fix this issue?

I am trying to put the Custom move called "Dark Matter" into my Melee Map and I am having trouble.

And I added what you stated about creating unknown variables and nothing happens.
Level 6
Apr 5, 2015
So i am testing the copy paste method and I am receiving the error " Trigger ____ has been stopped due to errors" and then it shows me a ton of error messages. How do I fix this issue?

I am trying to put the Custom move called "Dark Matter" into my Melee Map and I am having trouble.

And I added what you stated about creating unknown variables and nothing happens.

Is it a Jass Spell? If yes, I wouldn't recommend starting with that.
You should just import stuff that you are able to understand and to edit.
Level 1
May 30, 2015
Is it a Jass Spell? If yes, I wouldn't recommend starting with that.
You should just import stuff that you are able to understand and to edit.

It seemed simple enough when I looked at a video of it. The man simply copied all required heroes, spells, etc. Then copied all the triggers and the spell worked. I thought it would be just as easy.

I am not familiar with such editing in general as I am not the most technosavy person but I will give the tutorials here a try.

I am able to pick up things much faster is there were video tutorials but sadly I cant find any of merit.
Level 6
Apr 5, 2015
It seemed simple enough when I looked at a video of it. The man simply copied all required heroes, spells, etc. Then copied all the triggers and the spell worked. I thought it would be just as easy.

I am not familiar with such editing in general as I am not the most technosavy person but I will give the tutorials here a try.

I am able to pick up things much faster is there were video tutorials but sadly I cant find any of merit.

For me personally, copying is advanced stuff. Best way of learning things is Learning by Doing.
Start with little things, like spawning units and stuff. Try to understand how GUI works.
Because most of it is just Understanding it, it shouldn't be too hard.
And if it doesn't work at all, you can still ask us. There are people here that do know everything. (Referring to Dr Super Good)
Level 1
May 30, 2015
For me personally, copying is advanced stuff. Best way of learning things is Learning by Doing.
Start with little things, like spawning units and stuff. Try to understand how GUI works.
Because most of it is just Understanding it, it shouldn't be too hard.
And if it doesn't work at all, you can still ask us. There are people here that do know everything. (Referring to Dr Super Good)

I see. Well then perhaps while I look at tutorials i can ask about 1 more issue.

The Triggers that Pinzu posted worked. It did infact, remove the specific Hero once selected. However there lies another problem.

Even though I chose 1 hero, it doesnt "Lock out" the other heroes until Tech 2 like it should. Essentially what is happening is that I can create 2 heros without having to get to Tech 2. (Which is something I dont want).

Is there a trigger to have my custom character, have the same locking effect as the basic default character?

(The effect of locking all other heroes until the next Tech.)
Level 6
Apr 5, 2015
I see. Well then perhaps while I look at tutorials i can ask about 1 more issue.

The Triggers that Pinzu posted worked. It did infact, remove the specific Hero once selected. However there lies another problem.

Even though I chose 1 hero, it doesnt "Lock out" the other heroes until Tech 2 like it should. Essentially what is happening is that I can create 2 heros without having to get to Tech 2. (Which is something I dont want).

Is there a trigger to have my custom character, have the same locking effect as the basic default character?

(The effect of locking all other heroes until the next Tech.)

That is, because you are using a campaign hero in a melee match.
They are not build for that in the first place, so you have to change them.
You have to change the requirements in the object editor under "Technology-Tree Requirements Niveau 2+3".
Insert your race-specific main buildings on level 2 and 3 in there, and it will work. Just compare with the normal heroes. They have the same thing.
Level 17
Dec 11, 2014
Start with Cinematics. (You can Learn In the tutorials)
It doesn't matter If the cinematic was crap, because you are just learning.
Whenever you feel you can understand what you are Doing, Start Exploring Triggers.

To learn how triggers work, download a map, open it and study the triggers. Once you understand how they work (and that's easy), you will be able to do what you want.

I agree with robertMKD, download a map similar to the one you are making and study the triggers.

Finding out the triggers' function is easy, because they are Grammarically correct and they actually "Mean" Something.
That's Why using GUI/Triggers is better than JASS/vJASS, only because It is easer to work with. (But when you advance you see JASS is more Functional)
You see all triggers have a Category, They can help a lot while finding a function.

But when It comes To variables, (The Big X on top of Trigger editor) things get Harder and it comes to advanced triggering even tough they are needed.

Check the tutorials often i say. Whenever you have a problem, feel free to post it on Triggers and Scripts Forum or PM me/Anyone Else.

~_= Good luck,
Arad MNK
Level 11
Jan 23, 2015
At first, I myself couldn't understand what are variables for, since I'm bad at math. But variables are the same as triggers, once you learn how they work, it's easy to use them.
A variable is a unit, integer, player etc. which value can be changed. Look at these two examples and see what's their function:

Unit - Issue 0011 Archer to Move to (Position of 0001 Illidan (Polar offset of 0001 Illidan at 90 degrees towards 250))
Unit - Issue 0005 Archer to Attack-Move to (Position of 0001 Illidan (Polar offset of 0001 Illidan at 90 degrees towards 250))
Special Effect - Create Phoenix fire at (Position of 0001 Illidan (Polar offset of 0001 Illidan at 90 degrees towards 250))

set TempLocation = (Position of 0001 Illidan (Polar offset of 0001 Illidan at 90 degrees towards 250))
Unit - Issue 0011 Archer to Move to TempLocation
Unit - Issue 0005 Archer to Attack-Move to TempLocation
Special Effect - Create Phoenix fire at TempLocation

So instead of adding the same location for each action you can make a variable and change it with the location. You can also change the location of these 3 actions during the game in the same way.
Level 1
May 30, 2015
Would the type of map I am trying to do be an "Altered Melee" Map?

All i really want to do at the moment is add a custom hero or two to each of the basic races. Perhaps even change some spell animations. I don't think I am at the level where I can create what you all are able to create. I'd need some serious studying to do to get to that level of editing.
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