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Need Suggestions for Spells

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Level 24
Feb 28, 2007
I'm doing this ogre campaign where your hero is, as you might have guessed, an Ogre. He is an Ogre-Fighter with some warlock abilities, but i've run out of idea's on whatever his spells should be like, if anyone could help me here I would be more than grateful. :grin:
Level 7
Jul 14, 2006
Ogre abilities:
Bloodlust (Bloodlust)
AoE : Howl of War (Roar)
Passive : Smash (Cleaving Attack)

Ultimate : Brutality (Chemical Rage)

Bloodlust would be increased in its damage bonus % each level.
Howl of War would be increased on its duration each level.
Smash would be increased inits % of chance each level.
Brutality will just be a kickass ability that require like 250 mana and which would increase attack speed x3!

What do you think of that?
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