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Need people to help me!! making new map!! new idéa!!

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Level 1
Jul 25, 2008
ok here's the drill, im making a new map, you will laugh! Trust me! But it's and idea i had since i was younger... and that is Hogwarts... the point is that you are either a hogwarts student. (need student models) (10 player students and 2 player/CPU [if possible] Teachers). as a student you first pick if you are a male of female, your main attributes (str,agi or int), and wanted class (Slytherin, Huffelpuff, Reavenclaw or Griffindor).

Ps. scroll to the buttom if you don't wan't to read my idéas!

Then you get a cinematic video of getting the letter (not accually seeing the person only a owl flying over terrain to a house). then you are in diagon alley, the first thing you have to do is to go to the bank, take out some money, buy a wand, a owl and school books. then you go to the train (need a model for it). when everyone has entered the train it's a new cinematic video of the train leaving there are 6 lugars. every second lugar you go throw it's a cinematic video after the last video you see the train arriving at the station... then you are off the train and on the train station there you walk to the water take a boat and ride across the water and to the castle.

then the only place you can go to is the Great hall, all other doors are locked. there the classes are picked (if everyone said Griffindor still only 2 whould get it, so it is 2 people per. class if Full house). after that you have to go to your room and sleep. (when everyone does that the speed of time turns to beginning of day). now you have your first class. in each class you get a task where there is mobs and and you have to test your spell, the only way to win is to use it... when you are done you loose the book for that spell and you can use it anytime. after that you can do what ever you want. Duel your friends in the dual area. go with your friends to the forbidden forest and level up, if you die you don't loose only wake up in the hospital wing. the first part of the forbidden forest is level 1 - 11, then you go in a cave that has 2 parts. part 1 is level 11 - 21. and part 2 is from level 21 - 31, after that you come to a lake where you level from 31 - 41, after that you come to the place where the big spider was. only it's a new spider now. witch is level 60 (VERY HARD MOB!!).

well you can't do this in one in-game day! no by then you know the best spells, the best wands and on...

now i've told most of my idéas and if you have some, please post.
if you want to help send me a e-mail: [email protected]
send as much spam as you want. i barly use that email adress!
if you can make models for me it whould be great!
this is what i need:
Map Editors

if you can do multi things that's great! Im from Norway with (GMT +1) i can only work in the evenings maby and weekends (friday, saturday and sunday)
even if you ONLY can work with this Once a year I DON'T CARE!! so remember! if you are interested even if you can only do this once a month or less please contact me!
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