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Level 2
Jul 13, 2005
What are some examples of the triggers used in BattleShips or 13attle ships?

And in my World Editor i cant see the Mini-Map (so i cant move around easily. I can will the scroll bars but those dont work well at all.) RIght above it I have checked "Veiw Game Mini Map", "Show Creep Camp Icon", and "Show Neutral Building Icons".

So could you help my with my provlem/explain some triggers? Thanks.
Level 1
Jul 18, 2005
Hero Limits

Not to butt in on this post, but i too have a question concerning maps.
I'm not sure if this is a relatively easy problem to fix, or not, but I'm making a map that requires hero units to exceed level 10. How do I do that?
P.S. I am using WE Unlimited, if that helps any.

BTW Shizzle, That Sidebar with the ModelViewer, Folder Directory, and should have minimap has dividers that slide. See if you didnt accidently slide one of the 2 dividers all the way up, hiding the minimap.
Level 10
Jul 2, 2004
LastRefuge : go under advanced ; gameplay constants. scroll down until you reach the heroes section and search for hero maximum level.
Level 3
Jul 17, 2005
I need help with my trigger. its not workinng

Unit – a unit sells an item (form shop)

(item-type of (sold items)) equal to “Learn Bloodlust”

Item – Remove (sold items)
If (all conditions are ture) then do (then actions) else do (else actions)

If – conditions
-*HeroType* [(player number of (owner of (buying units))] equal to melee

Then- actions
Set *BasicAbilityPicked*[(Player number of (triggering player))] =
*BasicAbilityPicked*[Player number of (owner of (buying unit))] +1)
Wait .10 seconds
Unit – add Bloodlust (neutral Hostile 1) to buying unit

Else – actions
Game – Display to (player group ((owner of (buying unit)))) for 10.00 seconds the Text: Ranged and Spell casters may not learn this skill
Player – add 1 to (owner of (buying unit)) current lumber

BasicAbilityPicked is a variable - Boolean Array (1) False (Default)
HeroType is a variable – String Array (1)

The problem is even if my hero is melee it still says that it is not and will not let me buy the skill
Level 2
Jun 29, 2004
ok so here are MY problems :D

1st: (noobish one) how to set money bounties for non-neutral units, like footmans, heroes, buildings ?? :oops:

2nd: (more advanced) how to make an fireball effect on a hero (without advanced editing)

3rd: is there any way to change the entangling roots color from green to yellow / white ?

4th: how to make revival time 5x Hero LvL and automatic ?? All i could find was 'instantly revival' and when i thought about making 10 (no. of players) variables, each rise by 5 when hero owned by player gains lvl and then run trigger when his hero die, and elapsed time is 'variable' I cant find number accounting to a variable ;(

5th: how to make posession spell last only 30 secs ??
Level 9
Nov 27, 2004
1 heavy question!

How to make a cup of coffee in a real by triggers :D

P.S. i think that it's a stupid to make a theme like this..

All who have their problems will at first make there own topic and willn't even see F.A.Q. or tutorials or other helping stuff.
Level 6
Feb 4, 2005
Mesiash said:
ok so here are MY problems :D

1st: (noobish one) how to set money bounties for non-neutral units, like footmans, heroes, buildings ?? :oops:

3rd: is there any way to change the entangling roots color from green to yellow / white ?

1. I think it's under Player - Set Bounty On or something...

3. Ask a modeller.

I would answer the fourth but I don't have WE on this computer and I'm lazy.
Level 3
Jul 26, 2004
How do you use a imported file, say like a picture of a cat, and make it the loading screen?ive tried before but it never worked. :?



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
DarkGoblin9 said:
How do you use a imported file, say like a picture of a cat, and make it the loading screen?ive tried before but it never worked. :?

Obsiously open Loading Screen and set it to imported "your picture". Make sure the size isn't too big and the file is .JPG (or something like that).

All who have their problems will at first make there own topic and willn't even see F.A.Q. or tutorials or other helping stuff.

I thought the same. This topic can easly become a completly spam topic.

And btw writing the topic in Caps won't lure more people. It's ilegal.

Level 2
Jul 13, 2005
How would one go about making a map like Water War- Submerged?

When you can dive underwater, and fight there, and above water.

P.S. why hasnt the creater of this thread ever posted?
Level 1
Jul 21, 2005
Anyone know how to make buildings spawn

i am making a hero builder type map but i cant get the buildings to spawn units..... HELP!!!!!!! :roll:



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
Re: Anyone know how to make buildings spawn

Turbosrfun said:
i am making a hero builder type map but i cant get the buildings to spawn units..... HELP!!!!!!! :roll:

Scroll down with your mouse until you see Units Trained. Add Unit and select the unit you want it to spawn. Make sure it's from the correct player. What's so hard?

P.S. why hasnt the creater of this thread ever posted?

Probably he thinks that it's us who have to take care of his job....

Level 3
Jul 13, 2005
SRY GUYS SRY SRY SRY, Ive been making a Loap map, and I am trying to join the Loap Clan. Ok, Anyways im back lol i can help you witht he bounty.

To set Bounty- choose the unit and go to bounty, there are three bounty tings, Bounty Dice, Sides of Dice and Base, Dice are used the same as the Attack dice, for random attack damage.

Set your bounty to wat u want and go to triggers, select...Player, then do turn on/off player flag and turn on bounty for the selected player.

Ok theres one, phew lol ok next!
Level 2
Jul 13, 2005
FerShizzle said:
How would one go about making a map like Water War- Submerged?

When you can dive underwater, and fight there, and above water.

Theres my question.

Question 2: When does your LOAP comeout? I'm anxious to see it.



Level 2
Jul 13, 2005
Please someone help me! I have a rathe big problem with me campaign! I have finished first mission of my campaign(all is done),and i made second mission(without triggerts and units).Then i connected those maps into campaign and wrote a hero transporting triggert but it doesnt work with mine own heroes(but works with standart),and another problem:When i create a unit or spell in campaign editor(i think it should work in both campaign maps)this spell or unit doesn't work at all!
And one more problem:In campaigns of other people(for example: 'RotD' or 'Tale of Warsong' )i saw that the way to the next map in campaign is (for exmple: RotD02.w3x)that is onle name of the file without way to,but it works! And when i wrote "mission2.w3x" it doesn't work and only works when i wrote Maps\NR\mission2.w3x !!! And when i start playing and finished first mission it loads map from Maps\NR\mission2.w3x ,but not current second mission!

PLEASE HELP ME!!! I HAVE A REALY GOOD IDEAS,but this problem stopped me work for 5 days!!!
Level 8
Jul 28, 2004
I have finished first mission of my campaign(all is done),and i made second mission(without triggerts and units).Then i connected those maps into campaign and wrote a hero transporting triggert but it doesnt work with mine own heroes(but works with standart)
so u didnt copy the custom heroes to the second map and expect them to magically create themselves from nowhere.
Level 3
Sep 28, 2004
What is this so-called "LoaP clan" you speak of?

Don't call your map by LoaP, you un-original prick. You lack so much intelligence to neglect grammar, which makes me seriously doubt your mapping intelligence.
Level 1
Jul 21, 2005
Still cant spawn............. : (

So far i have tried to do what the reply to my first posting said (sorry i cant remember who replyed and i would go back and check but my internet is just to slow!!) the prob. is i cant figure out were the unit commands that i was told to look for are at :( noob prob. im sure but its giving me a hard time!! thanx for helping
Level 4
Jul 25, 2005
How do I make the units spawn every few seconds and then go down the lane and attack everything on the way like in a dota map?
Level 18
Mar 7, 2005
How do I make the units spawn every few seconds and then go down the lane and attack everything on the way like in a dota map?

that is easy:

event: every 30 seconds of game time (change it to your spawn time)

condition: none

action: Unit - Create 1 *unittype* for *Player* at (Center of (*rect*)) facing default building facing (270) degrees.

then make another trigger and before u make them create rects from where the units should spawn and where should they go to:

event: Unit - A Unit enters *rect*

condition: (Owner of(Entering Unit)) Equal to *Player* (choose the player who u use as the Computer which send the units, u need this condition if u dont want that ur own units walk automaticly to the other point.

action: Unit - Order (Entering Unit) to Attack-Move to (Center of (*rect*))

** = use your custom things here example last action --> center of rect, type in your rect in your map to which the units should go. [/quote]
Level 1
Jul 21, 2005
cant make my trigger work

can anyone tell me what is wrong with my trigger??

Unit - A unit enters Region 000 <gen>
Time - Every 30.00 seconds of game time

Unit Group - Order (Units in Region 000 <gen>) to Attack-Move To (Center of Region 001 <gen>)
Unit - Create 3 Priest for Player 1 (Red) at (Center of Region 000 <gen>) facing 260.00 degrees
Unit - Create 5 Footman for Player 1 (Red) at (Center of Region 000 <gen>) facing 270.00 degrees

And here is the trigger for player 2

Unit - A unit enters Region 001 <gen>
Time - Every 30.00 seconds of game time

Unit Group - Order (Units in Region 001 <gen>) to Attack-Move To (Center of Region 000 <gen>)
Unit - Create 3 Troll Witch Doctor for Player 2 (Blue) at (Center of Region 001 <gen>) facing 260.00 degrees
Unit - Create 5 Grunt for Player 2 (Blue) at (Center of Region 001 <gen>) facing 270.00 degrees

every time the game launches it crasher with some kind of memory error!! Thanks!
Level 2
Jul 8, 2005
I need help with my trigger also.

In my map, I have a great hall where the king is for the whole game, he is very powerful(lots of damage). But, I want it to be when a player types his name, he goes to that players position. I have tried everything I can think of, and the only thing that has "wokred", is where he goes to the target of that player's camera, but if that player is looking at a river or sumthing like that, the king will go there. Please help me.
Level 4
Jul 19, 2005
I NEED some help heres my trigger

Event: unit casts a ability
Condition: ability being cast = to (spell name)
Action: add 4 to (owner of ( target unit of ability being cast) current lumber

does any 1 know why this doesnt work?
Level 3
Jun 19, 2005
alright there are a lot of ppl who know how to do map making. if u can do triggers for a maul map like some of the famous duke wintermual work. then u can become 1 of my beta-testers of ANY map i create but just to tell right off the bat this map is no where even near completed. all i need is some1 or myself with some help to get some of the trigger work out of the way the rest of the work that can be done i can handle myself b/c i'm talented with the unit editor just not with the trigger editor. heres a small list that needs to be done with my map, and the name of my mual map is called Nightmual.

Need Help Doing Point Value Triggers in which the point value adds every time when a player summons something or in this case "income". In wintermual u start off getting 25 gold every 30 sec. then when u summoned out a scout with a Point Value of 1 the point value adds to a point value trigger so that u get 26 gold every 30 sec. without give player 11 or 12 income and hopefully it will Bulid up every time u summon.

Need Help With Unit Summoming and the checkpoint Triggers. in Wintermual when u clicked on a unit to bulid it, it spawned in the middle of the map for whomever summoned the unit and then moved from checkpoint to checkpoint.

Need Help with 1 of the point value trigger so in this case the lives each force has. in wintermual whenever a unit got passed blues or greens defence they lost a point or life in this case. what i also need done is a leaderborad and a text trigger one of those advanced text triggers shall we say. i need the leaderborad to show who has the most income for each team, how many lives each force, and also for each force who has the most income for that force instend of it showing up every 30 seconds for example its a 5v5 game and player 3 has the most income for force 1 then player 5 then 2 and 1 then 4 with the lowest income of force kinda like this and we will use force 1 as an example

Highest Force Income |
Force 2 |
Lives Remaining |
Force 1-18 |
Force 2-16 |
Most Income For Force 1|
Player 3-87 |
Player 5-64 |
Player 2-55 |
Player 1-38 |
Player 4-28 |

but i also need to be for each force but only the "Most income for force #".

and for the text trigger i need it to say something like this so we will use a unit from Wintermual for an example "Dragon Turtle Has Escaped 24 Lives Left" and what i ment by advanced was i need it for each unit summoned that hits the endpoint. but i'm not certian of that so it can be "(unit name)" Has Escaped 24 lives" or something like it

and if u want to do the trigger work on my map. u WILL get Credit for helping me with is map and also become a beta-tester for my map but in only 2 ways A:Giving me The Trigger Work as noted By the list for me to do it or B:Giving me ur via E-Mail And Allowing Me to Send U The Map In Either in a Zip or RAR File. but theres only 1 flaw to this. i cant send Through ICQ b/c it wont allow me to. only through E-mail i send Zip files through. b/c I use AOL and AOL allows me to send attached things via E-mail. but the ONLY way to get credit is my giving me ur Login name and the region u play in. and also the only way to become a beta-tester for my maps (if u want to) u have to play in Azeroth (U.S. east)
Level 2
Jun 18, 2005
Ummm, I had another problem. I was doing some cinema secuences, and, when I put the sound, th units don´t reproduces the sound. ¿Am I explain well? In the transmition of unit, there is a zone where you can put a sound, but when I put, the sound don´t work. Why?
Level 2
Jun 18, 2005
Why? What happen with my avatar?
Ah, and the camera works perfect, as I want

PS: What I need to do to ``hide´´ the terrain. I´m explain, I´m making a map, and in one scene, there is a planet, but, the terrain isn´t good for the scene. How I can do for the camera see the sky, x example?
Level 4
Jul 19, 2005
i have a very annoying proplem, can some 1 help me?

unit finishes casting a spell

If spell being cast equal to (spell name)

create special effect above target unit of ability being cast

Pause target unit of ability being cast

wait 4 seconds

unpause target unit of ability being cast

Destroy last created special effect

the weird thing is, the special effect happens, unit gets paused, the special effect dies, unit doesnt unpause
Level 13
Jul 4, 2005
Try this:

Unit - Unit finishes casting a spell

If (Spell being cast) Equal To <your spell>

Set TempUnit = (Target unit of ability being cast)
Special Effect - Create special effect overhead of TempUnit
Unit - Pause TempUnit
Wait 4.00 seconds
Unit - Unpause TempUnit
Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
Set TempUnit = No unit
Level 3
Jul 13, 2005
I may bre the crfeator of this forum but i too have a question, How do i make tile were my hero does a skill, kinda like in DBZ Tribute Utlra. If anyone needs help with Preview screens, loading screens, making custom panels, skinning, making icons, triggering, or unit making. Thats all I kno how to do. This is not Blizzard Technical Assistance and i cannot answer any technical glitched questions, Though ill allow you to post Technical Glitched Questions on this forum in hopes others might be able to solve ur problem.
Level 1
Aug 4, 2005
how do i make it so when a unit picks up a item a model of a weapon or somthing appears on him in a proper place?? ive tried many differnt ways but i cant get anything to work



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
Soliduma said:
how do i make it so when a unit picks up a item a model of a weapon or somthing appears on him in a proper place?? ive tried many differnt ways but i cant get anything to work

You have to import the models of that weapons. Then, in Actions, search for Special Effect.

Special Effect- Add a special effect (which is the model of the weapon you imported) in (righthand, lefthand, whatever).

Hope it helps. :wink:

Level 4
Jul 4, 2004
TheFatManSays said:
Change the player in the Player Propertys from Compurtor to User (btw nice skin)
thx about skin! But will it help when I want to make a campaignlike map? I want to make one user aviable player (Goracio)
for example

Force 1
1) Goracio (you play)
2) Villagers (allies)computer
Force 2
1)Messiah of Evil (enemy)computer
2)Local gangs (enemy)computer
Force 3
1) Ghiron (allied to you)computer

Help please!!!
Level 1
Jul 21, 2005
Trying to edit models

Hey im sure this has been asked befor but i couldent find it anywere how do i get the charector models i cant find the files...... i was going to try and edit them....... also what is the best program to do this with and do i need a special file extention? thanx!!
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