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Need help with ability balancing

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Level 10
Apr 9, 2004
Ok so i've made a hero and i've gievn him aal of his skills, but his skills don't seem very balanced int hat there are three active spells and 1 actiavtable spell. He's pretty much pure damage and i don't know what i should change.

Now heres a quick list of the skills

Roll-out: I've already talked about this skill, my hero is a pandaren, and he rolls up and rolls in a line, rolling over units stunning, dealing damage.

Thats a keeper

Next one is

Arctic Wind: He breathes out a cone of frost that slows units and deals small damage from cold every second for a fairly long time. I also rigged this one to freeze units if their health dropped too low (since it practically deals peanuts, i set the freeze rate to 10-15-2025% of their health before it freezes them for a relatively long duration. the small damage is to take care of weak units and basically cripple heroes, but not be very powerful.

Thones i think need to be replaced

Giga freeze (crappy name, didn't fell that origional that day)

Basically a war stomp with a ginat glacier animation instead. It freezes units and deals high damage. It's instant AOE and i figure it's unecessary so if anyone could give me some suggestions to replace this one i'd appreciate it.

Last but not least his ultimate, the actiavtable.

Iceferno: Activatable immolation that basically burns units like hell. He also gains a phoenix type ability that fires frost bolts out at units. Anyways this was used to complament the freezing ability and go with the rest more as a boosting ability than a super ultimate.

Perhaps replace this with something completely different

If anyone could make some suggestions for both spells. A passive would be nice but im trying to get all of his skills to stack because he deals relatively low damage with his two actives, so perhaps a cool active ultimate and a nice passive would be nice.

Please be as creative as possible, and remember, he's a pandaren and i'm using a modded fire pandaren moddle so keep the anims in mind.

Hope to hear some good ones.
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