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Need Help, LoadingScreen Help

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Level 2
Jan 10, 2006
Ok this is the problem, i want a LoadingScreen Picture, not minimap picture the big screen wen you load a map that screen.

How much i even try it dosen't work.
Many know this site called: THE HELPER
i followed that instruction still not working.
i downloaded a LoadingScreen(with picture) from this site (that one works) but i want my own picture.

I import it in WorldEdit(Not WEU)
with the picture and i name it LoadingScreen.mdx and the picture like: PicturesName.blp(it is blp format)
when i start the map its either a black or glowing white all over the screen and no picture.
the size of the picture is not bigger than 0.5mb.
The one on this website works. why? its a animated Loadingscreen.
FILES: LoadingScreen.mdx 1.blp 2.blp 3.blp 4.blp that one works fine.(this sites loadingscreen)
This is the programs i use.
Ulead Photoimpact(Full Version) i do the picture here with the size of 800x600.
War3 Image Extractor II(Full Version) i convert the .tga picture i made in Ulead Photoimpact to .blp format.
when i import the LoadingScreen.mdx i also check so i have imported it at the scroll menu: Scenario/Map Loading Screen/Use Imported File.

Can anyone tell me the problem here, i tried one more thing.
This Animated file from this page, i opened the 1.blp in Ulead Photoimpact and changed Picture and tried use it after the change, the LoadingScreen appeard Black.

Please help me, help me and you help all who ever wonder about this and has this problem.
if a really good answere comes that also helps me fix this problem, please /sticky so people can start make their dream maps, im making my dream map and it needs the LoadingScreen.

Thank you again for helping me out.
Level 4
Nov 9, 2005
There are many different LoadingScreen.mdx's. Normally, the one you downloaded uses one single picture as texture, right?
Did they tell you to name it "PicturesName.blp"? I guess not!
Normally, it should be "FullScreen.blp". However, I use a LoadingScreen.mdx that uses 4 textures:
- LoadingScreenTL.blp
- LoadingScreenTR.blp
- LoadingScreenBL.blp
- LoadingScreenBR.blp
It is a little better quality.

Look dude, i would first change the path to "FullScreen.blp". If you still have problems, PM me.

PS: You can always change the texture paths needed by converting the mdx to mdl and editting the mdl in notepad.
Level 2
Jan 10, 2006
They did say name your picture to FullScreen.blp, and i did that too still black or white glowing screen.

This one you use could you describe it four me, when i read the names of it i get the impression of a picture splitted in for parts and together they will be one big picture.

and this about converting from .mdx to .mdl i don't understand that part could you tell me that part too, a description like, you have Links to download the converter(even if it is this site) and show screenshots on where you change the texture paths and also a screen shot were i can see your worldedit importing manager with imported the LoadingScreen.mdx and the Picture.blp.

thank you for helping me out, keep going.
Level 4
Nov 9, 2005
Abe97 said:
i get the impression of a picture splitted in for parts and together they will be one big picture.
That's right...

Abe97 said:
and this about converting from .mdx to .mdl i don't understand that part could you tell me that part too
It's quite easy, download War3FileConverter from this site and use it to convert the *.mdx to *.mdl. Then you must open the file in notepad (you know notepad, at least, don't you?).
As you scroll down you will see some lines:

Textures # [#=depending on how many are used] {
	Bitmap {
		Image "[something]",
	Bitmap {
		Image "[sometimes nothing]",
	Bitmap {
		Image "[sometimes nothing]",

So for you LoadingScreen.mdx it's:

Textures 1 {
	Bitmap {
		Image "FullScreen.blp",

Now, change the texture's name or path (as it's called in warcraft). When you're finished, reconvert to *.mdx.
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