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Need advanced jump skill from PALADON's

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Level 7
May 6, 2008
Jump System [Paladon] - The Hive Workshop - A Warcraft III Modding Site

Infinite Duress (Active) not (Passive)

Warwick leaps onto an enemy, furiously slashing his opponent with his claws and rendering the victim completely helpless for a short duration. Warwick's furious barrage is able to cancel any channeling effect once it has begun.

Thins i need:
-It must be tarteged to unit not freely jumping on to ground
-stuns targeted unit for 1 second and deals 100 damage
-slams ground when he stops jumping and has meet the targeted unit ( not stunning slam thunder clap slam slows units for 2second and dealing them 25 damage)
-leave the jump effect from paladon's
-make it (4 level skill just put the first level things you see now i make rest 3level effects etc.
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