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Need a Terrainer. Badly.

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Level 13
Apr 19, 2007
Yup, starting a project, "Super Smash Bros. Ultima." And I need a Terrainer, because my terraining is horrible and my terraining would probably kill the whole thing (Yeah, it's that bad.) So someone to terrain would be great.

The requirements must be that they are fluent with anime and video games, because unlike most arenas, you will be running across a world with different areas from different franchises as you search to kill each other.

The base requirements are of course a space enough for at least 5 taverns for characters, a dueling arena and that's about it for base requirements needed for any arena map.

For the terrain itself I would like it to hopefully be 244 x 244 for the following that will be included

Space for atleast 5 Taverns,
Dueling Arena,
Hyrule Castle Town (The Legend of Zelda. Sorry about the crummy picture, I could not find a better, one, the castle itself is not neccessary, but would be a nice touch.)
Konoha (Naruto)
Mordor (Lord of the Rings)
Mushroom Kingdom (Super Mario Bros.)
Northrend (Warcraft ;) Is a picture really neccessary for this one? Extra points if Frozen Throne is included.)
Nexus (The middle of the map, I'll do what I can with the waygates that will direct everyone into a certain franchise's area. Some areas linking from area to area would be nice.)

Once again I would like it to be 244 x 244 unless you can do smaller and make it feel like you've effectivley captured each franchise's feel. (Like have Mordor look like a barren wasteland where the very air you breath is a poisonous fume.) Historically accurate is much appreciated, and should be attempted to the best of your abilities.

Of course there will be third party characters, but who those characers will be are a secret.

(Note:As for characters, in the later stages of the map, I may be requesting some models be made unless I can figure out this darned Blender program. But we'll cross that bridge when we get there.)

Now then Terrainers, feel free to give it your all, and just a heads up, I may not choose yours but someone else's, if that happens, please do not get angry.

All terrainers that gave it a try will be mentioned. The chosen terrainer will of course be credited for his/her work, after the Terrain is done, I will do as much as I can with the triggers, characters, balance, etc. (And maybe some AI for those with slower connections ;) )

There will NOT be music, I personally feel that the best way to listen to music during a warcraft game, is to use your own.

If the terrain gets done, which it hopefully will, then I will finish up to the best of my abilities, and if I need help, I'll know who to call, and no it's not the ghostbusters.

Well terrainers, if you have anymore questions (because I believe I have stated everything.), feel free to drop them off here. Now then, go out, create the earth and waters, and may the Valar watch over you!
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Level 10
Mar 8, 2006
Hmm. . .sounds interesting.

It may be a little hard to blend all of these various different types of places together.(i.e. Mordor and Mushroom kingdom)

My question is this:

Are the terrains going to "blend" into each other?(i.e. I walk out of Mordor and into Northrend)

Or will the characters be transported about the map via way gates or triggers?

I may take a stab at this if I get the time.
Level 13
Apr 19, 2007
It will be in a sense both.

The Nexus will be in the very middle, strewn with waygates connecting to their respected areas. (i.e. If Northrend is at the top of the map then the top waygate takes you to Northrend.)

There will be some hidden passageways in each area that will take you into it's connecting area, but mainly have them blocked off save for maybe a cave with a cave on the other side in the connecting area, or a crack that players could slip through.

And as for being blocked off, try and make it seem like it would be blocked off by the actual terrain (i.e. Having black mountains block off Mordor to whichever area. Or like city buildings block off Hyrule Castle Town.)

I hope this helps.
Level 13
Aug 31, 2005
Off Topic: Shouldnt this be in the request section?

On topic: This terrain seems impossible to make since you want something from practically every tileset in one map. Also, I dont think there is a way to convert models from blender (unless something came about recently).

Edit: didnt see above post.
Level 13
Apr 19, 2007
(Yes I know it's a double post, but it's an update so I think it might be neccessary.)

It is possible to get the desired things, I think you can use the following tilesets

Base: Northrend (So you get the snow tile.)

Used tiles:

Dark Dirt
Rocky Snow
Dark Grass
Dark Rock
Brick (Cityscape)
Level 4
Aug 29, 2006
i'm making a res Evil map map at the moment
and i think i'm a pro terrainer- u should see the terrain and the stuff i'm doing its bloody da bomb - i'll send a screenshot of it to you when i get my comp back.
Level 13
Apr 19, 2007
If you don't have your computer, than how are you typing right now? Lest you be sneaking this in school :p

But I honestly have doubts, why not put up a thread and show your work?
Level 13
Aug 31, 2005
(Yes I know it's a double post, but it's an update so I think it might be neccessary.)

It is possible to get the desired things, I think you can use the following tilesets

Base: Northrend (So you get the snow tile.)

Used tiles:

Dark Dirt
Rocky Snow
Dark Grass
Dark Rock
Brick (Cityscape)

Itll be hard to make a nice looking map using only these tiles. Unless the person is using WEU and can squeeze in a few extra tiles. Otherwise your ground texture will be bland everwhere except for northerend.
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