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Naga Projects

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Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
A discussion for the development of your map / mod / resource.

Current projects:
Group project - Naga tech tree design

Finished Projects:
Misha - Naga Death Knight
Misha - Naga Warlord
Varsaigen - Warlord Naj'entus
Interceptor - Naga UI
Misha - Naga freak (what are going to call him?)
Misha - Naga Sorceror
Misha - Chaos The Naga
Varsaigen - Naga Abyssal
Misha - Cinematic Myrmidon
Misha - Dragon
Lore-Wolf - Naga Cinematic
Misha - 3 tier Temple of the Tide
Misha - Proto-Naga

I will add to this list as we get more projects. If you have a project, then just say so.
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
Member's specialties

Chaos. - Terraining
Misha - Modeling
Varsaigen - Modeling
Veljkom - Object editor, AI
Supertoinkz - Object editor, 2-D art
Crazy Cow - terrain, GUI trigger, modeling

Tell me what you specialize in and I'll add you to the list. You dont have to be a pro, it just has to be what you're best at.
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
Just make acolyte unit and replace model with summoner. then she will have all of the nessesary abilities to pull it off. After that change the model file of the haunted gold mine to something naga like. For exampler, you could add some coral arch way attachments to it.
Level 9
Feb 14, 2009
Summoners around "Enchanted Gold Mine" is a good idea. I hope realizing it won't be a pain in the neck. I also remember Naga's "summoning rituals". I thought about an 11th building called "Palace of Summoning" where 5 workers must combine their strength to summon an incredibly powerful naga or something like that.
Also I want to ask shall I make a melee map by modifying a Blizzard map on sunken ruins or make a whole new map (campaign-like).
Level 11
Dec 13, 2008
hey guys, i got some unfortunate news. i gotta put my naga campaign on hold for now. as of now, i am working on three different maps (Naga Campaign, my RPG and Scourging of Azeroth) and I cannot get them done quick enough if I am focusing on three. So as of now, the naga campaign is on hold while i try and get my RPG and Scourging of Azeroth to a level where everything is done except triggers
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
lol, since you havent update your pics in forever i figured that you werent working on it now, so that is why i didnt put you on the list yet. When you get back to working on it just tell me and i put you on the list of naga projects.

And so what you trying to tell me is that your rpg and scourging of azeroth is more important then the naga, you should be ashamed of yourself, for putting nagas last on your list. lol
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
Hey Veljkom, could you send me that map with the sunken gold mine aswell. I might be able to use it also.
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
since you have been talking about your custom race, it encouraged me to start designing my custom naga race that i will be using for my next campaign. The naga race that i am making for FoO is going to be very basic. but the one that i will make for the next campaign will be alot more epic. So maybe i could get ideas from your race.

Some things that i will be doing for my race (and feel free to use any of the ideas) are:

-2 workers summoner and naga herbalist(name might change)
-summoner same idea as i gave you- summons the temple type buildings, harvests gold
-herbalist-an expert in coral- grows coral buildings (i will make them using coral attachments)
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
-Coral plantation- Will be the way of harvesting lumber. basically they grow coral instead of using wood. It will be like a tree, your herbalists must gather "lumber" from
these buidings in the same way as they would gather wood. once the building is out of coral it is destroyed and you must build a new one
-Coral mine- gold mine, same idea as hauted gold mine
-Naga warrior- siren model but i will give her a sword instead of a staff
-Naga archer- i will figure out how to remove hero glow from the naga sea witch
-Naga Catapult- ill try and request this model and see if i cant get it made. if not then ill just use attachments. although it would look better if it was made.
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
-Toxic warrior-use the incurser model. Spell caster with poison abilities
-Naga Siren-i will give her more unique abilities then she has right now
-? (1 more spellcaster)
-Land turtle- I dont know if this can be done or not, but it will be a transport turtle that can burrow on land. so basically you can put several units in it and then burrow to avoid being killed on land
-Sea drake-ultimate unit
-Tide baron-strength hero
-Enchantress-Inteligence hero
-Death knight- agility hero

btw in my campaignthe murlocs become independent from the naga. that is why i dont have murlocs in my race. i will be creating a seperate race for them. You will have to head to the new murloc city and destroy one of the murloc tribes as an example so that the other murlocs become re-enslaved.

Lol, i didnt know that there was a limit on the size of posti can make that is why its devided in three.
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
I don't see naga royal guard.
Herbalist could be named Laborer.Naga sea which isn't good idea for archer since she will leave body when she dies.Not to mention that you will have Naga Sea which hero in cinematic.Female naga don't fight only male naga do that so you should try to edit myrmidion or leave murloc.But to bad you kicked naga snap dragon.
The blizzard didn't make naga archers and catapults since that kind of weapons don't work under water or even wet.
And I will try to send you map now.
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
Well this is what i was planning for my naga campaign not FoO, so the fact that i would be using the sea witch as a unit and not a hero wouldnt matter , although you are right about the death anims, never even thought of that. And we dont have to follow blizzard exactly. So it wont matter if i have female fighter. I think that it would be pretty cool to have a female naga warrior. And the naga sea witch has a bow, so that part could still work. i dont know how i missed the royal guard. Ill probably throw him in the secondary barracks. And honestly i personally dont like the snap dragon that much.

And i could make it so that it is just a different clan of nagas that have different traditions. that way i could still put in female fighters and all that.
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
Well i dont necessarily need them to attack under water. They need to go on land to attack the night elves.
Maybe it is a special type of bow. that is probably how vashj can use a bow. Well i dont think that it is that big of a deal. I dont think that people are going to hate my campaign because i broke a few laws of physics, lol. And if they did hate it just for that reason then they got issues. But with a little imagination anything is possible. Ill just say that they are enchanted bows that work under water. Problem solved, lol.
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
I might just have to leave in the snap dragons, since my naga archer plan wont work because of death animation.
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
The idea was that naga males are stupid but strong (mutation caused the brain disfunction), and female nagas are smart and adept at magic.
But it is ironic since Royal guard is more powerful speelcaster then sirens.
And I have no idea why 4 arms?Or why so big hands in WoW.They can dig with them like a shovel.
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
-Tide baron-strength hero
-Enchantress-Inteligence hero
-Death knight- agility hero
why not use the Naga hero from warcraft instead of the Enchantress? She has a good number of useful abilities.

and I think the tyrtle should be the dragon turtle, cause it can also swim and looks large enough to maybe hold two. XD

VeljKom, the reason the bows can fire underwater is because of magic. Everyone knows that. lol

Chaos, maybe the other spell caster can be a necromancer. so you can revive your fallen troops.
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
Well i didnt put in the sea witch because i was planning on using her as an archer, but since that wont work because of death animation, i might put her back as a hero.

Yes it would be the dragon turtle.

Thats what we have the naga death knight for, to revive troops.
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
So, whats your point. I still got along way before i even start on this project so im sure youll be done it by the time i need it, lol.
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
whats so wrong with planning the BBQ before catching the meat.
lol just made that one up.
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
im not uncertain. najentus is the one i want first. i meant that it would be cool to adventually see the summoner. Wow! i need to make a bigger "feast". lol
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
You can do it. How are we supposed to win this battle if the one that is us extra units just decides to give up. Have you tried posting it in the model forum, to see if anyone wants to finish it?
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