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My idea´s and quesstions

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Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
I know this is WOTLK thing but since it isnt verry big and verry usefull to ppl in WoW I thought you might consider to add it. As you know extremly many ppl plays as twinks and the greatest thing about being twink is that you can turn of the exp bar for 10 g so i thought you might want to consider adding this function.

Also you need to update this forum Craka_J seriusly you havent updated that post were you promised us to write all the news since april and the change log hasent been updated since Feb.

And when you are done with 2.0 please for f- sake do only small updates so we can see what you´ve been doing. Couse right now it feals like we´re w8ing on next ice age to come.

You havent told us what will happen when a player dies are they gonna become a ghost or be revived at nerest grave?

And you should also try to find more ppl to work for the team couse five persons cant make that which took blizzard five years.

And it dont seems like your team work verry much we are never seing any new screenshots from you or we are never hearing of any new models or skin and you have been working on the character creation system for 5 mounths witheout we seing any screenshots of how the character creation system looks like.

And are you gonna make it like in wow that if you click on B you´ll see your backpack and if you type L you gonna get up your quest log?

And how is the gold system going to work will we have coppar silver and gold in 2.0?
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
I'll probably add an option for players to disable their experience like WoW has. A lot of people hate twinks, until they play twinks and actually succeed. It may be cheesy being overpowered in a battleground but it sure as hell is fun! So yeah, good idea. I actually forgot about that.

The forum and site hasn't gotten any updates because there isn't anything to talk about. Except plans for the mod which seem to grow dimmer and dimmer. Progress is either slow or dead usually. But it always manages to get back on track. It's just a matter of when we get enough done.

Lol yeah I guess small updates would be nice :D

I'm not sure how the 2.0 death & revival system will work. I'd like you to become a ghost at a nearby graveyard and have to rez within range of your corpse but I don't know yet how much work that will actually become. In the previous versions you would just respawn at a determined respawn point with a slight xp and gold loss.

No one WHO IS GOOD and IS DEDICATED are left in the community that wish to help Wc3:WoW. Everyone moved to StarCraft 2 lol.

Not sure how the backpacks will work since I learned that it was going to be an issue to have them onscreen. It may have to be a lousy fullscreen inventory instead. No plans yet on how you open it.

Don't even pay attention to the 2.0 change-log, I'm probably going to delete it. 2.0 will mainly just be a quick release that makes it playable and hopefully enough. There won't be a lot, but I don't think we'll have a WoW currency system in it.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
But you´ve also said there would be no raid groups in 2.0 but you said you´re gonna have Arati Basin and in Arati Basin there´s 15 ppl in each team?

And I really think you should keep the change log and update it it´s a really good way for every1 to know what you have done, not have done and what you´re working on tight now. And besides it cant take much time for you?

And good you´re making players able to shut off the exp bar it would be really hard to get gear and not level up at the same time witheout any AH
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